import java.io.IOException;
class Super {
protected Super getClassName(Super s) throws IOException {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - I'm parent");
return null;
class SubOne extends Super {
protected Super getClassName(Super s) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - I'm Perfect Overriding");
return null;
class SubTwo extends Super {
protected Super getClassName(Super s) throws NullPointerException {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - I'm Overriding and Throwing Runtime Exception");
return null;
class SubThree extends Super {
protected SubThree getClassName(Super s) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+ " - I'm Overriding and Returning SubClass Type");
return null;
class SubFour extends Super {
protected Super getClassName(Super s) throws IOException {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+ " - I'm Overriding and Throwing Narrower Exception ");
return null;
class SubFive extends Super {
public Super getClassName(Super s) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+ " - I'm Overriding and have broader Access ");
return null;
class SubSix extends Super {
public Super getClassName(Super s, String ol) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+ " - I'm Perfect Overloading ");
return null;
class SubSeven extends Super {
public Super getClassName(SubSeven s) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+ " - I'm Perfect Overloading because Method signature (Argument) changed.");
return null;
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Super s1 = new SubOne(); s1.getClassName(null);
Super s2 = new SubTwo(); s2.getClassName(null);
Super s3 = new SubThree(); s3.getClassName(null);
Super s4 = new SubFour(); s4.getClassName(null);
Super s5 = new SubFive(); s5.getClassName(null);
SubSix s6 = new SubSix(); s6.getClassName(null, null);
s6 = new SubSix(); s6.getClassName(null);
SubSeven s7 = new SubSeven(); s7.getClassName(s7);
s7 = new SubSeven(); s7.getClassName(new Super());
你可以在一个类中有一个方法 它在或中被覆盖 更多的子类。这个方法可以 不同的东西取决于哪个 类用于实例化对象。
abstract class Beverage {
boolean isAcceptableTemperature();
class Coffee extends Beverage {
boolean isAcceptableTemperature() {
return temperature > 70;
class Wine extends Beverage {
boolean isAcceptableTemperature() {
return temperature < 10;
你也可以有一种方法 用两组或多组参数重载。这个方法可以 不同的东西基于 传递的参数类型。
class Server {
public void pour (Coffee liquid) {
new Cup().fillToTopWith(liquid);
public void pour (Wine liquid) {
new WineGlass().fillHalfwayWith(liquid);
public void pour (Lemonade liquid, boolean ice) {
Glass glass = new Glass();
if (ice) {
glass.fillToTopWith(new Ice());
重写更像是通过声明一个与上层方法(超级方法)具有相同名称和签名的方法来隐藏一个继承的方法,这为类添加了多态行为。 换句话说,选择要调用的级别方法的决定将在运行时而不是在编译时做出。 这就引出了接口和实现的概念。
Polymorphism is a multiple implementations of an object or you could say multiple forms of an object. lets say you have class Animals as the abstract base class and it has a method called movement() which defines the way that the animal moves. Now in reality we have different kinds of animals and they move differently as well some of them with 2 legs, others with 4 and some with no legs, etc.. To define different movement() of each animal on earth, we need to apply polymorphism. However, you need to define more classes i.e. class Dogs Cats Fish etc. Then you need to extend those classes from the base class Animals and override its method movement() with a new movement functionality based on each animal you have. You can also use Interfaces to achieve that. The keyword in here is overriding, overloading is different and is not considered as polymorphism. with overloading you can define multiple methods "with same name" but with different parameters on same object or class.
下面是伪c# /Java中的多态性示例:
class Animal
abstract string MakeNoise ();
class Cat : Animal {
string MakeNoise () {
return "Meow";
class Dog : Animal {
string MakeNoise () {
return "Bark";
Main () {
Animal animal = Zoo.GetAnimal ();
Console.WriteLine (animal.MakeNoise ());
class animal {
public void makeRumor(){
class dog extends animal {
public void makeRumor(){
animal a = new dog();
dog b = new dog();
a.makeRumor() -> prints thump
b.makeRumor() -> prints woff
动物a =新狗(); Dog b = new Dog ();
a.makeRumor() -> prints thump
b.makeRumor() -> prints woff
在这两种情况下,它只会打印woff.. 因为a和b指的是类dog