



MySubClass.static1()   // If you overrode, you have to call it through MySubClass anyway.




Animal lassie = new Dog();
lassie.speak(); // outputs "woof!"
Animal kermit = new Frog();
kermit.speak(); // outputs "ribbit!"

尽管lassie和kermit都声明为Animal类型的对象,但它们的行为(method .speak())会有所不同,因为动态调度只会在运行时将方法调用.speak()绑定到实现,而不是在编译时。







I do not know Ruby much, as this was mentioned by the OP, I did some research. I see that in Ruby classes are really a special kind of object and one can create (even dynamically) new methods. Classes are full class objects in Ruby, they are not in Java. This is just something you will have to accept when working with Java (or C#). These are not dynamic languages, though C# is adding some forms of dynamic. In reality, Ruby does not have "static" methods as far as I could find - in that case these are methods on the singleton class object. You can then override this singleton with a new class and the methods in the previous class object will call those defined in the new class (correct?). So if you called a method in the context of the original class it still would only execute the original statics, but calling a method in the derived class, would call methods either from the parent or sub-class. Interesting and I can see some value in that. It takes a different thought pattern.


EDIT: One other comment. Now that I see the differences and as I Java/C# developer myself, I can understand why the answers you get from Java developers may be confusing if you are coming from a language like Ruby. Java static methods are not the same as Ruby class methods. Java developers will have a hard time understanding this, as will conversely those who work mostly with a language like Ruby/Smalltalk. I can see how this would also be greatly confusing by the fact that Java also uses "class method" as another way to talk about static methods but this same term is used differently by Ruby. Java does not have Ruby style class methods (sorry); Ruby does not have Java style static methods which are really just old procedural style functions, as found in C.


Here is a simple explanation. A static method is associated with a class while an instance method is associated with a particular object. Overrides allow calling the different implementation of the overridden methods associated with the particular object. So it is counter-intuitive to override static method which is not even associated with objects but the class itself in the first place. So static methods cannot be overridden based on what object is calling it, it will always be associated with the class where it was created.




package rflib.common.utils;
import haxe.ds.ObjectMap;

class SingletonsRegistry
  public static var instances:Map<Class<Dynamic>, Dynamic>;

  static function __init__()
    StaticsInitializer.addCallback(SingletonsRegistry, function()
      instances = null;


  public static function getInstance(cls:Class<Dynamic>, ?args:Array<Dynamic>)
    if (instances == null) {
      instances = untyped new ObjectMap<Dynamic, Dynamic>();      

    if (!instances.exists(cls)) 
      if (args == null) args = [];
      instances.set(cls, Type.createInstance(cls, args));

    return instances.get(cls);

  public static function validate(inst:Dynamic, cls:Class<Dynamic>)
    if (instances == null) return;

    var inst2 = instances[cls];
    if (inst2 != null && inst != inst2) throw "Can\'t create multiple instances of " + Type.getClassName(cls) + " - it's singleton!";







public class Vehicle {
static int VIN;

public static int getVehileNumber() {
    return VIN;

class Car extends Vehicle {
static int carNumber;

public static int getVehileNumber() {
    return carNumber;




public static final int getVehileNumber() {
return VIN;     }

总的来说,这取决于软件设计人员在哪里使用静态方法。 我个人更喜欢使用静态方法来执行某些操作,而不需要创建类的任何实例。第二,对外界隐藏一个类的行为。