

这个程序员正确吗? 宇宙射线击中计算机并影响程序执行的概率是多少?



02:13:00,465 WARN  - In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/ostream:133:
02:13:00,465 WARN  - /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/locale:3180:65: error: use of undeclared identifier '_'
02:13:00,465 WARN  - for (unsigned __i = 1; __i < __trailing_sign->size(); ++_^i, ++__b)
02:13:00,465 WARN  - ^
02:13:00,465 WARN  - /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/locale:3180:67: error: use of undeclared identifier 'i'
02:13:00,465 WARN  - for (unsigned __i = 1; __i < __trailing_sign->size(); ++_^i, ++__b)
02:13:00,465 WARN  - ^












Large scale CERN 2007 study "Data integrity": vendors declares "Bit Error Rate of 10-12 for their memory modules", "a observed error rate is 4 orders of magnitude lower than expected". For data-intensive tasks (8 GB/s of memory reading) this means that single bit flip may occur every minute (10-12 vendors BER) or once in two days (10-16 BER). 2009 Google's paper "DRAM Errors in the Wild: A Large-Scale Field Study" says that there can be up to 25000-75000 one-bit FIT per Mbit (failures in time per billion hours), which is equal to 1 - 5 bit errors per hour for 8GB of RAM after my calculations. Paper says the same: "mean correctable error rates of 2000–6000 per GB per year". 2012 Sandia report "Detection and Correction of Silent Data Corruptionfor Large-Scale High-Performance Computing": "double bit flips were deemed unlikely" but at ORNL's dense Cray XT5 they are "at a rate of one per day for 75,000+ DIMMs" even with ECC. And single-bit errors should be higher.


长集群在数千台非ecc pc上运行,比如BOINC,互联网范围的网格计算总是会有内存位翻转、磁盘和网络静默错误造成的错误。

And for bigger machines (10 thousands of servers) even with ECC protection from single-bit errors, as we see in Sandia's 2012 report, there can be double-bit flips every day, so you will have no chance to run full-size parallel program for several days (without regular checkpointing and restarting from last good checkpoint in case of double error). The huge machines will also get bit-flips in their caches and cpu registers (both architectural and internal chip's triggers e.g. in ALU datapath), because not all of them are protected by ECC.



For example, note that Intel parts destined for "embedded" applications tend to add ECC to the spec sheet. A Bay Trail for a tablet lacks it, since it would make the memory a bit more expensive and possibly slower. And if a tablet crashes a program every once in a blue moon, the user does not care much. The software itself is far less reliable than the HW anyway. But for SKUs intended for use in industrial machinery and automotive, ECC is mandatory. Since here, we expect the SW to be far more reliable, and errors from random upsets would be a real issue.

通过IEC 61508和类似标准认证的系统通常都有启动测试,检查所有RAM是否正常(没有位卡在0或1),以及运行时的错误处理,试图从ECC检测到的错误中恢复,通常还有内存清除任务,不断地遍历和读写内存,以确保发生的任何错误都能被注意到。




一般来说,宇宙射线软误差发生在DRAM存储器中 速率~10到100 FIT/MB (1 FIT = 1个设备故障在10亿小时)。 因此,具有10gb内存的系统应该每1000次显示一次ECC事件 到10,000小时,100gb的系统将显示一个事件 100到1000小时。然而,这只是一个粗略的估计 变化是上述效应的函数。