public class Parent {
//Define things that all classes share
String maidenName;
String familyTree;
//Give the top class a default method
public void speak(){
System.out.println("We are all Parents");
public class Father extends Parent{
//Can use maidenName and familyTree here
String name="Joe";
String called="dad";
//Give the top class a default method
public void speak(){
System.out.println("I am "+name+", the father.");
public class Child extends Father {
//Can use maidenName, familyTree, called and name here
//Give the top class a default method
public void speak(){
System.out.println("Hi "+called+". What are we going to do today?");
public class Parenting{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Parent parents = new Parent();
Parent parent = new Father();
Parent child = new Child();
注意,每个类需要在单独的*.java文件中声明。 代码应该被编译。 还要注意,您可以继续使用maidenName和familyTree。 这就是多态性的概念。 这里还探讨了继承的概念,可以使用一个类,或者由子类进一步定义。
希望这能帮到你,让你明白。 当我找到一台我可以用来验证代码的计算机时,我会发布结果。谢谢您的耐心等待!
for example, Shape is an interface, it has Square, Circle, Diamond subtypes. now you have a Square object, you can upcasting Square to Shape automatically, because Square is a Shape. But when you try to downcasting Shape to Square, you must do explicit type casting, because you can't say Shape is Square, it could be Circle as well. so you need manually cast it with code like Square s = (Square)shape, what if the shape is Circle, you will get java.lang.ClassCastException, because Circle is not Square.
Function overloading: defining multiple functions with the same name and different parameter types, such as sqrt(float), sqrt(double) and sqrt(complex). In most languages that allow this, the compiler will automatically select the correct one for the type of argument being passed into it, thus this is compile-time polymorphism. Virtual methods in OOP: a method of a class can have various implementations tailored to the specifics of its subclasses; each of these is said to override the implementation given in the base class. Given an object that may be of the base class or any of its subclasses, the correct implementation is selected on the fly, thus this is run-time polymorphism. Templates: a feature of some OO languages whereby a function, class, etc. can be parameterised by a type. For example, you can define a generic "list" template class, and then instantiate it as "list of integers", "list of strings", maybe even "list of lists of strings" or the like. Generally, you write the code once for a data structure of arbitrary element type, and the compiler generates versions of it for the various element types.
public interface Musician {
public void play(Work work);
public interface Work {
public String getScript();
public class FugaAndToccata implements Work {
public String getScript() {
return Bach.getFugaAndToccataScript();
public class AnnHalloway implements Musician {
public void play(Work work) {
// plays in her own style, strict, disciplined
String script = work.getScript()
public class VictorBorga implements Musician {
public void play(Work work) {
// goofing while playing with superb style
String script = work.getScript()
public class Listener {
public void main(String[] args) {
Musician musician;
if (args!=null && args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("C")) {
musician = new AnnHalloway();
} else {
musician = new TerryGilliam();
musician.play(new FugaAndToccata());
这就是我找到上面定义的地方。在视频中大约50分钟,教练解释了上述内容。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMuno5RZNeE
// Class definitions
class Fraction
public $numerator;
public $denominator;
public function __construct($n, $d)
// In real life, you'd do some type checking, making sure $d != 0, etc.
$this->numerator = $n;
$this->denominator = $d;
public function display()
echo $this->numerator . '/' . $this->denominator;
class ComplexNumber
public $real;
public $imaginary;
public function __construct($a, $b)
$this->real = $a;
$this->imaginary = $b;
public function display()
echo $this->real . '+' . $this->imaginary . 'i';
// Main program
$fraction = new Fraction(1, 2);
$complex = new ComplexNumber(1, 2);
echo 'This is a fraction: '
echo "\n";
echo 'This is a complex number: '
echo "\n";
This is a fraction: 1/2
This is a complex number: 1 + 2i
其他一些答案似乎暗示多态性只与继承一起使用;例如,可能Fraction和ComplexNumber都实现了一个名为Number的抽象类,该类有一个方法display(), Fraction和ComplexNumber都必须实现这个方法。但是您不需要继承来利用多态性。
$userNumberChoice = $_GET['userNumberChoice'];
switch ($userNumberChoice) {
case 'fraction':
$userNumber = new Fraction(1, 2);
case 'complex':
$userNumber = new ComplexNumber(1, 2);
echo "The user's number is: ";
echo "\n";