首先,你需要区分,你是想在*.exe中使用applicationSettings还是AppSettings。config(也就是Visual Studio中的App.config)文件-这里描述的是基本的区别。
The AppSettings allow you to read and write directly into the config file via config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified);, where config is defined as: config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
The applicationSettings allow to read, but if you write changes (via Properties.Settings.Default.Save();) it will be written on a per-user basis, stored in a special place (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\USERID\Local Settings\Application Data\FIRMNAME\WindowsFormsTestApplicati_Url_tdq2oylz33rzq00sxhvxucu5edw2oghw\ As Hans Passant mentioned in his answer, this is because a user usually has restricted rights to Program Files and cannot write to it without invoking the UAC prompt. A disadvantage is if you're adding configuration keys in the future you need to synchronize them with every user profile.
Since .NET Core (and .NET 5 and 6) a 3rd option is the appsettings.json file which uses Microsoft's configuration abstraction (and also the secrets.json file which is stored in your user profile rather than in the assemblies directories). But usually WinForms isn't using it, so I am mentioning it just for completeness. However, here are some references how to read and write the values. Alternatively you can use Newtonsoft JSON to read and write the appsettings.json file, but it is not limited to that: you can also create your own json files with that method.
As mentioned in the question, there is a 4th option: If you treat the configuration file as XML document, you can load, modify and save it by using the System.Xml.Linq.XDocument class. It is not required to use a custom XML file, you can read the existing config file; for querying elements, you can even use Linq queries. I have given an example here, check out the function GetApplicationSetting there in the answer.
A 5th option is to store settings in the registry. How you can do it is described here.
Last not least, there is a 6th option: You can store values in the environment (system environment or environment of your account). In Windows settings (the cogwheel in the Windows menu), type in "environment" in the search bar and add or edit them there. To read them, use var myValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MyVariable");. Note that your application usually needs to be restarted to get the updated environment settings.
var assemblyDLL = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var assemblyDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyDLL.Location);