







I don't know for sure what I would do in your position, but at least one developer who found his cracked software available as a torrent emailed the host to complain -- not about the crack, but about the quality of the crack. It seems that the cracker didn't do a very good job and made the software less desirable. The developer was apparently horrified that his product, with his name, was going out to people and would ruin his product's good reputation, and demanded that if someone was going to crack it, that they needed to do a better job!





I agree with GSto... a lot of people aren't going to use a cracked version, I think really its a small minority of people who are willing to do such a thing since they are often wrought with viruses and it just isn't the type of thing that most people would go through the hassle of bothering with, the only way that it would be in jeapordy is if your app is some sort of hacking / black hat marketing app which is, itself, shady and therefore something sought after by the demographic who is most likely to use cracked software..



making your software more hack proof the next time, will only make the hackers curse you more... and essentially make the chances of them buying the software even lower. take the music industry, instead of chasing after people as the record companies did in the past, they decided just to make it easier for people to obtain the music in the first place, like on itunes. getting music on itunes nowadays is quicker then limewire! limewire, you might not find what song you are looking for, and you might get a virus, or a bad version, while downloading from itunes is probably quicker as well! also, instead of chasing every joe blogs that illegally posts their song on youtube, they post their own songs on youtube, and link it to a purchase... good marketing i think, but a bit off the point i suppose. If someone has a choice of going to another room, finding their credit card, typing in ALL the details, or just getting it quicker for free via torrent... they will chose option B. So my advice is:



