List<之间的区别是什么?super T>和List<?延伸T> ?

我曾经使用List<?扩展T>,但它不允许我添加元素到它的List .add(e),而List<?super T>有。



从泛型集合读取 插入到泛型集合中 有三种使用通配符定义集合(变量)的方法。这些都是:

List<?>           listUknown = new ArrayList<A>();
List<? extends A> listUknown = new ArrayList<A>();
List<? super   A> listUknown = new ArrayList<A>();

列表< ?>表示输入未知类型的列表。这可以是一个列表< a >,一个列表<B>,一个列表<字符串>等。

列表< ?extends A>表示A类的实例或A的子类(例如B和C)的对象列表。 列表< ?super A>表示列表被输入到A类或A的超类。



的例子, 假设继承顺序为O > S > T > U > V



List<? extends T> Object = new List<T>();
List<? extends T> Object = new List<U>();
List<? extends T> Object = new List<V>();


List<? extends T> Object = new List<S>();
List<? extends T> Object = new List<O>();



List<? super T> Object = new List<T>();
List<? super T> Object = new List<S>();
List<? super T> Object = new List<O>();


List<? super T> Object = new List<U>();
List<? super T> Object = new List<V>();

添加对象: List对象= new List();

Object.add(new T()); //error

但是为什么会出错呢? 让我们看看初始化列表对象的可能性

List<? extends T> Object = new List<T>();
List<? extends T> Object = new List<U>();
List<? extends T> Object = new List<V>();

如果我们使用Object。添加(新T ());那么只有当

List<? extends T> Object = new List<T>(); 


List对象= new List(); List对象= new List(); 如果我们尝试将(new T())添加到上述两个可能性中,它将会给出一个错误,因为T是U和V的高级类。我们尝试添加一个T对象[它是(new T())]到类型为U和V的列表。高级类对象(基类)不能传递给低级对象(子类)。

由于额外的两种可能性,即使你使用了正确的可能性,Java也会给你错误,因为Java不知道你所指的对象是什么,所以你不能向List中添加对象Object = new List();因为有不成立的可能性。

添加对象: List对象= new List();

Object.add(new T()); // compiles fine without error
Object.add(new U()); // compiles fine without error
Object.add(new V()); // compiles fine without error

Object.add(new S()); //  error
Object.add(new O()); //  error

但是为什么上面两个会出现错误呢? 我们可以使用Object。添加(新T ());只有在以下的可能性中,

List<? super T> Object = new List<T>();
List<? super T> Object = new List<S>();
List<? super T> Object = new List<O>();

如果我们尝试使用Object。add(new T()) in List对象= new List(); 而且 List对象= new List(); 那么它就会给出错误 这是因为 我们不能将T对象[which is new T()]添加到List object = new List();因为它是U类型的对象。我们不能给U对象添加一个T对象[它是新的T()],因为T是一个基类,U是一个子类。我们不能将基类添加到子类,这就是发生错误的原因。另一种情况也是一样的。




int totalFuel(List<? extends Vehicle> list) {
int total = 0;
for(Vehicle v : list) {
    total += v.getFuel();
return total;}

totalFuel方法从列表中获取车辆,询问它们有多少燃料,并计算总数。 如果将对象放入参数化容器中,请使用super。

int totalValue(Valuer<? super Vehicle> valuer) {
int total = 0;
for(Vehicle v : vehicles) {
    total += valuer.evaluate(v);
return total;}

totalValue方法将车辆放入Valuer中。 知道扩展界比super更常见是很有用的。


从泛型集合读取 插入到泛型集合中 有三种使用通配符定义集合(变量)的方法。这些都是:

List<?>           listUknown = new ArrayList<A>();
List<? extends A> listUknown = new ArrayList<A>();
List<? super   A> listUknown = new ArrayList<A>();

列表< ?>表示输入未知类型的列表。这可以是一个列表< a >,一个列表<B>,一个列表<字符串>等。

列表< ?extends A>表示A类的实例或A的子类(例如B和C)的对象列表。 列表< ?super A>表示列表被输入到A类或A的超类。




List<?数字> foo3意味着这些都是合法的赋值:

List<? extends Number> foo3 = new ArrayList<Number>();  // Number "extends" Number (in this context)
List<? extends Number> foo3 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Integer extends Number
List<? extends Number> foo3 = new ArrayList<Double>();  // Double extends Number

Reading - Given the above possible assignments, what type of object are you guaranteed to read from List foo3: You can read a Number because any of the lists that could be assigned to foo3 contain a Number or a subclass of Number. You can't read an Integer because foo3 could be pointing at a List<Double>. You can't read a Double because foo3 could be pointing at a List<Integer>. Writing - Given the above possible assignments, what type of object could you add to List foo3 that would be legal for all the above possible ArrayList assignments: You can't add an Integer because foo3 could be pointing at a List<Double>. You can't add a Double because foo3 could be pointing at a List<Integer>. You can't add a Number because foo3 could be pointing at a List<Integer>.

你不能向List<?extends t>因为你不能保证它真正指向的是什么样的List,所以你不能保证对象被允许在那个List中。唯一的“保证”是你只能读取它,你会得到一个T或T的子类。


现在考虑List <?超级T >。

List<?super Integer> foo3表示这些都是合法的赋值:

List<? super Integer> foo3 = new ArrayList<Integer>();  // Integer is a "superclass" of Integer (in this context)
List<? super Integer> foo3 = new ArrayList<Number>();   // Number is a superclass of Integer
List<? super Integer> foo3 = new ArrayList<Object>();   // Object is a superclass of Integer

Reading - Given the above possible assignments, what type of object are you guaranteed to receive when you read from List foo3: You aren't guaranteed an Integer because foo3 could be pointing at a List<Number> or List<Object>. You aren't guaranteed a Number because foo3 could be pointing at a List<Object>. The only guarantee is that you will get an instance of an Object or subclass of Object (but you don't know what subclass). Writing - Given the above possible assignments, what type of object could you add to List foo3 that would be legal for all the above possible ArrayList assignments: You can add an Integer because an Integer is allowed in any of above lists. You can add an instance of a subclass of Integer because an instance of a subclass of Integer is allowed in any of the above lists. You can't add a Double because foo3 could be pointing at an ArrayList<Integer>. You can't add a Number because foo3 could be pointing at an ArrayList<Integer>. You can't add an Object because foo3 could be pointing at an ArrayList<Integer>.



"Producer Extends" - If you need a List to produce T values (you want to read Ts from the list), you need to declare it with ? extends T, e.g. List<? extends Integer>. But you cannot add to this list. "Consumer Super" - If you need a List to consume T values (you want to write Ts into the list), you need to declare it with ? super T, e.g. List<? super Integer>. But there are no guarantees what type of object you may read from this list. If you need to both read from and write to a list, you need to declare it exactly with no wildcards, e.g. List<Integer>.



public class Collections { 
  public static <T> void copy(List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src) {
      for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) 
        dest.set(i, src.get(i)); 

也看到 如何添加到List<?extends数字>数据结构?