
性能(编码/解码时间) 内存消耗 表达清晰 库可用性,易用性(我更喜欢C)





摘自:Arnaud Lauret的书《Web api的设计》。”:



An object is delimited by curly braces ({}). A name is a quoted string ("name") and is sep- arated from its value by a colon (:). A value can be a string like "value", a number like 1.23, a Boolean (true or false), the null value null, an object, or an array. An array is delimited by brackets ([]), and its values are separated by commas (,). The JSON format is easily parsed using any programming language. It is also relatively easy to read and write. It is widely adopted for many uses such as databases, configura- tion files, and, of course, APIs.


YAML (YAML Ain 't Markup Language)是一种人性化的数据序列化格式。和JSON一样,YAML (http://yaml.org)也是一种键/值数据格式。该图显示了两者的比较。


在YAML中,属性名和值周围没有双引号(“”)。 JSON的结构花括号({})和逗号(,)被换行符和取代 YAML的压痕。 数组中的括号([])和逗号(,)被破折号(-)和换行符取代 YAML。 与JSON不同,YAML允许以#开头的注释。 将其中一种格式转换为另一种格式相对容易。不过要预先警告,在将YAML文档转换为JSON时会丢失注释。


如果您关心更好的解析速度,那么可以选择将数据存储在JSON中。我必须从其他用户修改文件的位置解析数据,因此我使用YAML,因为与JSON相比,它提供了更好的可读性。 你还可以在YAML文件中添加注释,这在JSON文件中是做不到的。




正如@jdupont指出的,YAML在视觉上更容易看。事实上,YAML主页本身就是有效的YAML,但是它很容易被人阅读。 YAML能够使用“锚”引用YAML文件中的其他项。因此,它可以像在MySQL数据库中一样处理关系信息。 YAML在YAML文件中嵌入其他序列化格式(如JSON或XML)方面更加健壮。





YAML, depending on how you use it, can be more readable than JSON JSON is often faster and is probably still interoperable with more systems It's possible to write a "good enough" JSON parser very quickly Duplicate keys, which are potentially valid JSON, are definitely invalid YAML. YAML has a ton of features, including comments and relational anchors. YAML syntax is accordingly quite complex, and can be hard to understand. It is possible to write recursive structures in yaml: {a: &b [*b]}, which will loop infinitely in some converters. Even with circular detection, a "yaml bomb" is still possible (see xml bomb). Because there are no references, it is impossible to serialize complex structures with object references in JSON. YAML serialization can therefore be more efficient. In some coding environments, the use of YAML can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code.


Python programmers are generally big fans of YAML, because of the use of indentation, rather than bracketed syntax, to indicate levels. Many programmers consider the attachment of "meaning" to indentation a poor choice. If the data format will be leaving an application's environment, parsed within a UI, or sent in a messaging layer, JSON might be a better choice. YAML can be used, directly, for complex tasks like grammar definitions, and is often a better choice than inventing a new language.


I find both YAML and JSON to be very effective. The only two things that really dictate when one is used over the other for me is one, what the language is used most popularly with. For example, if I'm using Java, Javascript, I'll use JSON. For Java, I'll use their own objects, which are pretty much JSON but lacking in some features, and convert it to JSON if I need to or make it in JSON in the first place. I do that because that's a common thing in Java and makes it easier for other Java developers to modify my code. The second thing is whether I'm using it for the program to remember attributes, or if the program is receiving instructions in the form of a config file, in this case I'll use YAML, because it's very easily human read, has nice looking syntax, and is very easy to modify, even if you have no idea how YAML works. Then, the program will read it and convert it to JSON, or whatever is preferred for that language. In the end, it honestly doesn't matter. Both JSON and YAML are easily read by any experienced programmer.