在Swift 4中,你可以使用gcd调度队列来锁定资源。
class MyObject {
private var internalState: Int = 0
private let internalQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label:"LockingQueue") // Serial by default
var state: Int {
get {
return internalQueue.sync { internalState }
set (newState) {
internalQueue.sync { internalState = newState }
You can use tasks to break up your program into isolated, concurrent pieces. Tasks are isolated from each other, which is what makes it safe for them to run at the same time, but sometimes you need to share some information between tasks. Actors let you safely share information between concurrent code. Like classes, actors are reference types, so the comparison of value types and reference types in Classes Are Reference Types applies to actors as well as classes. Unlike classes, actors allow only one task to access their mutable state at a time, which makes it safe for code in multiple tasks to interact with the same instance of an actor. For example, here’s an actor that records temperatures: actor TemperatureLogger { let label: String var measurements: [Int] private(set) var max: Int init(label: String, measurement: Int) { self.label = label self.measurements = [measurement] self.max = measurement } } You introduce an actor with the actor keyword, followed by its definition in a pair of braces. The TemperatureLogger actor has properties that other code outside the actor can access, and restricts the max property so only code inside the actor can update the maximum value.
要了解更多信息,请参见WWDC视频《使用Swift actor保护可变状态》。
GCD serial queue: This is a simple pre-concurrency approach to ensure that one one thread at a time will interact with the shared resource. Reader-writer pattern with concurrent GCD queue: In reader-writer patterns, one uses a concurrent dispatch queue to perform synchronous, but concurrent, reads (but concurrent with other reads only, not writes) but perform writes asynchronously with a barrier (forcing writes to not be performed concurrently with anything else on that queue). This can offer a performance improvement over a simple GCD serial solution, but in practice, the advantage is modest and comes at the cost of additional complexity (e.g., you have to be careful about thread-explosion scenarios). IMHO, I tend to avoid this pattern, either sticking with the simplicity of the serial queue pattern, or, when the performance difference is critical, using a completely different pattern. Locks: In my Swift tests, lock-based synchronization tends to be substantially faster than either of the GCD approaches. Locks come in a few flavors: NSLock is a nice, relatively efficient lock mechanism. In those cases where performance is of paramount concern, I use “unfair locks”, but you must be careful when using them from Swift (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/66525671/1271826). For the sake of completeness, there is also the recursive lock. IMHO, I would favor simple NSLock over NSRecursiveLock. Recursive locks are subject to abuse and often indicate code smell. You might see references to “spin locks”. Many years ago, they used to be employed where performance was of paramount concern, but they are now deprecated in favor of unfair locks. Technically, one can use semaphores for synchronization, but it tends to be the slowest of all the alternatives.
您可以创建propertyWrapper synchronized
这里是NSLock下罩的例子。你可以使用任何你想要的同步GCD, posix_locks等
@propertyWrapper public struct Synchronised<T> {
private let lock = NSLock()
private var _wrappedValue: T
public var wrappedValue: T {
get {
defer {
return _wrappedValue
set {
defer {
_wrappedValue = newValue
public init(wrappedValue: T) {
self._wrappedValue = wrappedValue
@Synchronised var example: String = "testing"
一种锁,可以被同一线程多次获得 导致死锁。
let lock = NSRecursiveLock()
func f() {
//Your Code
func f2() {
defer {
//Your Code
Objective-C同步特性支持递归和 可重入代码。线程可以多次使用同一个信号量 递归的方式;其他线程被阻止使用它,直到 线程释放使用它获得的所有锁;也就是说,每一个 @synchronized()块正常退出或通过异常退出。 源
此代码具有重入能力,可以与异步函数调用一起工作。在这段代码中,someAsyncFunc()被调用之后,串行队列上的另一个函数闭包将被处理,但会被semapore .wait()阻塞,直到signal()被调用。internalQueue。不应该使用sync,因为如果我没有弄错的话,它会阻塞主线程。
let internalQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serialQueue")
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
internalQueue.async {
// Critical section
someAsyncFunc() {
// Do some work here
如果没有错误处理,Objc_sync_enter /objc_sync_exit不是一个好主意。
import Foundation
extension NSObject {
func synchronized<T>(lockObj: AnyObject!, closure: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T
defer {
return try closure()
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