我一直在使用JetBrains dotTrace用于WinForms和控制台应用程序(尚未在ASP.net上测试),它工作得很好:
我最近发现了EQATEC Profiler http://www.eqatec.com/tools/profiler。它适用于大多数。net版本和许多平台。它易于使用,部分内容是免费的,即使用于商业用途也是如此。
我广泛使用JetBrains dotTrace和Redgate ANTS。它们在功能和价格上相当相似。它们都提供有用的性能分析和相当基本的内存分析。
免费的微软CLR分析器(。Net framework 2.0 / .Net framework 4.0)是.Net内存分析所需要的全部。
我怀疑Visual Studio Team System自带的分析器是不是最好的分析器,但我发现它在很多情况下已经足够好了。除了维密所提供的,你还需要什么?
This is helpful not only during code changes, but also if you have an application that uses a different database, say, for each client/customer. If one customer complains of slowness, you can run a profiling session using their database and compare the results with a "fast" database to determine which operations are contributing to the slowness. Of course there are many database-side performance tools, but sometimes I really helps to see the performance metrics from the application side (since that's closer to what the user's actually seeing).
其他人已经介绍了性能分析,但是是关于内存分析 我目前正在评估Scitech . net Memory Profiler 3.1和ANTS Memory Profiler 5.1(2009年9月的当前版本)。一两年前我试过JetBrains,它不如ANTS(内存分析)那么好,所以这次我就不麻烦了。从网站上看,它似乎没有其他两个相同的内存分析功能。
ANTS和Scitech .NET内存分析器的共同特征
实时分析功能 他们的网站上有优秀的教学视频 使用方便 合理的性能(明显比没有附加分析器时慢,但不至于让你感到沮丧) 显示泄漏对象的实例 基本上他们都做得很好
One-click filters to find common leaks including: objects kept alive only by event handlers, objects that are disposed but still live and objects that are only being kept alive by a reference from a disposed object. This is probably the killer feature of ANTS - finding leaks is incredibly fast because of this. In my experience, the majority of leaks are caused by event handlers not being unhooked and ANTS just takes you straight to these objects. Awesome. Object retention graph. While the same info is available in Scitech, it's much easier to interpret in ANTS. Shows size with children in addition to size of the object itself (but only when an instance is selected unfortunately, not in the overall class list). Better integration to Visual Studio (right-click on graph to jump to file)
Scitech .NET内存分析器
Shows stack trace when object was allocated. This is really useful for objects that are allocated in lots of different places. With ANTS it is difficult to determine exactly where the leaked object was created. Shows count of disposable objects that were not disposed. While not indicative of a leak, it does identify opportunities to fix this problem and improve your application performance as a result of faster garbage collection. More detailed filtering options (several columns can be filtered independently). Presents info on total objects created (including those garbage collected). ANTS only shows 'live' object stats. This makes it easier to analyze and tune overall application performance (eg. identify where lots of objects being created unnecessarily that aren't necessarily leaking).
当前版本的SharpDevelop(3.1.1)有一个很好的集成分析器。它非常快,并且很好地集成到SharpDevelop IDE和它的NUnit运行器中。结果以灵活的树/列表样式显示(使用LINQ创建自己的选择)。双击显示的方法将直接跳转到源代码。
I must bring an amazing tool to your notice which i have used sometime back. AVICode Interceptor Studio. In my previous company we used this wonderful tool to profile the webapplication (This is supposed to be the single largest web application in the world and the largest civilian IT project ever done). The performance team did wonders with the help of this magnificent tool. It is a pain to configure it, but that is a one time activity and i would say it is worth the time. Checkout this page for details.
谢谢, 詹姆斯
The NuMega True Time profiler lives on in DevPartner Studio by Micro Focus. It provides line and method level detail for .NET apps requiring only PDBs, no source needed (but it helps.) It can discriminate between algorithmically heavy routines versus those with long I/O waits using our proprietary per thread kernel mode timing driver. Version 10.5 ships with new 64-process support on February 4, 2011. Shameless plug: I work on the DevPartner product line. Follow up at http://www.DevPartner.com for news of the 10.5 launch.
我们公司为。net选择了YourKit Profiler,因为它是性价比最高的(价格vs功能)。对于一个想要拥有灵活许可(浮动许可)的小公司来说,这是一个完美的选择——当时ANTS是开发人员座位挂坠盒。
此外,它为我们提供了附加到正在运行的进程的能力,这在dotTrace中是不可能实现的。注意,虽然附加不是最好的选择,因为所有的。net程序都会变慢,但这是分析由其他进程启动的。net应用程序的唯一方法。 在功能方面,ANTS和dotTrace更好——但最终YourKit已经足够好了。
如果你是ASP。你可以尝试MVCMiniProfiler (http://benjii.me/2011/07/using-the-mvc-mini-profiler-with-entity-framework/)