1% 2 = 1 2% 2 = 0 3% 2 = 1 Random_between(1,3) % 2 =更可能是1
在本例中,当您想要0到1之间的随机数时,不应该使用% 2。你可以通过% 3得到一个0到2之间的随机数,因为在这种情况下:RAND_MAX是3的倍数。
有更简单的方法,但要加上其他答案,这是我的解,得到一个0到n - 1之间的随机数,所以有n种不同的可能性,没有偏差。
编码可能性数量所需的比特数(不是字节数)就是您需要的随机数据的比特数 从随机位编码数字 如果这个数字是>= n,重新启动(不取模)。
next: n
| bitSize r from to |
n < 0 ifTrue: [^0 - (self next: 0 - n)].
n = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
n = 1 ifTrue: [^0].
cache isNil ifTrue: [cache := OrderedCollection new].
cache size < (self randmax highBit) ifTrue: [
Security.DSSRandom default next asByteArray do: [ :byte |
(1 to: 8) do: [ :i | cache add: (byte bitAt: i)]
r := 0.
bitSize := n highBit.
to := cache size.
from := to - bitSize + 1.
(from to: to) do: [ :i |
r := r bitAt: i - from + 1 put: (cache at: i)
cache removeFrom: from to: to.
r >= n ifTrue: [^self next: n].
rand() % 3 // if RAND_MAX were only 10, gives
output of rand() | rand()%3
0 | 0
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 0
4 | 1
5 | 2
6 | 0
7 | 1
8 | 2
9 | 0
一个比循环更好的解决方案(循环效率非常低,甚至不应该被建议使用)是使用输出范围大得多的PRNG。梅森Twister算法的最大输出为4,294,967,295。这样做MersenneTwister::genrand_int32() % 10,将是均匀分布的,模偏效应将几乎消失。
one is valid for all generators. It is easier to see in a limit case. If your generator has a RAND_MAX which is 2 (that isn't compliant with the C standard) and you want only 0 or 1 as value, using modulo will generate 0 twice as often (when the generator generates 0 and 2) as it will generate 1 (when the generator generates 1). Note that this is true as soon as you don't drop values, whatever the mapping you are using from the generator values to the wanted one, one will occurs twice as often as the other. some kind of generator have their less significant bits less random than the other, at least for some of their parameters, but sadly those parameter have other interesting characteristic (such has being able to have RAND_MAX one less than a power of 2). The problem is well known and for a long time library implementation probably avoid the problem (for instance the sample rand() implementation in the C standard use this kind of generator, but drop the 16 less significant bits), but some like to complain about that and you may have bad luck
int alea(int n){
assert (0 < n && n <= RAND_MAX);
int partSize =
n == RAND_MAX ? 1 : 1 + (RAND_MAX-n)/(n+1);
int maxUsefull = partSize * n + (partSize-1);
int draw;
do {
draw = rand();
} while (draw > maxUsefull);
return draw/partSize;
生成0到n之间的随机数将避免这两个问题(并且它避免RAND_MAX == INT_MAX溢出)
顺便说一句,c++ 11引入了标准方法来简化和rand()以外的其他生成器。
int x; {做 X = rand(); } while (x >= (RAND_MAX - RAND_MAX % n)); X %= n; 编辑于2016年3月25日23:16 Mark Amery 39k21170211
然而,它有一个警告,在RAND_MAX (RM)小于N的倍数(其中N =可能有效结果的数量)的任何场景中,它会丢弃1个有效结果集。
也就是说,当'count of values discarded' (D)等于N时,那么它们实际上是一个有效的集合(V),而不是一个无效的集合(I)。
N是一个集合,它的有效成员仅由正整数组成,因为它包含了有效响应的计数。(例如:Set N ={1,2,3,…N})
在最通用的形式中,这里定义为Rand Max的是所有有效结果的集合,理论上可以包括负数或非数值。
使用Mark的解决方案,当X => RM - RM % N时,值被丢弃
Ran Max Value (RM) = 255
Valid Outcome (N) = 4
When X => 252, Discarded values for X are: 252, 253, 254, 255
So, if Random Value Selected (X) = {252, 253, 254, 255}
Number of discarded Values (I) = RM % N + 1 == N
I = RM % N + 1
I = 255 % 4 + 1
I = 3 + 1
I = 4
X => ( RM - RM % N )
255 => (255 - 255 % 4)
255 => (255 - 3)
255 => (252)
Discard Returns $True
IE:当被丢弃的值的计数(I) = N(有效结果的数量),那么一个有效的返回值集将被原始函数丢弃。
D = (RM - N)
RM=255 , N=2 Then: D = 253, Lost percentage = 0.78125%
RM=255 , N=4 Then: D = 251, Lost percentage = 1.5625%
RM=255 , N=8 Then: D = 247, Lost percentage = 3.125%
RM=255 , N=16 Then: D = 239, Lost percentage = 6.25%
RM=255 , N=32 Then: D = 223, Lost percentage = 12.5%
RM=255 , N=64 Then: D = 191, Lost percentage = 25%
RM=255 , N= 128 Then D = 127, Lost percentage = 50%
int x;
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > (RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n) );
x %= n;
RAND_MAX = 3, n = 2, Values in RAND_MAX = 0,1,2,3, Valid Sets = 0,1 and 2,3.
When X >= (RAND_MAX - ( RAND_MAX % n ) )
When X >= 2 the value will be discarded, even though the set is valid.
RAND_MAX = 3, n = 2, Values in RAND_MAX = 0,1,2,3, Valid Sets = 0,1 and 2,3.
When X > (RAND_MAX - ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n )
When X > 3 the value would be discarded, but this is not a vlue in the set RAND_MAX so there will be no discard.
此外,在N应为RAND_MAX中值的数量的情况下;在这种情况下,你可以设置N = RAND_MAX +1,除非RAND_MAX = INT_MAX。
在循环方面,你可以使用N = 1, X的任何值都将被接受,然而,在你的最终乘数中放入一个IF语句。但是也许你的代码有一个合理的理由,当函数被n = 1调用时,返回1…
因此,当你希望n = RAND_MAX+1时,最好使用0,它通常会提供一个Div 0错误
int x;
if n != 0 {
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > (RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n) );
x %= n;
} else {
x = rand();
// Assumes:
// RAND_MAX is a globally defined constant, returned from the environment.
// int n; // User input, or externally defined, number of valid choices.
int x;
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > (RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n) ) );
x %= n;
扩展通解允许RAND_MAX+1 = n的一个附加场景:
// Assumes:
// RAND_MAX is a globally defined constant, returned from the environment.
// int n; // User input, or externally defined, number of valid choices.
int x;
if n != 0 {
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > (RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n) ) );
x %= n;
} else {
x = rand();
在某些语言(特别是解释型语言)中,在while条件之外执行比较操作的计算可能会导致更快的结果,因为无论需要重试多少次,这都是一次性计算。YMMV !
// Assumes:
// RAND_MAX is a globally defined constant, returned from the environment.
// int n; // User input, or externally defined, number of valid choices.
int x; // Resulting random number
int y; // One-time calculation of the compare value for x
y = RAND_MAX - ( ( ( RAND_MAX % n ) + 1 ) % n)
if n != 0 {
do {
x = rand();
} while (x > y);
x %= n;
} else {
x = rand();
// Assumptions
// rand() in [0, RAND_MAX]
// n in (0, RAND_MAX]
int x;
// Keep searching for an x in a range divisible by n
do {
x = rand();
} while (x >= RAND_MAX - (RAND_MAX % n))
x %= n;
1% 2 = 1 2% 2 = 0 3% 2 = 1 Random_between(1,3) % 2 =更可能是1
在本例中,当您想要0到1之间的随机数时,不应该使用% 2。你可以通过% 3得到一个0到2之间的随机数,因为在这种情况下:RAND_MAX是3的倍数。
有更简单的方法,但要加上其他答案,这是我的解,得到一个0到n - 1之间的随机数,所以有n种不同的可能性,没有偏差。
编码可能性数量所需的比特数(不是字节数)就是您需要的随机数据的比特数 从随机位编码数字 如果这个数字是>= n,重新启动(不取模)。
next: n
| bitSize r from to |
n < 0 ifTrue: [^0 - (self next: 0 - n)].
n = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
n = 1 ifTrue: [^0].
cache isNil ifTrue: [cache := OrderedCollection new].
cache size < (self randmax highBit) ifTrue: [
Security.DSSRandom default next asByteArray do: [ :byte |
(1 to: 8) do: [ :i | cache add: (byte bitAt: i)]
r := 0.
bitSize := n highBit.
to := cache size.
from := to - bitSize + 1.
(from to: to) do: [ :i |
r := r bitAt: i - from + 1 put: (cache at: i)
cache removeFrom: from to: to.
r >= n ifTrue: [^self next: n].
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