如何确定Swift enum中的案例数?



Swift 3版本使用Int类型枚举:

protocol CaseCountable: RawRepresentable {}
extension CaseCountable where RawValue == Int {
    static var count: RawValue {
        var i: RawValue = 0
        while let _ = Self(rawValue: i) { i += 1 }
        return i

演职员名单:本文基于bzz和Nate Cook的回答。

泛型IntegerType(在Swift 3中重命名为Integer)不受支持,因为它是一个严重碎片化的泛型类型,缺少很多函数。继任者在Swift 3中不再可用。

注意代码指挥官对Nate Cooks回答的注释仍然有效:

虽然这很好,因为您不需要硬编码一个值,但这会 每次调用枚举值时实例化每个枚举值。这是O(n) 而不是O(1)

据我所知,由于泛型类型中不支持静态存储属性,因此在使用此作为协议扩展时(并且没有像Nate Cook那样在每个枚举中实现)目前没有解决方案。



我定义了一个可重用的协议,它根据Nate Cook发布的方法自动执行案例计数。

protocol CaseCountable {
    static var caseCount: Int { get }

extension CaseCountable where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == Int {
    internal static var caseCount: Int {
        var count = 0
        while let _ = Self(rawValue: count) {
            count += 1
        return count


enum Planet : Int, CaseCountable {
    case Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


enum Test : Int {
    case ONE = 1
    case TWO
    case THREE
    case FOUR // if you later need to add additional enums add above COUNT so COUNT is always the last enum value 
    case COUNT

    static var count: Int { return Test.COUNT.rawValue } // note if your enum starts at 0, some other number, etc. you'll need to add on to the raw value the differential 


以下方法来自CoreKit,与其他人建议的答案相似。这适用于Swift 4。

public protocol EnumCollection: Hashable {
    static func cases() -> AnySequence<Self>
    static var allValues: [Self] { get }

public extension EnumCollection {

    public static func cases() -> AnySequence<Self> {
        return AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<Self> in
            var raw = 0
            return AnyIterator {
                let current: Self = withUnsafePointer(to: &raw) { $0.withMemoryRebound(to: self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee } }
                guard current.hashValue == raw else {
                    return nil
                raw += 1
                return current

    public static var allValues: [Self] {
        return Array(self.cases())

enum Weekdays: String, EnumCollection {
    case sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday



func testEnumCountIsEqualToNumberOfItemsInEnum() {

    var max: Int = 0
    while let _ = Test(rawValue: max) { max += 1 }

    XCTAssert(max == Test.count)


enum Test {

    case one
    case two
    case three
    case four

    static var count: Int { return Test.four.hashValue + 1}

在主代码中给你O(1),加上如果有人添加了enum case 5并且没有更新count的实现,你会得到一个失败的测试。

在Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10)中,你可以声明 符合CaseIterable协议,这适用于所有 没有关联值的枚举:

enum Stuff: CaseIterable {
    case first
    case second
    case third
    case forth


print(Stuff.allCases.count) // 4

