


public static IEnumerable<Product> GetAllProducts()
    using (AdventureWorksEntities db = new AdventureWorksEntities())
        var products = from product in db.Product
                       select product;

        foreach (Product product in products)
            yield return product;


public static IEnumerable<Product> GetAllProducts()
    using (AdventureWorksEntities db = new AdventureWorksEntities())
        var products = from product in db.Product
                       select product;

        return products.ToList<Product>();



public static IEnumerable<Product> AllProducts
    get {
        using (AdventureWorksEntities db = new AdventureWorksEntities()) {
            var products = from product in db.Product
                           select product;

            return products;


prices = Whatever.AllProducts.Select (product => product.price);


prices = Whatever.GetAllProducts().Select (product => product.price);



以下是Chris Sells在《c#程序设计语言》中讲述的语句;

I sometimes forget that yield return is not the same as return , in that the code after a yield return can be executed. For example, the code after the first return here can never be executed: int F() { return 1; return 2; // Can never be executed } In contrast, the code after the first yield return here can be executed: IEnumerable<int> F() { yield return 1; yield return 2; // Can be executed } This often bites me in an if statement: IEnumerable<int> F() { if(...) { yield return 1; // I mean this to be the only thing returned } yield return 2; // Oops! } In these cases, remembering that yield return is not “final” like return is helpful.


注意:不要认为yield关键字仅仅是构建集合的另一种方式。收益率的很大一部分力量来自于这样一个事实,即在执行过程中暂停 方法或属性,直到调用代码遍历下一个值。以下是我的例子:

使用yield关键字(与Rob Eisenburg的Caliburn一起使用)。微协程实现)允许我像这样表达对web服务的异步调用:

public IEnumerable<IResult> HandleButtonClick() {
    yield return Show.Busy();

    var loginCall = new LoginResult(wsClient, Username, Password);
    yield return loginCall;
    this.IsLoggedIn = loginCall.Success;

    yield return Show.NotBusy();


Here's how this works: IResult has an Execute method and a Completed event. Caliburn.Micro grabs the IEnumerator from the call to HandleButtonClick() and passes it into a Coroutine.BeginExecute method. The BeginExecute method starts iterating through the IResults. When the first IResult is returned, execution is paused inside HandleButtonClick(), and BeginExecute() attaches an event handler to the Completed event and calls Execute(). IResult.Execute() can perform either a synchronous or an asynchronous task and fires the Completed event when it's done.


public LoginResult : IResult {
    // Constructor to set private members...

    public void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context) {
        wsClient.LoginCompleted += (sender, e) => {
            this.Success = e.Result;
            Completed(this, new ResultCompletionEventArgs());
        wsClient.Login(username, password);

    public event EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> Completed = delegate { };
    public bool Success { get; private set; }





这样就更清楚了 该列表是可重用的。(迭代器不是)不是真的,谢谢Jon

You should use the iterator (yield) from when you think you probably won't have to iterate all the way to the end of the list, or when it has no end. For example, the client calling is going to be searching for the first product that satisfies some predicate, you might consider using the iterator, although that's a contrived example, and there are probably better ways to accomplish it. Basically, if you know in advance that the whole list will need to be calculated, just do it up front. If you think that it won't, then consider using the iterator version.


使用版本2,在返回之前必须有完整的列表。 通过使用yield-return,您实际上只需要在返回前获得下一项。


