我一直在思考如何保护我的C/ c++代码不被反汇编和逆向工程破坏。通常情况下,在我的代码中,我绝不会宽恕这种行为;然而,为了各种人的安全,我目前正在研究的协议决不能被检查或理解。



Code injection (calling dummy functions before and after actual function calls) Code obfustication (mangles the disassembly of the binary) Write my own startup routines (harder for debuggers to bind to) void startup(); int _start() { startup( ); exit (0) } void startup() { /* code here */ } Runtime check for debuggers (and force exit if detected) Function trampolines void trampoline(void (*fnptr)(), bool ping = false) { if(ping) fnptr(); else trampoline(fnptr, true); } Pointless allocations and deallocations (stack changes a lot) Pointless dummy calls and trampolines (tons of jumping in disassembly output) Tons of casting (for obfuscated disassembly)



有人试过codemoth: http://www.sourceformat.com/code-obfuscator.htm吗? 或者Themida: http://www.oreans.com/themida_features.php ?












I've used their hardware protection method (Sentinel HASP HL) for many years. It requires a proprietary USB key fob which acts as the 'license' for the software. Their SDK encrypts and obfuscates your executable & libraries, and allows you to tie different features in your application to features burned into the key. Without a USB key provided and activated by the licensor, the software can not decrypt and hence will not run. The Key even uses a customized USB communication protocol (outside my realm of knowledge, I'm not a device driver guy) to make it difficult to build a virtual key, or tamper with the communication between the runtime wrapper and key. Their SDK is not very developer friendly, and is quite painful to integrate adding protection with an automated build process (but possible).

Before we implemented the HASP HL protection, there were 7 known pirates who had stripped the dotfuscator 'protections' from the product. We added the HASP protection at the same time as a major update to the software, which performs some heavy calculation on video in real time. As best I can tell from profiling and benchmarking, the HASP HL protection only slowed the intensive calculations by about 3%. Since that software was released about 5 years ago, not one new pirate of the product has been found. The software which it protects is in high demand in it's market segment, and the client is aware of several competitors actively trying to reverse engineer (without success so far). We know they have tried to solicit help from a few groups in Russia which advertise a service to break software protection, as numerous posts on various newsgroups and forums have included the newer versions of the protected product.

最近,我们在一个较小的项目上尝试了他们的软件许可解决方案(HASP SL),如果您已经熟悉HL产品,那么这个解决方案就足够简单了。它似乎有效;目前还没有关于盗版事件的报道,但这款产品的需求要低得多。


Take, for example, the AES algorithm. It's a very, very public algorithm, and it is VERY secure. Why? Two reasons: It's been reviewed by lots of smart people, and the "secret" part is not the algorithm itself - the secret part is the key which is one of the inputs to the algorithm. It's a much better approach to design your protocol with a generated "secret" that is outside your code, rather than to make the code itself secret. The code can always be interpreted no matter what you do, and (ideally) the generated secret can only be jeopardized by a massive brute force approach or through theft.

