


这里是一个方法,使用真实的随机通过 random.org 生成 RFC4122 如果错误,它会回到浏览器的内置加密图书馆,这应该几乎是相同的好。

async function UUID() {
    //get 31 random hex characters
    return (await (async () => {
        let output;
        try {
            //try from random.org
            output = (await (
                await fetch('https://www.random.org/integers/?num=31&min=0&max=15&col=31&base=16&format=plain&rnd=new')
                //get rid of whitespace
                .replace(/[^0-9a-fA-F]+/g, '')
            if (output.length != 31)
                throw '';
        catch {
            output = '';
            try {
                //failing that, try getting 16 8-bit digits from crypto
                for (let num of crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)))
                    //interpret as 32 4-bit hex numbers
                    output += (num >> 4).toString(16) + (num & 15).toString(16);
                //we only want 31
                output = output.substr(1);
            catch {
                //failing THAT, use Math.random
                while (output.length < 31)
                    output += (0 | Math.random() * 16).toString(16);
        return output;
        //split into appropriate sections, and set the 15th character to 4
        .replace(/^(.{8})(.{4})(.{3})(.{4})/, '$1-$2-4$3-$4-')
        //force character 20 to the correct range
        .replace(/(?<=-)[^89abAB](?=[^-]+-[^-]+$)/, (num) => (
            (parseInt(num, 16) % 4 + 8).toString(16)



  // RFC 4122
  // A UUID is 128 bits long
  // String representation is five fields of 4, 2, 2, 2, and 6 bytes.
  // Fields represented as lowercase, zero-filled, hexadecimal strings, and
  // are separated by dash characters
  // A version 4 UUID is generated by setting all but six bits to randomly
  // chosen values
  var uuid = [
    Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 10),
    Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 6),

    // Set the four most significant bits (bits 12 through 15) of the
    // time_hi_and_version field to the 4-bit version number from Section
    // 4.1.3
    (Math.random() * .0625 /* 0x.1 */ + .25 /* 0x.4 */).toString(16).slice(2, 6),

    // Set the two most significant bits (bits 6 and 7) of the
    // clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to zero and one, respectively
    (Math.random() * .25 /* 0x.4 */ + .5 /* 0x.8 */).toString(16).slice(2, 6),

    Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 14)].join('-');

基于布罗法的作品,我添加了一些更多的随机性,通过添加时间表到 math.random():

function uuidv4() {
    return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
        var r = parseFloat('0.' + Math.random().toString().replace('0.', '') + new Date().getTime()) * 16 | 0,
            v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
        return v.toString(16);

根據 RFC 4122 的 UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier),也被稱為 GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier),是為提供某些獨特性保證而設計的識別。

虽然可以在JavaScript代码的几个行中实施符合RFC的UUID(例如,请参见 @broofa的答案,下面),但有几个常见的漏洞:

无效 ID 格式(UUID 必须是“xxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”的格式,其中 x 是 [0-9, a-f] M 是 [1-5] 的格式,而 N 是 [8, 9, a 或 b] 使用低质量的随机性来源(如 Math.random)


来自Sagi shkedy的技术博客:

function generateGuid() {
  var result, i, j;
  result = '';
  for(j=0; j<32; j++) {
    if( j == 8 || j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 20)
      result = result + '-';
    i = Math.floor(Math.random()*16).toString(16).toUpperCase();
    result = result + i;
  return result;

还有其他方法涉及使用 ActiveX 控制,但远离这些!



UUIDv4 = function b(a){return a?(a^Math.random()*16>>a/4).toString(16):([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g,b)}


UUIDv4 =

function b(
  a // placeholder
  return a // if the placeholder was passed, return
    ? ( // a random number from 0 to 15
      a ^ // unless b is 8,
      Math.random() // in which case
      * 16 // a random number from
      >> a/4 // 8 to 11
      ).toString(16) // in hexadecimal
    : ( // or otherwise a concatenated string:
      [1e7] + // 10000000 +
      -1e3 + // -1000 +
      -4e3 + // -4000 +
      -8e3 + // -80000000 +
      -1e11 // -100000000000,
      ).replace( // replacing
        /[018]/g, // zeroes, ones, and eights with
        b // random hex digits