


 List<Customer> list ...;
 List<Customer> newList = new ArrayList<>();
 for (Customer c : list){
    if (c.getName().equals("dd")) newList.add(c);

简单、易读、简单(在Android上也适用!) 但如果你使用的是Java 8,你可以用一句简单的话来实现:

List<Customer> newList = list.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("dd")).collect(toList());



Java集合流的一个替代(更轻量级的)选择是Ocl.java库,它使用vanilla集合和lambdas: https://github.com/eclipse/agileuml/blob/master/Ocl.java

例如,对数组列表中的单词进行简单的筛选和求和 可能是:

ArrayList<Word> sel = Ocl.selectSequence(words, 
                             w -> w.pos.equals("NN")); 
int total = Ocl.sumint(Ocl.collectSequence(sel,
                             w -> w.text.length())); 

Where Word有字符串pos;字符串文本;属性。效率似乎与流选项相似,例如,在两个版本中,10000个单词在大约50毫秒内处理。

Python、Swift等都有等效的OCL库。基本上,Java集合流重新发明了OCL操作——>select, ->collect等,这些操作自1998年以来就存在于OCL中。

使用来自Apache Commons的CollectionUtils.filter(Collection,Predicate)。

您可以使用ForEach DSL编写

import static ch.akuhn.util.query.Query.select;
import static ch.akuhn.util.query.Query.$result;
import ch.akuhn.util.query.Select;

Collection<String> collection = ...

for (Select<String> each : select(collection)) {
    each.yield = each.value.length() > 3;

Collection<String> result = $result();

给定一个集合[The, quick, brown, fox, jumping, over, The, lazy, dog],结果是[quick, brown, jumping, over, lazy],即所有字符串都长于三个字符。

ForEach DSL支持的所有迭代样式都是

AllSatisfy AnySatisfy 收集 Counnt CutPieces 检测 GroupedBy IndexOf InjectInto 拒绝 选择


JFilter http://code.google.com/p/jfilter/最适合您的需求。

JFilter是一个简单、高性能的开源库,用于查询Java bean集合。


Support of collection (java.util.Collection, java.util.Map and Array) properties. Support of collection inside collection of any depth. Support of inner queries. Support of parameterized queries. Can filter 1 million records in few 100 ms. Filter ( query) is given in simple json format, it is like Mangodb queries. Following are some examples. { "id":{"$le":"10"} where object id property is less than equals to 10. { "id": {"$in":["0", "100"]}} where object id property is 0 or 100. {"lineItems":{"lineAmount":"1"}} where lineItems collection property of parameterized type has lineAmount equals to 1. { "$and":[{"id": "0"}, {"billingAddress":{"city":"DEL"}}]} where id property is 0 and billingAddress.city property is DEL. {"lineItems":{"taxes":{ "key":{"code":"GST"}, "value":{"$gt": "1.01"}}}} where lineItems collection property of parameterized type which has taxes map type property of parameteriszed type has code equals to GST value greater than 1.01. {'$or':[{'code':'10'},{'skus': {'$and':[{'price':{'$in':['20', '40']}}, {'code':'RedApple'}]}}]} Select all products where product code is 10 or sku price in 20 and 40 and sku code is "RedApple".

