

速度——我的研究表明,如果我的目标受众是美国/亚洲,那么在美国东海岸部署AWS将是最快的。 安全性——他们有多安全? 缩放-它实际上是如何工作的? 成本效率——有一些像动态的东西,使其易于扩展。 他们在竞争对手面前表现如何?比如Engine Yard和bluebox?



AWS / Heroku对于小型业余项目(开始时)都是免费的。




平台即服务(PAAS) 好的文档 具有内置的工具和体系结构。 在设计应用程序时,对架构的控制有限。 部署(通过GitHub自动部署或通过git命令或CLI手动部署)。 不浪费时间。


基础设施即服务(IAAS) 多功能-具有许多产品,如EC2, LAMBDA, EMR等。 可以使用专用实例对体系结构进行更多控制,例如选择操作系统、软件版本等。后台层不止一个。 Elastic Beanstalk是一个类似于Heroku的PAAS的功能。 可以使用自动部署,也可以自行部署。










到这里,你想要放大。太好了。您正在使用Puppet进行EC2部署,对吗?现在你可以配置你的Capistrano文件来根据需要旋转实例;你重新调整你的Puppet配置,这样Varnish就能意识到web-worker实例,并自动在它们之间进行池化。或者你heroku scale web:+5。






When you deploy, you're effectively handing your code straight over to Heroku. This may be an issue for you. Their article on Dyno Isolation details their isolation technologies (it seems as though multiple dynos are run on individual EC2 instances). Several colleagues have expressed issues with these technologies and the strength of their isolation; I am alas not in a position of enough knowledge / experience to really comment, but my current Heroku deployments consider that "good enough". It may be an issue for you, I don't know.


我在上面的IaaS与PaaS的比较中提到了如何实现这一点。大约,你的应用程序有一个Procfile,它的行形式为dyno_type: command_to_run,例如(摘自Heroku Architecture - the Process Model):

web:    bundle exec rails server
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work


heroku scale web:2 worker:10

将导致你有2个web dynos和10个worker dynos运行。很好,简单,简单。请注意,web是一种特殊的动态类型,它可以访问外部世界,并且在他们漂亮的web流量多路复用器(可能是某种Varnish / nginx组合)后面,将相应地路由流量。您的worker可能会与一个消息队列进行类似的路由交互,它们将通过环境中的URL从该消息队列获取位置。




(有点题外说,但如果我从这里连接到一个dyno (heroku run bash),粗略地看一下/proc/cpuinfo中有4个核和36GB RAM——这让我相信我在一个“高内存双超大实例”上。Heroku dyno文档说每个dyno接收512MB的RAM,所以我可能会与多达71个其他dyno共享。(我没有足够的数据关于Heroku的AWS实例的同质性,所以你的里程可能会有所不同))




Please comment if there are gaps / other areas you'd like addressed. I feel I should offer my personal position. I love Heroku for "quick deployments". When I'm starting an application, and I want some cheap hosting (the Heroku free tier is awesome - essentially if you only need one web dyno and 5MB of PostgreSQL, it's free to host an application), Heroku is my go-to position. For "Serious Production Deployment" with several paying customers, with a service-level-agreement, with dedicated time to spend on ops, et cetera, I can't quite bring myself to offload that much control to Heroku, and then either AWS or our own servers have been the hosting platform of choice.


请注意,AWS实际上有一个PaaS产品Elastic Beanstalk,它支持Ruby、Node.js、PHP、Python、. net和Java。我认为一般来说,大多数人一看到“AWS”,就会跳到EC2、S3和EBS这样的东西上,这些肯定是IaaS产品


您可以在这里查看完整的内容:如何在Amazon AWS EC2上托管PHP

Actually you can use both - you can develop an app with amazon servers ec2. Then push it (with git) to heroku for free for awhile (use heroku free tier to serve it to the public) and test it like so. It is very cost effective in comparison to rent a server, but you will have to talk with a more restrictive heroku api which is something you should think about. Source: this method was adopted for one of my online classes "Startup engineering from Coursera/Stanford by Balaji S. Srinivasan and Vijay S. Pande


Heroku非常易于使用和部署,可以很容易地配置为自动部署存储库(如GitHub),有很多第三方插件,每个实例收费更高。 AWS拥有更广泛的价格具有竞争力的第一方服务,包括DNS、负载平衡、廉价的文件存储,并具有能够定义安全策略等企业功能。


AWS ElasticBeanstalk尝试提供一个类似heroku的自动伸缩和简单部署平台。由于它使用EC2实例(它自动创建),EB服务器可以做任何其他EC2实例可以做的事情,而且运行成本很低。


您可以使用ElasticBeanstalk在幕后使用的所有服务来构建自己的定制系统(使用CodeDeploy, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling Groups -以及CodeCommit, CodeBuild和CodePipeline,如果您想全部投入的话),但您绝对可以花几个星期的时间来第一次设置它,因为它相当复杂,比仅在EC2中配置东西稍微复杂一些。

AWS Lightsail提供了一个价格具有竞争力的托管选项,但对部署或扩展没有帮助——它实际上只是他们EC2产品的包装(但成本更高)。它允许您在初始设置时自动运行bash脚本,这是一个不错的操作,但与仅设置EC2实例的成本相比(您也可以通过编程方式设置EC2实例),它的成本较高。


Don't underestimate how much work system administration is, including keeping everything you have installed up to date with security patches (and occasional OS updates). Don't underestimate how much of a benefit automatic deployment, auto-scaling, and SSL provisioning and configuration are. Automatic deployment when you update your Git repository is effortless with Heroku. It is near instant, graceful so there are no outages for end users and can be set to update only if the tests / Continuous Integration passes so you don't break your site if you deploy broken code. You can also use ElasticBeanstalk for automatic deployment, but be prepared to spend a week setting that up the first time - you may have to change how you deploy and build assets (like CSS and JS) to work with how ElasticBeanstalk handles deployments or build logic into your app to handle deployments. Be aware in estimating costs that for seamless deployment with no outage on EB you need to run multiple instances - EB rolls out updates to each server individually so that your service is not degraded - where as Heroku spins up a new dyno for you and just deprecates the old service until all the requests to it are done being handled (then it deletes it). Interestingly, the hosting cost of running multiple servers with EB can be cheaper than a single Heroku instance, especially once you include the cost of add-ons.


Using a different provider for production and development is a bad idea. I am cringing that people are suggesting this. While ideally code should run just fine on any reasonable platform so it's as portable as possible, versions of software on each host will vary greatly and just because code runs in staging doesn't mean it will run in production (e.g. major Node.js/Ruby/Python/PHP/Perl versions can differ in ways that make code incompatible, often in silent ways that might not be caught even if you have decent test coverage). What is a good idea is to leverage something like Heroku for prototyping, smaller projects and microsites - so you can build and deploy things quickly without investing a lot of time in configuration and maintenance. Be sure to factor in the cost of running both production and pre-production instances when making that decision, not forgetting the cost of replicating the entire environment (including third party services such as data stores / add ons, installing and configuring SSL, etc). If using AWS, be wary of AWS pre-configured instances from vendors like Bitnami - they are a security nightmare. They can expose lots of notoriously vulnerable applications by default without mentioning it in the description. Consider instead just using a well supported mainstream distribution, such as Ubuntu or Debian (or CentOS if you need RPM support). Note: Amazon offer have their own distribution called Amazon Linux, which uses RPM, but it's EC2 specific and less well supported by third party/open source software. You could also setup an EC2 instance on AWS (or Lightsail) and configure with something like flynn or dokku on it - on which you could then deploy multiple sites easily, which can be worth it if you maintain a lot of services or want to be able to spin up new things easily. However getting it set up is not as automagic as just using Heroku and you can end up spending a lot of time configuring and maintaining it (to the point I've found deploying using Amazon clustering and Docker Swarm to be easier than setting them up; YMMV).

我同时使用AWS EC实例(单独和集群)、Elastic Beanstalk和Lightsail和Heroku,这取决于我正在从事的项目的需求。





