Many other languages provide automatic features that we take for granted. Bounds checking, run-time type checking, and automatic memory management, for example, don't come for free. There is at least some cost associated with these features, which we may not think about—or even realize—while writing code that uses these features. The step from source to machine is often not as direct in other languages as it is in C. OTOH, to say that compiled C code executes faster than other code written in other languages is a generalization that isn't always true. Counter-examples are easy to find (or contrive).
MSG msg;
wc.style = 0;
wc.lpfnWndProc = &WndProc;
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.hIcon = NULL;
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1);
wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wc.lpszClassName = "MainWndCls";
CreateWindow("MainWndCls", "", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)){
Application.Run(new Form());
但是,一个丰富的库使简单快速的代码膨胀并不是我真正想要的。当您开始检查我们的小一行程序实际执行时实际发生了什么时,我的观点就更加明显了。为了好玩,可以在Visual Studio 2008或更高版本中启用. net源代码访问,然后进入上面简单的一行代码。您将遇到的一个有趣的小珍宝是Control的getter中的这个注释。CreateParams:
// In a typical control this is accessed ten times to create and show a control.
// It is a net memory savings, then, to maintain a copy on control.
if (createParams == null) {
createParams = new CreateParams();
总而言之,在c#中执行这个非常基本的任务的指令数量比在C中多2-3个数量级,部分原因是使用了功能丰富的库,这是必然的,而我们简单的C代码只做了我们需要的事情,仅此而已。但部分原因是. net框架的模块化、面向对象的特性导致了大量的重复执行,而过程方法通常可以避免这些重复执行。
检查数组下标边界 检查未初始化的变量值 检查内存泄漏 检查空指针解引用
C code can be non-portable. Although it strove to give programmers the opportunity to write truly portable programs, the Committee did not want to force programmers into writing portably, to preclude the use of C as a ``high-level assembler'': the ability to write machine-specific code is one of the strengths of C. Keep the spirit of C. The Committee kept as a major goal to preserve the traditional spirit of C. There are many facets of the spirit of C, but the essence is a community sentiment of the underlying principles upon which the C language is based. Some of the facets of the spirit of C can be summarized in phrases like Trust the programmer. Don't prevent the programmer from doing what needs to be done. Keep the language small and simple. Provide only one way to do an operation. Make it fast, even if it is not guaranteed to be portable. The last proverb needs a little explanation. The potential for efficient code generation is one of the most important strengths of C. To help ensure that no code explosion occurs for what appears to be a very simple operation, many operations are defined to be how the target machine's hardware does it rather than by a general abstract rule. An example of this willingness to live with what the machine does can be seen in the rules that govern the widening of char objects for use in expressions: whether the values of char objects widen to signed or unsigned quantities typically depends on which byte operation is more efficient on the target machine.
这是自动和手动的区别,高级语言是抽象的,因此是自动化的。C/ c++是人工控制和处理的,甚至错误检查代码有时也是人工劳动。
C和c++也是编译语言,这意味着没有任何一种语言可以在任何地方运行,这些语言必须针对您使用的硬件进行微调,从而增加了额外的隐患。尽管现在C/ c++编译器在所有平台上变得越来越普遍,这有点令人不安。您可以在平台之间进行交叉编译。这仍然不是一个到处运行的情况,你基本上是在指示编译器a针对编译器B编译相同的代码,不同的架构。
C also performs a lot less error-checking than other languages, presuming the programmer knows what they're doing. So whereas in PHP if you declare a string $myStr = getInput(); and go on to reference $myStr[20], but the input was only 10 characters long, PHP will catch this and safely return to you a blank string. C assumes that you've either allocated enough memory to hold data past the end of the string or that you know what information comes after the string and are trying to reference that instead. These small factors have a huge impact on overhead in aggregate.
The other major thing is that using garbage collection and not using proper pointers allows the virtual machine to make a number of optimizations not available in other languages. For instance, the JVM is capable of moving objects around on the heap to defragment it. This makes future allocations much faster since the next index can simply be used rather than looking it up in a table. Modern JVMs also don't have to actually deallocate memory; instead, they just move the live objects around when they GC and the spent memory from the dead objects is recovered essentially for free.
This also brings up an interesting point about C and even more so in C++. There is something of a design philosophy of "If you don't need it, you don't pay for it." The problem is that if you do want it, you end up paying through the nose for it. For instance, the vtable implementation in Java tends to be a lot better than C++ implementations, so virtual function calls are a lot faster. On the other hand, you have no choice but to use virtual functions in Java and they still cost something, but in programs that use a lot of virtual functions, the reduced cost adds up.
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