性能(编码/解码时间) 内存消耗 表达清晰 库可用性,易用性(我更喜欢C)
性能(编码/解码时间) 内存消耗 表达清晰 库可用性,易用性(我更喜欢C)
I find both YAML and JSON to be very effective. The only two things that really dictate when one is used over the other for me is one, what the language is used most popularly with. For example, if I'm using Java, Javascript, I'll use JSON. For Java, I'll use their own objects, which are pretty much JSON but lacking in some features, and convert it to JSON if I need to or make it in JSON in the first place. I do that because that's a common thing in Java and makes it easier for other Java developers to modify my code. The second thing is whether I'm using it for the program to remember attributes, or if the program is receiving instructions in the form of a config file, in this case I'll use YAML, because it's very easily human read, has nice looking syntax, and is very easy to modify, even if you have no idea how YAML works. Then, the program will read it and convert it to JSON, or whatever is preferred for that language. In the end, it honestly doesn't matter. Both JSON and YAML are easily read by any experienced programmer.
从技术上讲,YAML提供了比JSON多得多的东西(YAML v1.2是JSON的超集):
评论 锚和继承- 3个相同项目的例子: item1: &anchor_name 名称:测试 title:测试标题 第二条:* anchor_name item3: < <: * anchor_name #你可以添加额外的东西。 ...
YAML额外的特性和简洁的符号使它成为配置文件(非用户提供的文件)的好选择。 JSON有限的特性、广泛的支持和更快的解析使其成为互操作性和用户提供数据的绝佳选择。
在一台快速机器上连续运行100次,平均秒数 数据集是一个3.44MB的JSON文件,包含从维基百科抓取的电影数据 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prust/wikipedia-movie-data/master/movies.json 链接来源:https://github.com/jdorfman/awesome-json-datasets
Python 3.8.3 timeit
JSON: 0.108
YAML CLoader: 3.684
YAML: 29.763
Perl 5.26.2 Benchmark::cmpthese
JSON XS: 0.107
YAML XS: 0.574
YAML Syck: 1.050
Perl 5.26.2 Dumbbench (Brian D Foy, excludes outliers)
JSON XS: 0.102
YAML XS: 0.514
YAML Syck: 1.027
YAML uses space indentation, which is familiar territory for Python developers. JavaScript developers love JSON because it is a subset of JavaScript and can be directly interpreted and written inside JavaScript, along with using a shorthand way to declare JSON, requiring no double quotes in keys when using typical variable names without spaces. There are a plethora of parsers that work very well in all languages for both YAML and JSON. YAML's space format can be much easier to look at in many cases because the formatting requires a more human-readable approach. YAML's form while being more compact and easier to look at can be deceptively difficult to hand edit if you don't have space formatting visible in your editor. Tabs are not spaces so that further confuses if you don't have an editor to interpret your keystrokes into spaces. JSON is much faster to serialize and deserialize because of significantly less features than YAML to check for, which enables smaller and lighter code to process JSON. A common misconception is that YAML needs less punctuation and is more compact than JSON but this is completely false. Whitespace is invisible so it seems like there are less characters, but if you count the actual whitespace which is necessary to be there for YAML to be interpreted properly along with proper indentation, you will find YAML actually requires more characters than JSON. JSON doesn't use whitespace to represent hierarchy or grouping and can be easily flattened with unnecessary whitespace removed for more compact transport.
JavaScript显然以巨大的优势统治着网络,JavaScript开发人员更喜欢使用JSON作为数据格式,以及流行的web api,因此在进行一般意义上的web编程时,很难争论使用YAML还是JSON,因为在团队环境中你可能会被压倒。事实上,大多数web程序员甚至不知道YAML的存在,更不用说考虑使用它了。
如果您关心更好的解析速度,那么可以选择将数据存储在JSON中。我必须从其他用户修改文件的位置解析数据,因此我使用YAML,因为与JSON相比,它提供了更好的可读性。 你还可以在YAML文件中添加注释,这在JSON文件中是做不到的。