是否有很好的规则来说明何时使用Task。Delay vs . Thread.Sleep?
具体来说,是否存在一个最小值来保证其中一个比另一个更有效? 最后,自从任务。延迟导致异步/等待状态机上的上下文切换,是否有使用它的开销?
是否有很好的规则来说明何时使用Task。Delay vs . Thread.Sleep?
具体来说,是否存在一个最小值来保证其中一个比另一个更有效? 最后,自从任务。延迟导致异步/等待状态机上的上下文切换,是否有使用它的开销?
Awaiting a delayed task creates a new item in async message queue and doesn't block any threads. The same thread where the await is called will proceed working on other tasks should there be any, and will return to the await point after the timeout (or when the preceding items in queue are complete). Tasks under the hood use Threads - there can be many Tasks scheduled and executed in a single thread. On the other hand if you happen to call Thread.Sleep() the thread will block, i.e. it will be out of play for the amount of time asked and won't process any async messages from the queue.
在。net中有两种主要的并行方法。旧版本有线程、线程池等。而新的,基于任务,async/await, TPL。根据经验,不要将这两个领域的api混合使用。
使用await Task。延迟:当您希望在不阻塞当前线程的情况下进行逻辑延迟时。
Awaiting a delayed task creates a new item in async message queue and doesn't block any threads. The same thread where the await is called will proceed working on other tasks should there be any, and will return to the await point after the timeout (or when the preceding items in queue are complete). Tasks under the hood use Threads - there can be many Tasks scheduled and executed in a single thread. On the other hand if you happen to call Thread.Sleep() the thread will block, i.e. it will be out of play for the amount of time asked and won't process any async messages from the queue.
在。net中有两种主要的并行方法。旧版本有线程、线程池等。而新的,基于任务,async/await, TPL。根据经验,不要将这两个领域的api混合使用。
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Started " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
Console.WriteLine("Finished " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
static async void DoSomething1()
Console.WriteLine("DoSomething1 Started " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
var result = await DoSomething2();
Console.WriteLine("DoSomething1 Finished " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
static async Task<int> DoSomething2()
Console.WriteLine("DoSomething2 Started " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
await Task.Delay(5000); // Will block DoSomething1 but release Main
//Thread.Sleep(5000); // Will block everything including Main
//await Task.FromResult(5); // Will return immediately (just for comparison)
//await Task.Delay(0); // What will it do, can you guess?
Console.WriteLine("DoSomething2 Finished " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
return 0;
Started 1
DoSomething1 Started 1
DoSomething2 Started 1
Finished 1
DoSomething2 Finished 4
DoSomething1 Finished 4
This is purely based mine & team member observations. Lets assume that you have service which creates new task every for specific request (approx. 200-300 ongoing) and this task contains many weak references in flow. The task is working like state machine so we were firing the Thread.Sleep(1) on change state and by doing so we managed to optimize utilization of memory in the application - like I said before - this will makes GC to fire faster. It doesn't make so much difference in low memory consumption services (<1GB).
如果当前线程被杀死,你使用thread。Sleep并且它正在执行,那么你可能会得到一个ThreadAbortException。 与任务。延迟您总是可以提供一个取消令牌并优雅地终止它。这就是我选择Task.Delay的原因之一。参见http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/21177.visual-c-thread-sleep-vs-task-delay.aspx