



我写了这个应用程序一段时间前,http://sqlschemasourcectrl.codeplex.com/,它会扫描你的MSFT SQL db的经常你想,并自动转储你的对象(表,视图,procs,函数,SQL设置)到SVN。效果非常好。我把它和unduddle一起使用(它可以让我在签到时收到提醒)


我同意ESV的答案,正是出于这个原因,我开始了一个小项目,以帮助维护一个非常简单的文件中的数据库更新,然后可以在一个很长的源代码之外进行维护。它允许对开发人员以及UAT和生产进行轻松的更新。该工具适用于SQL Server和MySQL。


允许模式更改 允许值树填充 允许单独的测试数据插入,例如。UAT 允许回滚选项(不是自动的) 维护对SQL server和MySQL的支持 有能力导入现有的数据库到版本控制与一个简单的命令(SQL server仅…仍在开发MySQL)



现在,如果您的目标是只对数据库的模式进行版本控制,那么您可以简单地使用xSQL schema Compare来生成模式的xSQL快照,并在版本控制中添加这些文件。然后,要恢复或更新到特定版本,只需将数据库的当前版本与目标版本的快照进行比较。

Also, if you want to have the data under version control as well, you can use xSQL Data Compare to generate change scripts for you database and add the .sql files in your version control. You could then execute these scripts to revert / update to any version you want. Keep in mind that for the 'revert' functionality you need to generate change scripts that, when executed, will make Version 3 the same as Version 2 and for the 'update' functionality, you need to generate change scripts that do the opposite.

最后,通过一些基本的批处理编程技能,您可以使用命令行版本的xSQL Schema Compare和xSQL Data Compare来自动化整个过程



SqlCompare also has a decently documented API: so you can, for instance, write a console app which syncs your source controlled scripts folder with a CI integration testing database on checkin, so that when someone checks in a change to the schema from their scripts folder it's automatically deployed along with the matching application code change. This helps close the gap with developers who are forgetful about propagating changes in their local db up to a shared development DB (about half of us, I think :) ).

A caveat is that with a scripted solution or otherwise, the RedGate tools are sufficiently smooth that it's easy to forget about SQL realities underlying the abstraction. If you rename all the columns in a table, SqlCompare has no way to map the old columns to the new columns and will drop all the data in the table. It will generate warnings but I've seen people click past that. There's a general point here worth making, I think, that you can only automate DB versioning and upgrade so far - the abstractions are very leaky.

我写了这个应用程序一段时间前,http://sqlschemasourcectrl.codeplex.com/,它会扫描你的MSFT SQL db的经常你想,并自动转储你的对象(表,视图,procs,函数,SQL设置)到SVN。效果非常好。我把它和unduddle一起使用(它可以让我在签到时收到提醒)

在Red Gate,我们提供了一个工具,SQL Source Control,它使用SQL Compare技术将数据库与TFS或SVN存储库链接起来。该工具集成到SSMS中,让您像往常一样工作,只是现在允许提交对象。

对于基于迁移的方法(更适合于自动化部署),我们提供了SQL Change Automation(以前称为ReadyRoll),它作为Visual Studio项目创建和管理一组增量脚本。

