The fastest running code would be carefully hand crafted machine code. Assembler will be almost as good. Both are very low level and it takes a lot of writing code to do things. C is a little above assembler. You still have the ability to control things at a very low level in the actual machine, but there is enough abstraction make writing it faster and easier then assembler. Other languages such as C# and JAVA are even more abstract. While Assembler and machine code are called low level languages, C# and JAVA (and many others) are called high level languages. C is sometimes called a middle level language.
I think there is at least one candidate language that with effort could be optimized better than C and thus we could see implementations that produce faster binaries. I'm thinking of digital mars D because the creator took care to build a language that could potentially be better optimized than C. There may be other languages that have this possibility. However I cannot imagine that any language will have compilers more than just a few percent faster than the best C compilers. I would love to be wrong.
It's also important (at least to me) that the worst case code tends to be fast. There are numerous "proofs" on the web that Java is as fast or faster than C, but that is based on cherry picking examples. I'm not big fan of C, but I know that ANYTHING I write in C is going to run well. With Java it will "probably" run within 15% of the speed, usually within 25% but in some cases it can be far worse. Any cases where it's just as fast or within a couple of percent are usually due to most of the time being spent in the library code which is heavily optimized C anyway.
有什么能阻止其他语言 能够编译成二进制文件 运行速度和C一样快?
没什么。像Java或。net语言这样的现代语言更多地面向程序员的生产力,而不是性能。现在硬件很便宜。此外,编译到中间表示提供了很多好处,如安全性,可移植性等。net CLR可以利用不同的硬件-例如,你不需要手动优化/重新编译程序来使用SSE指令集。
function RemoveAllAFromB(a, b: string): string;
before, after :string;
Result := b;
if 0 < Pos(a,b) then begin
before := Copy(b,1,Pos(a,b)-Length(a));
after := Copy(b,Pos(a,b)+Length(a),Length(b));
Result := before + after;
Result := RemoveAllAFromB(a,Result); //recursive
char *s1, *s2, *result; /* original strings and the result string */
int len1, len2; /* lengths of the strings */
for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
if (s1[i] == s2[j]) {
if (j == len2) { /* s1[i] is not found in s2 */
*result = s1[i];
result++; /* assuming your result array is long enough */
2) Answers saying that C is less abstracted and therefore faster are only half correct I think. Technically speaking, if you had a "sufficiently advanced compiler" for language X, then language X could approach or equal the speed of C. The difference with C is that since it maps so obviously (if you've taken an architecture course) and directly to assembly language that even a naive compiler can do a decent job. For something like Python, you need a very advanced compiler to predict the probable types of objects and generate machine code on the fly -- C's semantics are simple enough that a simple compiler can do well.
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