class string_format {
std::string _result;
string_format( ) { }
~string_format( ) { std::string( ).swap( _result ); }
const std::string& get_data( ) const { return _result; }
template<typename T, typename... Targs>
void format( const char* fmt, T value, Targs... Fargs ) {
for ( ; *fmt != '\0'; fmt++ ) {
if ( *fmt == '%' ) {
_result += value;
this->format( fmt + 1, Fargs..., 0 ); // recursive call
_result += *fmt;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& ostream, const string_format& inst );
inline std::string& operator+=( std::string& str, int val ) {
str.append( std::to_string( val ) );
return str;
inline std::string& operator+=( std::string& str, double val ) {
str.append( std::to_string( val ) );
return str;
inline std::string& operator+=( std::string& str, bool val ) {
str.append( val ? "true" : "false" );
return str;
inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& ostream, const string_format& inst ) {
ostream << inst.get_data( );
return ostream;
string_format fmt;
fmt.format( "Hello % and is working ? Ans: %", "world", true );
std::cout << fmt;
Windows和Visual Studio有一个非常有吸引力的解决方案:CString。
CString str;
str.Format("Hello %s\n", "World");
str = "ABC";
str += "DEF";
std::string Format(const char* lpszFormat, ...)
// Warning : "vsnprintf" crashes with an access violation
// exception if lpszFormat is not a "const char*" (for example, const string&)
size_t nSize = 1024;
char *lpBuffer = (char*)malloc(nSize);
va_list lpParams;
while (true)
va_start(lpParams, lpszFormat);
int nResult = vsnprintf(
if ((nResult >= 0) && (nResult < (int)nSize) )
// Success
lpBuffer[nResult] = '\0';
std::string sResult(lpBuffer);
free (lpBuffer);
return sResult;
// Increase buffer
nSize =
(nResult < 0)
? nSize *= 2
: (nResult + 1)
lpBuffer = (char *)realloc(lpBuffer, nSize);
_return.desc = (boost::format("fail to detect. cv_result = %d") % st_result).str();
[编辑:20/05/25]更好的是… 在标题:
// `say` prints the values
// `says` returns a string instead of printing
// `sayss` appends the values to it's first argument instead of printing
// `sayerr` prints the values and returns `false` (useful for return statement fail-report)<br/>
void PRINTSTRING(const std::string &s); //cater for GUI, terminal, whatever..
template<typename...P> void say(P...p) { std::string r{}; std::stringstream ss(""); (ss<<...<<p); r=ss.str(); PRINTSTRING(r); }
template<typename...P> std::string says(P...p) { std::string r{}; std::stringstream ss(""); (ss<<...<<p); r=ss.str(); return r; }
template<typename...P> void sayss(std::string &s, P...p) { std::string r{}; std::stringstream ss(""); (ss<<...<<p); r=ss.str(); s+=r; } //APPENDS! to s!
template<typename...P> bool sayerr(P...p) { std::string r{}; std::stringstream ss("ERROR: "); (ss<<...<<p); r=ss.str(); PRINTSTRING(r); return false; }
PRINTSTRING(r)-函数是为了满足GUI或终端或任何特殊输出需要使用#ifdef _some_flag_,默认是:
void PRINTSTRING(const std::string &s) { std::cout << s << std::flush; }
[edit '17/8/31]添加可变参数模板版本'vtspf(..)':
template<typename T> const std::string type_to_string(const T &v)
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << v;
return ss.str();
template<typename T> const T string_to_type(const std::string &str)
std::istringstream ss(str);
T ret;
ss >> ret;
return ret;
template<typename...P> void vtspf_priv(std::string &s) {}
template<typename H, typename...P> void vtspf_priv(std::string &s, H h, P...p)
vtspf_priv(s, p...);
template<typename...P> std::string temp_vtspf(P...p)
std::string s("");
vtspf_priv(s, p...);
return s;
char chSpace=' ';
double pi=3.1415;
std::string sWorld="World", str_var;
str_var = vtspf("Hello", ',', chSpace, sWorld, ", pi=", pi);
[编辑]在Erik Aronesty的回答中使用了这个技巧(上图):
#include <string>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
void spf(std::string &s, const std::string fmt, ...)
int n, size=100;
bool b=false;
va_list marker;
while (!b)
va_start(marker, fmt);
n = vsnprintf((char*)s.c_str(), size, fmt.c_str(), marker);
if ((n>0) && ((b=(n<size))==true)) s.resize(n); else size*=2;
void spfa(std::string &s, const std::string fmt, ...)
std::string ss;
int n, size=100;
bool b=false;
va_list marker;
while (!b)
va_start(marker, fmt);
n = vsnprintf((char*)ss.c_str(), size, fmt.c_str(), marker);
if ((n>0) && ((b=(n<size))==true)) ss.resize(n); else size*=2;
s += ss;
(之前的回答) 这是一个很晚的回答,但对于那些像我一样喜欢“sprintf”方式的人来说:我已经编写并正在使用以下函数。如果你喜欢它,你可以扩展%-选项以更接近sprintf选项;现在里面的已经足够我用了。 使用stringf()和stringfappend()与使用sprintf相同。只要记住参数…必须是POD类型。
void DoFormatting(std::string& sF, const char* sformat, va_list marker)
char *s, ch=0;
int n, i=0, m;
long l;
double d;
std::string sf = sformat;
std::stringstream ss;
m = sf.length();
while (i<m)
ch = sf.at(i);
if (ch == '%')
if (i<m)
ch = sf.at(i);
case 's': { s = va_arg(marker, char*); ss << s; } break;
case 'c': { n = va_arg(marker, int); ss << (char)n; } break;
case 'd': { n = va_arg(marker, int); ss << (int)n; } break;
case 'l': { l = va_arg(marker, long); ss << (long)l; } break;
case 'f': { d = va_arg(marker, double); ss << (float)d; } break;
case 'e': { d = va_arg(marker, double); ss << (double)d; } break;
case 'X':
case 'x':
if (++i<m)
ss << std::hex << std::setiosflags (std::ios_base::showbase);
if (ch == 'X') ss << std::setiosflags (std::ios_base::uppercase);
char ch2 = sf.at(i);
if (ch2 == 'c') { n = va_arg(marker, int); ss << std::hex << (char)n; }
else if (ch2 == 'd') { n = va_arg(marker, int); ss << std::hex << (int)n; }
else if (ch2 == 'l') { l = va_arg(marker, long); ss << std::hex << (long)l; }
else ss << '%' << ch << ch2;
ss << std::resetiosflags (std::ios_base::showbase | std::ios_base::uppercase) << std::dec;
} break;
case '%': { ss << '%'; } break;
ss << "%" << ch;
//i = m; //get out of loop
else ss << ch;
sF = ss.str();
void stringf(string& stgt,const char *sformat, ... )
va_list marker;
va_start(marker, sformat);
DoFormatting(stgt, sformat, marker);
void stringfappend(string& stgt,const char *sformat, ... )
string sF = "";
va_list marker;
va_start(marker, sformat);
DoFormatting(sF, sformat, marker);
stgt += sF;
c++ 17解决方案(这将工作于std::string和std::wstring):
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cwchar>
#include <cstdio>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T, typename ... Args>
std::basic_string<T> string_format(T const* const format, Args ... args)
int size_signed{ 0 };
// 1) Determine size with error handling:
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, char>) { // C++17
size_signed = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, format, args ...);
else {
size_signed = std::swprintf(nullptr, 0, format, args ...);
if (size_signed <= 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("error during formatting.");
const auto size = static_cast<size_t>(size_signed);
// 2) Prepare formatted string:
std::basic_string<T> formatted(size, T{});
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, char>) { // C++17
std::snprintf(formatted.data(), size + 1, format, args ...); // +1 for the '\0' (it will not be part of formatted).
else {
std::swprintf(formatted.data(), size + 1, format, args ...); // +1 for the '\0' (it will not be part of formatted).
return formatted; // Named Return Value Optimization (NRVO), avoids an unnecessary copy.
此外:通常,format参数是char[] / wchar_t[] &创建std::string对象效率不高。传递char*或wchar_t* &如果你已经有一个std::string对象,你仍然可以使用它作为your_string.c_str()。例子:
int main()
int i{ 0 };
// The format parameter is a char[] / wchar_t[]:
const std::string title1 = string_format("story[%d].", ++i); // => "story[1]"
const std::wstring title2 = string_format(L"story[%d].", ++i); // => L"story[2]"
// If you already have a std::string object:
const std::string format1{ "story[%d]." };
const std::string title3 = string_format(format1.c_str(), ++i); // => "story[3]"
const std::wstring format2{ L"story[%d]." };
const std::wstring title4 = string_format(format2.c_str(), ++i); // => L"story[4]"
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