struct variant {
int type;
double number;
char *string;
struct variant {
int type;
union {
double number;
char *string;
} value;
typedef union
unsigned char color[4];
int new_color;
} u_color;
typedef union
struct {
unsigned char byte1;
unsigned char byte2;
unsigned char byte3;
unsigned char byte4;
} bytes;
unsigned int dword;
} HW_Register;
HW_Register reg;
reg.dword = 0x12345678;
reg.bytes.byte3 = 4;
typedef union
struct {
unsigned char b1:1;
unsigned char b2:1;
unsigned char b3:1;
unsigned char b4:1;
unsigned char reserved:4;
} bits;
unsigned char byte;
} HW_RegisterB;
HW_RegisterB reg;
x = reg.bits.b2;
int i;
float f;
} u;
// Convert floating-point bits to integer:
u.f = 3.14159f;
printf("As integer: %08x\n", u.i);
enum Type { INTS, FLOATS, DOUBLE };
struct S
Type s_type;
int s_ints[2];
float s_floats[2];
double s_double;
void do_something(struct S *s)
case INTS: // do something with s->s_ints
case FLOATS: // do something with s->s_floats
case DOUBLE: // do something with s->s_double
这使得struct S的大小只有12字节,而不是28字节。
union data {
int data;
struct {
unsigned char higher;
unsigned char lower;
} parts;
另一方面,我看到一些旧的c++ stl代码使用联合的stl分配器。如果您感兴趣,可以阅读sgi stl源代码。下面是其中的一段:
union _Obj {
union _Obj* _M_free_list_link;
char _M_client_data[1]; /* The client sees this. */
struct x {int x_mode; int q; float x_f};
struct y {int y_mode; int q; int y_l};
struct z {int z_mode; char name[20];};
a compiler would essentially produce a table of structures' sizes (and possibly alignments), and a separate table of structures' members' names, types, and offsets. The compiler didn't keep track of which members belonged to which structures, and would allow two structures to have a member with the same name only if the type and offset matched (as with member q of struct x and struct y). If p was a pointer to any structure type, p->q would add the offset of "q" to pointer p and fetch an "int" from the resulting address.
Given the above semantics, it was possible to write a function that could perform some useful operations on multiple kinds of structure interchangeably, provided that all the fields used by the function lined up with useful fields within the structures in question. This was a useful feature, and changing C to validate members used for structure access against the types of the structures in question would have meant losing it in the absence of a means of having a structure that can contain multiple named fields at the same address. Adding "union" types to C helped fill that gap somewhat (though not, IMHO, as well as it should have been).
An essential part of unions' ability to fill that gap was the fact that a pointer to a union member could be converted into a pointer to any union containing that member, and a pointer to any union could be converted to a pointer to any member. While the C89 Standard didn't expressly say that casting a T* directly to a U* was equivalent to casting it to a pointer to any union type containing both T and U, and then casting that to U*, no defined behavior of the latter cast sequence would be affected by the union type used, and the Standard didn't specify any contrary semantics for a direct cast from T to U. Further, in cases where a function received a pointer of unknown origin, the behavior of writing an object via T*, converting the T* to a U*, and then reading the object via U* would be equivalent to writing a union via member of type T and reading as type U, which would be standard-defined in a few cases (e.g. when accessing Common Initial Sequence members) and Implementation-Defined (rather than Undefined) for the rest. While it was rare for programs to exploit the CIS guarantees with actual objects of union type, it was far more common to exploit the fact that pointers to objects of unknown origin had to behave like pointers to union members and have the behavioral guarantees associated therewith.
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