It is particularly important to realize that you must not use this method to size a container and assume that you can read the entirety of the stream without needing to resize the container. Such callers should probably write everything they read to a ByteArrayOutputStream and convert that to a byte array. Alternatively, if you're reading from a file, File.length returns the current length of the file (though assuming the file's length can't change may be incorrect, reading a file is inherently racy).
It is particularly important to realize that you must not use this method to size a container and assume that you can read the entirety of the stream without needing to resize the container. Such callers should probably write everything they read to a ByteArrayOutputStream and convert that to a byte array. Alternatively, if you're reading from a file, File.length returns the current length of the file (though assuming the file's length can't change may be incorrect, reading a file is inherently racy).
如果您不想使用Apache common -io库,则此代码片段取自sun.misc.IOUtils类。它的速度几乎是使用ByteBuffers的普通实现的两倍:
public static byte[] readFully(InputStream is, int length, boolean readAll)
throws IOException {
byte[] output = {};
if (length == -1) length = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int pos = 0;
while (pos < length) {
int bytesToRead;
if (pos >= output.length) { // Only expand when there's no room
bytesToRead = Math.min(length - pos, output.length + 1024);
if (output.length < pos + bytesToRead) {
output = Arrays.copyOf(output, pos + bytesToRead);
} else {
bytesToRead = output.length - pos;
int cc = is.read(output, pos, bytesToRead);
if (cc < 0) {
if (readAll && length != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new EOFException("Detect premature EOF");
} else {
if (output.length != pos) {
output = Arrays.copyOf(output, pos);
pos += cc;
return output;
// Read the file contents into a byte[] array
byte[] buf = new byte[inputStreamLength];
int bytesRead = Math.max(0, inputStream.read(buf));
// If needed: for safety, truncate the array if the file may somehow get
// truncated during the read operation
byte[] contents = bytesRead == inputStreamLength ? buf
: Arrays.copyOf(buf, bytesRead);
您可以使用cactoos库提供可重用的面向对象的Java组件。 这个库强调OOP,因此没有静态方法、null等等,只有真实对象及其契约(接口)。 像读取InputStream这样的简单操作可以这样执行
final InputStream input = ...;
final Bytes bytes = new BytesOf(input);
final byte[] array = bytes.asBytes();
new byte[]{65, 66, 67}
使用专用类型Bytes来处理数据结构byte[]使我们能够使用OOP策略来解决手头的任务。 一些程序性的“效用”方法将禁止我们做的事情。 例如,您需要将从此InputStream读取的字节封装到Base64。 在本例中,您将使用Decorator模式并在Base64的实现中封装Bytes对象。 Cactoos已经提供了这样的实现:
final Bytes encoded = new BytesBase64(
new BytesOf(
new InputStreamOf("XYZ")
Assert.assertEquals(new TextOf(encoded).asString(), "WFla");
final Bytes decoded = new Base64Bytes(
new BytesBase64(
new BytesOf(
new InputStreamOf("XYZ")
Assert.assertEquals(new TextOf(decoded).asString(), "XYZ");
用于读取(和写入)图像的Java标准API是ImageIO API,您可以在javax.imageio包中找到它。你可以用一行代码从文件中读入一张图片:
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(new File("image.jpg"));
这将给您一个BufferedImage,而不是一个字节[]。要获取图像数据,可以在BufferedImage上调用getRaster()。这将为您提供一个光栅对象,该对象具有访问像素数据的方法(它有几个getPixel() / getPixels()方法)。
查找javax.imageio的API文档。ImageIO java.awt.image。BufferedImage, java。awt。image。raster等等。
ImageIO默认支持多种图像格式:JPEG, PNG, BMP, WBMP和GIF。可以添加对更多格式的支持(您需要一个实现ImageIO服务提供程序接口的插件)。
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