

不要轻信别人的话,看看在代码的任何性能关键部分,C语言和你选择的语言的反汇编。我认为你可以在Visual Studio运行时的反汇编窗口中看到已分解的. net。如果Java使用windbg有点棘手,应该是可能的,尽管如果你用。net来做,许多问题将是相同的。


第一次比较JITed代码和本地代码时,我解决了。net代码是否能与C代码运行得相当的所有问题。额外的抽象层次和所有的安全检查都带来了巨大的成本。同样的成本可能也适用于Java,但不要相信我的话,在性能至关重要的地方尝试一下。(有没有人足够了解JITed Java来在内存中找到一个编译过的过程?这当然是可能的)



The reason Jeff and Joel talk about C being the "real programmer" language is because there is no hand-holding in C. You must allocate your own memory, deallocate that memory, do your own bounds-checking, etc. There's no such thing as new object(); There's no garbage collection, classes, OOP, entity frameworks, LINQ, properties, attributes, fields, or anything like that. You have to know things like pointer arithmetic and how to dereference a pointer. And, for that matter, know and understand what a pointer is. You have to know what a stack frame is and what the instruction pointer is. You have to know the memory model of the CPU architecture you're working on. There is a lot of implicit understanding of the architecture of a microcomputer (usually the microcomputer you're working on) when programming in C that simply is not present nor necessary when programming in something like C# or Java. All of that information has been off-loaded to the compiler (or VM) programmer.


它被编译成汇编语言。 它是静态类型的。 没有垃圾回收。 没有异常机制。 编译器优化 C语言的哲学之一是保持简单并保持向后兼容性,而不是添加更多的特性。

For the most part, every C instruction corresponds to a very few assembler instructions. You are essentially writing higher level machine code, so you have control over almost everything the processor does. Many other compiled languages, such as C++, have a lot of simple looking instructions that can turn into much more code than you think it does (virtual functions, copy constructors, etc..) And interpreted languages like Java or Ruby have another layer of instructions that you never see - the Virtual Machine or Interpreter.




More recently, we've seen more hybrid languages like Java, that employ both a compiler and an interpreter to make them work. It's complicated, but a JVM is faster, more sophisticated and way more optimized than the old interpreters, so it stands a much better change of performing (over time) closer to just straight compiled code. Of course, the newer compilers also have more fancy optimizing tricks so they tend to generate way better code than they used to as well. But most optimizations, most often (although not always) make some type of trade-off such that they are not always faster in all circumstances. Like everything else, nothing comes for free, so the optimizers must get their boast from somewhere (although often times it using compile-time CPU to save runtime CPU).

Getting back to C, it is a simple language, that can be compiled into fairly optimized assembly and then run directly on the target machine. In C, if you increment an integer, it's more than likely that it is only one assembler step in the CPU, in Java however, it could end up being a lot more than that (and could include a bit of garbage collection as well :-) C offers you an abstraction that is way closer to the machine (assembler is the closest), but you end up having to do way more work to get it going and it is not as protected, easy to use or error friendly. Most other languages give you a higher abstraction and take care of more of the underlying details for you, but in exchange for their advanced functionality they require more resources to run. As you generalize some solutions, you have to handle a broader range of computing, which often requires more resources.



