现在是2014年,我已经使用Git和Dropbox大约一年半了,没有任何问题。 以下是几点:
我所有使用Dropbox的电脑都是Windows操作系统,不同版本(7到8)+ 1个mac。 我不与其他人共享存储库,所以我是唯一一个修改它的人。 git push推送到一个远程存储库,这样如果它损坏了,我可以很容易地恢复它。 我必须在C:\Users中使用mklink /D链接目标创建别名,因为一些库指向绝对位置。
~/project $ git init
~/project $ git add .
~/project $ git commit -m "first commit"
~/project $ cd ~/Dropbox/git
~/Dropbox/git $ git init --bare project.git
~/Dropbox/git $ cd ~/project
~/project $ git remote add origin ~/Dropbox/git/project.git
~/project $ git push -u origin master
我写了一篇博客文章“关于版本控制”,其中介绍了环境设置背后的原因。它基于我的Ruby on Rails开发经验,但实际上它可以应用于任何东西。
现在是2015年,就在三天前,一个基于Dropbox API v2的新工具已经被创建出来,可以安全地在Dropbox上使用git。它针对API工作,而不是使用桌面客户端,并正确地处理多个同时推送到共享文件夹中托管的存储库。
git clone "dropbox::/path/to/repo"
git remote add origin "dropbox::/path/to/repo"
bundle-push = "!cd \"${GIT_PREFIX:-.}\" && if path=\"$(git config remote.\"$1\".url)\" && [ \"${path:0:1}\" = / ]; then git bundle create \"$path\" --all && git fetch \"$1\"; else echo \"Not a bundle remote\"; exit 1; fi #"
bundle-fetch = "!cd \"${GIT_PREFIX:-.}\" && if path=\"$(git config remote.\"$1\".url)\" && [ \"${path:0:1}\" = / ]; then git bundle verify \"$path\" && git fetch \"$1\"; else echo \"Not a bundle remote\"; exit 1; fi #"
bundle-new = "!cd \"${GIT_PREFIX:-.}\" && if [ -z \"${1:-}\" -o -z \"${2:-}\" ]; then echo \"Usage: git bundle-new <file> <remote name>\"; exit 1; elif [ -e \"$2\" ]; then echo \"File exist\"; exit 1; else git bundle create \"$2\" --all && git remote add -f \"$1\" \"$(realpath \"$2\")\"; fi #"
# Create bundle remote (in local repo)
$ git bundle-new dropbox ~/Dropbox/my-repo.bundle
# Fetch updates from dropbox
$ git bundle-fetch dropbox
# NOTE: writes over previous bundle. Thus, roughly equivalent to push --force --prune --all
$ git bundle-push
The root cause of these problems is that the Dropbox desktop client is designed for syncing files, not Git repositories. Without special handling for Git repositories, it doesn’t maintain the same guarantees as Git. Operations on the remote repository are no longer atomic, and concurrent operations or unlucky timing with synchronization can result in a corrupted repository. Traditional Git remotes run code on the server side to make this work properly, but we can’t do that. Solution: It is possible to solve this properly. It is possible to use Git with Dropbox and have the same safety and consistency guarantees as a traditional Git remote, even when there are multiple users and concurrent operations! For a user, it’s as simple as using git-remote-dropbox, a Git remote helper that acts as a transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Dropbox and maintains all the guarantees of a traditional Git remote. It’s even safe to use with shared folders, so it can be used for collaboration (yay unlimited private repos with unlimited collaborators!). With the remote helper, it’s possible to use Dropbox as a Git remote and continue using all the regular Git commands like git clone, git pull, and git push, and everything will just work as expected.
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