我使用这个版本. 它是安全和简单的. 它不是为了产生格式化的Uids,它只是为了产生你需要的电缆的随机线条。
export function makeId(length) {
let result = '';
const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
const charactersLength = characters.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let letterPos = parseInt(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] / 255 * charactersLength - 1, 10)
result += characters[letterPos]
return result;
这个报价返回 5 组 8 个数字从 a-z,0-9 大多数是随机的,但包含日时,并且有一个随机增加的计算器. 你可以指定任何基础你喜欢(六,十,36),默认选择一个随机基础为每个组的 8,在基础范围 16 到 36
function newId(base) { return[ Math.random, function (){ return (newId.last ? windowId.last + Math.random() : Math.random() ) }, Math.random, Date.now, Math.random ].map(function(fn){ return fn().toString(base||(16+(Math.random()*20))).substr(-8); }).join('-'); } var demo = function(base){ document.getElementById('uuid').textContent = newId(base); } demo(16); #uuid { font-family: monospace; font-size: 1.5em; } <p id="uuid"></p> <button onclick="demo(16);">Hex (base 16)</button> <button onclick="demo(36);">Base 36</button> <button onclick="demo(10);">Decimal (base 10)</button> <button onclick="demo();">Random base</button>
UUID 目前有附加标准图书馆的提议,可在这里支持 ECMAScript 提议: JavaScript 标准图书馆 UUID
提案包括有 UUID 如下:
// We're not yet certain as to how the API will be accessed (whether it's in the global, or a
// future built-in module), and this will be part of the investigative process as we continue
// working on the proposal.
uuid(); // "52e6953d-edbe-4953-be2e-65ed3836b2f0"
此实施跟随与 V4 随机 UUID 世代相同的布局: https://www.npmjs.com/package/uuid
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
uuidv4(); // ⇨ '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed'
12 kB uuid 模块从 npm > 62,000,000 次每月下载(2019 年 6 月);在标准图书馆中提供它最终节省 TB 的带宽全球。
function uuid(){
var u = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([""]))
return u.split("/").slice(-1)[0]
它可能不是快速,高效,或支持在 IE2 但它肯定是酷的
易于使用一个简单的 uuid 包 https://www.npmjs.com/package/uuid
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');
uuidv4(); // ⇨ '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed'
因此,注意到这篇文章有超过30个答案,这里是...... 这篇文章有:一个“TL;DR”代码部分w/自含的es6类 Xuid一个使用案例和动机讨论部分关于es6类 Xuid提供代码。
class Xuid {
//@ edges.sm.st, ess.dev: MIT license Smallscript/David Simmons 2020
//! Can't use `static const field = const` xbrowser (thus, const's duped)
static get v4New() {
const ns7Now = this.ns7Now, xnode48 = this.xnode48; let clock_seq13
// monotonic `clock_seq` guarantee (13-bits/time-quantum)
if(ns7Now <= this.ns7Now_prevSeq && this.ns7Now_prevSeq)
clock_seq13 = ((this.ns7Now_prevSeq += 1n) - ns7Now) & 0b1_1111_1111_1111n
clock_seq13 = 0n, this.ns7Now_prevSeq = ns7Now
const time60 = ((ns7Now << 4n) & 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_0000n) |
(ns7Now & 0x0000_0000_0000_0FFFn),
v4 = 0x1_00000000_0000_0000_0000_000000000000n |
(time60 << 64n) | (0x00000000_0000_4000_0000_000000000000n) | // M: V4
(0b110n << 61n) | (clock_seq13 << 48n) | // N: Variant-2 time-seq collation
xnode48, s = v4.toString(16)//.substr(1)
return `{${s.substr(1,8)}-${s.substr(9,4)}-${s.substr(13,4)}-${
static get xnode48()/*:<BigInt#48>*/{
if(this.xnode48_) return this.xnode48_
let clockSeqNode; if(typeof URL !== 'undefined' && URL.createObjectURL) {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob())
const id = (url.toString().split('/').reverse()[0]).split('-')
clockSeqNode = BigInt('0x'+id[3]+id[4])
else {
const a4 = this.a4; this.getRandomValues(this.a4);
clockSeqNode = (BigInt(a4[2]) << 32n) | BigInt(a4[3])
// simulate the 48-bit node-id and 13-bit clock-seq
// to combine with 3-bit uuid-variant
return this.xnode48_ = clockSeqNode & 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFFn;
static get jdNow()/*:<double#ns7>*/{
// return 2440587.5+Date.now()/864e5 // <- Date-quantum-ms form (7ns form below)
return this.jdFromNs7(this.ns7Now)
static get ns7Now()/*:<BigInt#60>*/{
if(typeof performance !== 'undefined' && performance.now)
Reflect.defineProperty(this, 'ns7Now',
Reflect.defineProperty(this, 'ns7Now',
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'ns7Now_Date'))
return this.ns7Now
static get ns7Now_Date()/*:<BigInt#60>*/{
// const epoch1582Ns7_bias = 0x1b2_1dd2_1381_4000 // V1 1582 Oct 15
// const epoch1601Ns7_bias = 0x19d_b1de_d53e_8000n // FILETIME base
const epoch1970Ns7 = BigInt(Date.now() * 1000_0.0)
return epoch1970Ns7 + 0x1b2_1dd2_1381_4000n
static get ns7Now_performance()/*:<BigInt#60>*/{
const epochPgNs7 = BigInt(performance.now()*/*15*/1000_0.0|/*17*/0)
if(!this.epoch1970PgNs7) // performance.timing.navigationStart
this.epoch1970PgNs7 = this.ns7Now_Date - epochPgNs7
return epochPgNs7 + this.epoch1970PgNs7
static dateFromJd(jd) {return new Date((jd - 2440587.5) * 864e5)}
static dateFromNs7(ns7) {
return new Date(Number(ns7 - 0x1b2_1dd2_1381_4000n) / 1000_0.0)}
static jdFromNs7(ns7) { // atomic-clock leap-seconds (ignored)
return 2440587.5 + (Number(ns7 - 0x1b2_1dd2_1381_4000n) / 864e9)
static ns7FromJd(jd) {
return BigInt((jd - 2440587.5) * 864e9) + 0x1b2_1dd2_1381_4000n
static getRandomValues(va/*:<Uint32Array>*/) {
if(typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues)
else for(let i = 0, n = va.length; i < n; i += 1)
va[i] = Math.random() * 0x1_0000_0000 >>> 0
static get a4() {return this.a4_ || (this.a4_ = new Uint32Array(4))}
static ntohl(v)/*:<BigInt>*/{
let r = '0x', sign = 1n, s = BigInt(v).toString(16)
if(s[0] == '-') s = s.substr(1), sign = -1n
for(let i = s.length; i > 0; i -= 2)
r += (i == 1) ? ('0' + s[i-1]) : s[i-2] + s[i-1]
return sign*BigInt(r)
static ntohl32(v)/*:<Number>*/{return Number(this.ntohl(v))}
在GitHub上发布 EdgeS Web-Client Eswc 图书馆的一部分时, indexedDb 使用模式与 efs 将作为其设计意图的示例,其中包括处理效率和可用性与 indexedDb 和相关 PWA 同步和复制场景。
基准评分 Novids/sec
const start = Xuid.ns7Now
for(let i = 100000; i; i -=1)
const end = Xuid.ns7Now
console.log(`Delta 7ns: ${(end-start)/100000n}`)