如何在bash脚本中等待从该脚本派生的几个子进程完成,然后在任何子进程以code !=0结束时返回退出代码!=0?


for i in `seq 0 9`; do
  doCalculations $i &

上面的脚本将等待所有10个子进程,但它总是给出退出状态0(参见help wait)。我如何修改这个脚本,以便它将发现衍生子进程的退出状态,并在任何子进程以code !=0结束时返回退出代码1 ?




for i in $(whatever_list) ; do
   do_something $i


for i in $(whatever_list) ; do echo $i ; done | ## execute in parallel...
   export -f do_something ## export functions (if needed)
   export PATH ## export any variables that are required
   xargs -I{} --max-procs 0 bash -c ' ## process in batches...
      echo "processing {}" ## optional
      do_something {}

If an error occurs in one process, it won't interrupt the other processes, but it will result in a non-zero exit code from the sequence as a whole. Exporting functions and variables may or may not be necessary, in any particular case. You can set --max-procs based on how much parallelism you want (0 means "all at once"). GNU Parallel offers some additional features when used in place of xargs -- but it isn't always installed by default. The for loop isn't strictly necessary in this example since echo $i is basically just regenerating the output of $(whatever_list). I just think the use of the for keyword makes it a little easier to see what is going on. Bash string handling can be confusing -- I have found that using single quotes works best for wrapping non-trivial scripts. You can easily interrupt the entire operation (using ^C or similar), unlike the the more direct approach to Bash parallelism.


for i in {0..5} ; do echo $i ; done |xargs -I{} --max-procs 2 bash -c '
   echo sleep {}
   sleep 2s





for i in `seq 0 9`; do
   doCalculations $i &
   pids="$pids $!"

wait $pids

...code continued here ...


正如许多评论者指出的那样,上面的代码在继续之前会等待所有进程完成,但如果其中一个进程失败了,它不会退出,也不会失败,可以通过@Bryan, @SamBrightman和其他人建议的以下修改来完成:



for i in `seq 0 9`; do
   doCalculations $i &
   pids="$pids $!"

for pid in $pids; do
    wait $pid || let "RESULT=1"

if [ "$RESULT" == "1" ];
       exit 1

...code continued here ...

我想运行doCalculations;echo $ ?”>>/tmp/acc在一个子shell中被发送到后台,然后等待,然后/tmp/acc将包含退出状态,每行一个。不过,我不知道多个进程附加到累加器文件的任何后果。




random -e 20
sleep $?
random -e 10



rm /tmp/acc

for i in $( seq 0 20 ) 
        ( ./doCalculations "$i"; echo "$?" >>/tmp/acc ) &


cat /tmp/acc | fmt
rm /tmp/acc

running ./try的输出

5 1 9 6 8 1 2 0 9 6 5 9 6 0 0 4 9 5 5 9 8

这是对@Luca Tettamanti获得最多赞的答案的扩展,以创建一个完全可运行的示例。







$! is how to obtain the PID (Process ID) of the last-executed sub-process. Running any command with the & after it, like cmd &, for example, causes it to run in the background as a parallel suprocess with the main process. myarray=() is how to create an array in bash. To learn a tiny bit more about the wait built-in command, see help wait. See also, and especially, the official Bash user manual on Job Control built-ins, such as wait and jobs, here: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Job-Control-Builtins.html#index-wait.


multi_process_program.sh (from my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This is a special sleep function which returns the number of seconds slept as
# the "error code" or return code" so that we can easily see that we are in
# fact actually obtaining the return code of each process as it finishes.
my_sleep() {
    sleep "$seconds_to_sleep"
    return "$seconds_to_sleep"

# Create an array of whatever commands you want to run as subprocesses
procs=()  # bash array
procs+=("my_sleep 5")
procs+=("my_sleep 2")
procs+=("my_sleep 3")
procs+=("my_sleep 4")

num_procs=${#procs[@]}  # number of processes
echo "num_procs = $num_procs"

# run commands as subprocesses and store pids in an array
pids=()  # bash array
for (( i=0; i<"$num_procs"; i++ )); do
    echo "cmd = ${procs[$i]}"
    ${procs[$i]} &  # run the cmd as a subprocess
    # store pid of last subprocess started; see:
    # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/30371/114401
    echo "    pid = ${pids[$i]}"

# OPTION 1 (comment this option out if using Option 2 below): wait for all pids
for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do
    wait "$pid"
    echo "PID = $pid; return_code = $return_code"
echo "All $num_procs processes have ended."

通过运行chmod +x multi_process_program.sh将上面的文件修改为可执行文件,然后像这样运行:

time ./multi_process_program.sh 


eRCaGuy_hello_world/bash$ time ./multi_process_program.sh num_procs = 4 cmd = my_sleep 5 pid = 21694 cmd = my_sleep 2 pid = 21695 cmd = my_sleep 3 pid = 21697 cmd = my_sleep 4 pid = 21699 PID = 21694; return_code = 5 PID = 21695; return_code = 2 PID = 21697; return_code = 3 PID = 21699; return_code = 4 All 4 processes have ended. PID 21694 is done; return_code = 5; 3 PIDs remaining. PID 21695 is done; return_code = 2; 2 PIDs remaining. PID 21697 is done; return_code = 3; 1 PIDs remaining. PID 21699 is done; return_code = 4; 0 PIDs remaining. real 0m5.084s user 0m0.025s sys 0m0.061s



只需注释掉上面的“OPTION 1”代码块,并将其替换为“OPTION 2”代码块:

# OR OPTION 2 (comment out Option 1 above if using Option 2): poll to detect
# when each process terminates, and print out when each process finishes!
while true; do
    for i in "${!pids[@]}"; do
        # echo "pid = $pid"  # debugging

        # See if PID is still running; see my answer here:
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/71134379/4561887
        ps --pid "$pid" > /dev/null
        if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
            # PID doesn't exist anymore, meaning it terminated

            # 1st, read its return code
            wait "$pid"

            # 2nd, remove this PID from the `pids` array by `unset`ting the
            # element at this index; NB: due to how bash arrays work, this does
            # NOT actually remove this element from the array. Rather, it
            # removes its index from the `"${!pids[@]}"` list of indices,
            # adjusts the array count(`"${#pids[@]}"`) accordingly, and it sets
            # the value at this index to either a null value of some sort, or
            # an empty string (I'm not exactly sure).
            unset "pids[$i]"

            echo "PID $pid is done; return_code = $return_code;" \
                 "$num_pids PIDs remaining."

    # exit the while loop if the `pids` array is empty
    if [ "${#pids[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then

    # Do some small sleep here to keep your polling loop from sucking up
    # 100% of one of your CPUs unnecessarily. Sleeping allows other processes
    # to run during this time.
    sleep 0.1


eRCaGuy_hello_world / bash。美元/ multi_process_program.sh Num_procs = 4 CMD = my_sleep Pid = 22275 CMD = my_sleep Pid = 22276 CMD = my_sleep Pid = 22277 CMD = my_sleep Pid = 22280 PID 22276完成;Return_code = 2;剩余3个pid。 PID 22277完成;Return_code = 3;剩余2个pid。 PID 22280完成;Return_code = 4;剩余1个pid。 PID 22275完成;Return_code = 5;剩余的pid为0。

每一个PID XXXXX都是在进程结束后实时打印出来的!请注意,尽管sleep 5的进程(在本例中为PID 22275)是首先运行的,但它是最后完成的,并且我们在每个进程终止后成功检测到它。我们还成功地检测了每个返回代码,就像选项1一样。


*****+ [VERY HELPFUL] Get exit code of a background process - this answer taught me the key principle that (emphasis added): wait <n> waits until the process with PID is complete (it will block until the process completes, so you might not want to call this until you are sure the process is done), and then returns the exit code of the completed process. In other words, it helped me know that even after the process is complete, you can still call wait on it to get its return code! How to check if a process id (PID) exists my answer Remove an element from a Bash array - note that elements in a bash array aren't actually deleted, they are just "unset". See my comments in the code above for what that means. How to use the command-line executable true to make an infinite while loop in bash: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-infinite-loop/


for i in $(whatever_list) ; do
   do_something $i


for i in $(whatever_list) ; do echo $i ; done | ## execute in parallel...
   export -f do_something ## export functions (if needed)
   export PATH ## export any variables that are required
   xargs -I{} --max-procs 0 bash -c ' ## process in batches...
      echo "processing {}" ## optional
      do_something {}

If an error occurs in one process, it won't interrupt the other processes, but it will result in a non-zero exit code from the sequence as a whole. Exporting functions and variables may or may not be necessary, in any particular case. You can set --max-procs based on how much parallelism you want (0 means "all at once"). GNU Parallel offers some additional features when used in place of xargs -- but it isn't always installed by default. The for loop isn't strictly necessary in this example since echo $i is basically just regenerating the output of $(whatever_list). I just think the use of the for keyword makes it a little easier to see what is going on. Bash string handling can be confusing -- I have found that using single quotes works best for wrapping non-trivial scripts. You can easily interrupt the entire operation (using ^C or similar), unlike the the more direct approach to Bash parallelism.


for i in {0..5} ; do echo $i ; done |xargs -I{} --max-procs 2 bash -c '
   echo sleep {}
   sleep 2s



set -o monitor

sleep 2 &
sleep 4 && exit 1 &
sleep 6 &

pids=`jobs -p`

checkpids() {
    for pid in $pids; do
        if kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; then
            echo $pid is still alive.
        elif wait $pid; then
            echo $pid exited with zero exit status.
            echo $pid exited with non-zero exit status.

trap checkpids CHLD
