Unlike serialize() you need to add extra parameter to keep UTF-8 characters untouched: json_encode($array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) (otherwise it converts UTF-8 characters to Unicode escape sequences).
JSON will have no memory of what the object's original class was (they are always restored as instances of stdClass).
You can't leverage __sleep() and __wakeup() with JSON
By default, only public properties are serialized with JSON. (in PHP>=5.4 you can implement JsonSerializable to change this behavior).
JSON is more portable
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Make a big, honkin test array
// You may need to adjust this depth to avoid memory limit errors
$testArray = fillArray(0, 5);
// Time json encoding
$start = microtime(true);
$jsonTime = microtime(true) - $start;
echo "JSON encoded in $jsonTime seconds\n";
// Time serialization
$start = microtime(true);
$serializeTime = microtime(true) - $start;
echo "PHP serialized in $serializeTime seconds\n";
// Compare them
if ($jsonTime < $serializeTime) {
printf("json_encode() was roughly %01.2f%% faster than serialize()\n", ($serializeTime / $jsonTime - 1) * 100);
else if ($serializeTime < $jsonTime ) {
printf("serialize() was roughly %01.2f%% faster than json_encode()\n", ($jsonTime / $serializeTime - 1) * 100);
} else {
echo "Impossible!\n";
function fillArray( $depth, $max ) {
static $seed;
if (is_null($seed)) {
$seed = array('a', 2, 'c', 4, 'e', 6, 'g', 8, 'i', 10);
if ($depth < $max) {
$node = array();
foreach ($seed as $key) {
$node[$key] = fillArray($depth + 1, $max);
return $node;
return 'empty';
这些都是在PHP 5.3.3下完成的,如果你想了解更多细节,请告诉我。
JSON encoded in 2.23700618744 seconds
PHP serialized in 1.3434419632 seconds
JSON decoded in 4.0405561924 seconds
PHP unserialized in 1.39393305779 seconds
serialized size : 14549
json_encode size : 11520
serialize() was roughly 66.51% faster than json_encode()
unserialize() was roughly 189.87% faster than json_decode()
json_encode() string was roughly 26.29% smaller than serialize()
// Time json encoding
$start = microtime( true );
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
json_encode( $test );
$jsonTime = microtime( true ) - $start;
echo "JSON encoded in $jsonTime seconds<br>";
// Time serialization
$start = microtime( true );
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
serialize( $test );
$serializeTime = microtime( true ) - $start;
echo "PHP serialized in $serializeTime seconds<br>";
// Time json decoding
$test2 = json_encode( $test );
$start = microtime( true );
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
json_decode( $test2 );
$jsonDecodeTime = microtime( true ) - $start;
echo "JSON decoded in $jsonDecodeTime seconds<br>";
// Time deserialization
$test2 = serialize( $test );
$start = microtime( true );
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
unserialize( $test2 );
$unserializeTime = microtime( true ) - $start;
echo "PHP unserialized in $unserializeTime seconds<br>";
$jsonSize = strlen(json_encode( $test ));
$phpSize = strlen(serialize( $test ));
echo "<p>serialized size : " . strlen(serialize( $test )) . "<br>";
echo "json_encode size : " . strlen(json_encode( $test )) . "<br></p>";
// Compare them
if ( $jsonTime < $serializeTime )
echo "json_encode() was roughly " . number_format( ($serializeTime / $jsonTime - 1 ) * 100, 2 ) . "% faster than serialize()";
else if ( $serializeTime < $jsonTime )
echo "serialize() was roughly " . number_format( ($jsonTime / $serializeTime - 1 ) * 100, 2 ) . "% faster than json_encode()";
} else {
echo 'Unpossible!';
echo '<BR>';
// Compare them
if ( $jsonDecodeTime < $unserializeTime )
echo "json_decode() was roughly " . number_format( ($unserializeTime / $jsonDecodeTime - 1 ) * 100, 2 ) . "% faster than unserialize()";
else if ( $unserializeTime < $jsonDecodeTime )
echo "unserialize() was roughly " . number_format( ($jsonDecodeTime / $unserializeTime - 1 ) * 100, 2 ) . "% faster than json_decode()";
} else {
echo 'Unpossible!';
echo '<BR>';
// Compare them
if ( $jsonSize < $phpSize )
echo "json_encode() string was roughly " . number_format( ($phpSize / $jsonSize - 1 ) * 100, 2 ) . "% smaller than serialize()";
else if ( $phpSize < $jsonSize )
echo "serialize() string was roughly " . number_format( ($jsonSize / $phpSize - 1 ) * 100, 2 ) . "% smaller than json_encode()";
} else {
echo 'Unpossible!';