



The other major thing is that using garbage collection and not using proper pointers allows the virtual machine to make a number of optimizations not available in other languages. For instance, the JVM is capable of moving objects around on the heap to defragment it. This makes future allocations much faster since the next index can simply be used rather than looking it up in a table. Modern JVMs also don't have to actually deallocate memory; instead, they just move the live objects around when they GC and the spent memory from the dead objects is recovered essentially for free.

This also brings up an interesting point about C and even more so in C++. There is something of a design philosophy of "If you don't need it, you don't pay for it." The problem is that if you do want it, you end up paying through the nose for it. For instance, the vtable implementation in Java tends to be a lot better than C++ implementations, so virtual function calls are a lot faster. On the other hand, you have no choice but to use virtual functions in Java and they still cost something, but in programs that use a lot of virtual functions, the reduced cost adds up.












汇编程序比用C语言编写的程序要快。 C程序将比用c++编写的程序更快。


c++程序比用C编写的程序要快。 C语言的程序比用汇编语言编写的程序要快。



不要轻信别人的话,看看在代码的任何性能关键部分,C语言和你选择的语言的反汇编。我认为你可以在Visual Studio运行时的反汇编窗口中看到已分解的. net。如果Java使用windbg有点棘手,应该是可能的,尽管如果你用。net来做,许多问题将是相同的。


第一次比较JITed代码和本地代码时,我解决了。net代码是否能与C代码运行得相当的所有问题。额外的抽象层次和所有的安全检查都带来了巨大的成本。同样的成本可能也适用于Java,但不要相信我的话,在性能至关重要的地方尝试一下。(有没有人足够了解JITed Java来在内存中找到一个编译过的过程?这当然是可能的)



I think there is at least one candidate language that with effort could be optimized better than C and thus we could see implementations that produce faster binaries. I'm thinking of digital mars D because the creator took care to build a language that could potentially be better optimized than C. There may be other languages that have this possibility. However I cannot imagine that any language will have compilers more than just a few percent faster than the best C compilers. I would love to be wrong.


It's also important (at least to me) that the worst case code tends to be fast. There are numerous "proofs" on the web that Java is as fast or faster than C, but that is based on cherry picking examples. I'm not big fan of C, but I know that ANYTHING I write in C is going to run well. With Java it will "probably" run within 15% of the speed, usually within 25% but in some cases it can be far worse. Any cases where it's just as fast or within a couple of percent are usually due to most of the time being spent in the library code which is heavily optimized C anyway.

The lack of abstraction is what makes C faster. If you write an output statement you know exactly what is happening. If you write an output statement in java it is getting compiled to a class file which then gets run on a virtual machine introducing a layor of abstraction. The lack of object oriented features as a part of the language also increases it's speed do to less code being generated. If you use C as an object oriented language then you are doing all the coding for things such as classes, inharitence, etc. This means rather then make something generalized enough for everyone with the amount of code and the performance penelty that requires you only write what you need to get the job done.