Action q;
double thing1()
{ double total; for (int i=0; i<1000000; i++) total+=1.0/i; return total;}
double thing2()
{ q=null; return 1.0;}
x=thing1(); // statement1
x=thing2(x); // statement2
doSomething(x); // statement3
x=thing1(); // statement1
{ x=thing2(x); } // statement2
catch { q(); }
doSomething(x); // statement3
Now there exists a sequence of events where statement3 could execute without statement2 having executed. Even if nothing in the code for thing2 could throw an exception, it would be possible that another thread could use an Interlocked.CompareExchange to notice that q was cleared and set it to Thread.ResetAbort, and then perform a Thread.Abort() before statement2 wrote its value to x. Then the catch would execute Thread.ResetAbort() [via delegate q], allowing execution to continue with statement3. Such a sequence of events would of course be exceptionally improbable, but a compiler is required to generate code which work according to specification even when such improbable events occur.
. net异常模型的非常全面的解释。
Rico Mariani的性能花絮:异常成本:何时抛出,何时不抛出
The first kind of cost is the static
cost of having exception handling in
your code at all. Managed exceptions
actually do comparatively well here,
by which I mean the static cost can be
much lower than say in C++. Why is
this? Well, static cost is really
incurred in two kinds of places:
First, the actual sites of
try/finally/catch/throw where there's
code for those constructs. Second, in
unmanged code, there's the stealth
cost associated with keeping track of
all the objects that must be
destructed in the event that an
exception is thrown. There's a
considerable amount of cleanup logic
that must be present and the sneaky
part is that even code that doesn't
itself throw or catch or otherwise
have any overt use of exceptions still
bears the burden of knowing how to
clean up after itself.
根据Chris Brumme的注释:有
Action q;
double thing1()
{ double total; for (int i=0; i<1000000; i++) total+=1.0/i; return total;}
double thing2()
{ q=null; return 1.0;}
x=thing1(); // statement1
x=thing2(x); // statement2
doSomething(x); // statement3
x=thing1(); // statement1
{ x=thing2(x); } // statement2
catch { q(); }
doSomething(x); // statement3
Now there exists a sequence of events where statement3 could execute without statement2 having executed. Even if nothing in the code for thing2 could throw an exception, it would be possible that another thread could use an Interlocked.CompareExchange to notice that q was cleared and set it to Thread.ResetAbort, and then perform a Thread.Abort() before statement2 wrote its value to x. Then the catch would execute Thread.ResetAbort() [via delegate q], allowing execution to continue with statement3. Such a sequence of events would of course be exceptionally improbable, but a compiler is required to generate code which work according to specification even when such improbable events occur.