"Hello %1$s the time is %2$t"
String.format("Hello %1$s, your name is %1$s and the time is %2$t", name, time)
然而,如果你不关心本地化,就没有功能上的区别。 也许这个连接比另一个快,但在大多数情况下,它可以忽略不计。
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++){
String s = "Hi " + i + "; Hi to you " + i*2;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Concatenation = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond") ;
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++){
String s = String.format("Hi %s; Hi to you %s",i, + i*2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
串联= 265毫秒 格式= 4141毫秒
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( int i=0;i<1000000; i++){
String s = String.format( "Hi %s; Hi to you %s",i, + i*2);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( int i=0;i<1000000; i++){
String s = "Hi " + i + "; Hi to you " + i*2;
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Concatenation = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond") ;
String formatString = "Hi %s; Hi to you %s";
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = String.format(formatString, i, +i * 2);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("Format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = "Hi " + i + "; Hi to you " + i * 2;
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("Concatenation = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
StringBuilder bldString = new StringBuilder("Hi ");
bldString.append(i).append("; Hi to you ").append(i * 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("String Builder = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
2012-01-11 16:30:46,058 INFO [TestMain] - Format = 1416毫秒 2012-01-11 16:30:46,190 INFO [TestMain] -连接= 134毫秒 2012-01-11 16:30:46,313 INFO [TestMain] - String Builder = 117毫秒
class StringTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String formatString = "Hi %s; Hi to you %s";
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = String.format(formatString, i, +i * 2);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = "Hi " + i + "; Hi to you " + i * 2;
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Concatenation = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
StringBuilder bldString = new StringBuilder("Hi ");
bldString.append(i).append("Hi to you ").append(i * 2).toString();
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("String Builder = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
Shell命令:(编译并运行StringTest 5次)
> javac StringTest.java
> sh -c "for i in \$(seq 1 5); do echo \"Run \${i}\"; java StringTest; done"
Run 1
Format = 1290 millisecond
Concatenation = 115 millisecond
String Builder = 130 millisecond
Run 2
Format = 1265 millisecond
Concatenation = 114 millisecond
String Builder = 126 millisecond
Run 3
Format = 1303 millisecond
Concatenation = 114 millisecond
String Builder = 127 millisecond
Run 4
Format = 1297 millisecond
Concatenation = 114 millisecond
String Builder = 127 millisecond
Run 5
Format = 1270 millisecond
Concatenation = 114 millisecond
String Builder = 126 millisecond
public class Time {
public static String sysFile = "/sys/class/camera/rear/rear_flash";
public static String cmdString = "echo %s > " + sysFile;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 1;
for(int run=1; run <= 12; run++){
for(int test =1; test <= 2 ; test++){
String.format("\nTEST: %s, RUN: %s, Iterations: %s",run,test,i));
test(run, i);
i = i*3;
public static void test(int run, int iterations){
long start = System.nanoTime();
for( int i=0;i<iterations; i++){
String s = "echo " + i + " > "+ sysFile;
long t = System.nanoTime() - start;
String r = String.format(" %-13s =%10d %s", "Concatenation",t,"nanosecond");
System.out.println(r) ;
start = System.nanoTime();
for( int i=0;i<iterations; i++){
String s = String.format(cmdString, i);
t = System.nanoTime() - start;
r = String.format(" %-13s =%10d %s", "Format",t,"nanosecond");
start = System.nanoTime();
for( int i=0;i<iterations; i++){
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("echo ");
b.append(i).append(" > ").append(sysFile);
String s = b.toString();
t = System.nanoTime() - start;
r = String.format(" %-13s =%10d %s", "StringBuilder",t,"nanosecond");
TEST: 1, RUN: 1, Iterations: 1
Concatenation = 14911 nanosecond
Format = 45026 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 3509 nanosecond
TEST: 1, RUN: 2, Iterations: 1
Concatenation = 3509 nanosecond
Format = 38594 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 3509 nanosecond
TEST: 2, RUN: 1, Iterations: 3
Concatenation = 8479 nanosecond
Format = 94438 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 5263 nanosecond
TEST: 2, RUN: 2, Iterations: 3
Concatenation = 4970 nanosecond
Format = 92976 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 5848 nanosecond
TEST: 3, RUN: 1, Iterations: 9
Concatenation = 11403 nanosecond
Format = 287115 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 14326 nanosecond
TEST: 3, RUN: 2, Iterations: 9
Concatenation = 12280 nanosecond
Format = 209051 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 11818 nanosecond
TEST: 5, RUN: 1, Iterations: 81
Concatenation = 54383 nanosecond
Format = 1503113 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 40056 nanosecond
TEST: 5, RUN: 2, Iterations: 81
Concatenation = 44149 nanosecond
Format = 1264241 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 34208 nanosecond
TEST: 6, RUN: 1, Iterations: 243
Concatenation = 76018 nanosecond
Format = 3210891 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 76603 nanosecond
TEST: 6, RUN: 2, Iterations: 243
Concatenation = 91222 nanosecond
Format = 2716773 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 73972 nanosecond
TEST: 8, RUN: 1, Iterations: 2187
Concatenation = 527450 nanosecond
Format = 10291108 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 885027 nanosecond
TEST: 8, RUN: 2, Iterations: 2187
Concatenation = 526865 nanosecond
Format = 6294307 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 591773 nanosecond
TEST: 10, RUN: 1, Iterations: 19683
Concatenation = 4592961 nanosecond
Format = 60114307 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 2129387 nanosecond
TEST: 10, RUN: 2, Iterations: 19683
Concatenation = 1850166 nanosecond
Format = 35940524 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 1885544 nanosecond
TEST: 12, RUN: 1, Iterations: 177147
Concatenation = 26847286 nanosecond
Format = 126332877 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 17578914 nanosecond
TEST: 12, RUN: 2, Iterations: 177147
Concatenation = 24405056 nanosecond
Format = 129707207 nanosecond
StringBuilder = 12253840 nanosecond
一般来说,字符串连接应该优先于string .format。后者有两个主要缺点:
它不以本地方式对要构建的字符串进行编码。 构建过程编码在字符串中。
It takes a little time to get used to String.Format, but it's worth it in most cases. In the world of NRA (never repeat anything) it's extremely useful to keep your tokenized messages (logging or user) in a Constant library (I prefer what amounts to a static class) and call them as necessary with String.Format regardless of whether you are localizing or not. Trying to use such a library with a concatenation method is harder to read, troubleshoot, proofread, and manage with any any approach that requires concatenation. Replacement is an option, but I doubt it's performant. After years of use, my biggest problem with String.Format is the length of the call is inconveniently long when I'm passing it into another function (like Msg), but that's easy to get around with a custom function to serve as an alias.
public static void main(String[] args) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = "Hi " + i + "; Hi to you " + i * 2;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Concatenation = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = String.format("Hi %s; Hi to you %s", i, +i * 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = MessageFormat.format("Hi %s; Hi to you %s", i, +i * 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("MessageFormat = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
串联= 69毫秒 格式= 1435毫秒 MessageFormat = 200毫秒
Because printf-style format strings are interpreted at runtime, rather than validated by the compiler, they can contain errors that result in the wrong strings being created. This rule statically validates the correlation of printf-style format strings to their arguments when calling the format(...) methods of java.util.Formatter, java.lang.String, java.io.PrintStream, MessageFormat, and java.io.PrintWriter classes and the printf(...) methods of java.io.PrintStream or java.io.PrintWriter classes.
串联= 69毫秒格式= 1107毫秒 格式:括号= 416毫秒MessageFormat = 215 毫秒MessageFormat:括号= 2517毫秒
我的结论是: 如上所述,使用String。带尖括号的格式应该是一个很好的选择,以获得良好的可读性和性能。
错误的测试重复多次 不应该使用{}%s。
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = "Hi " + i + "; Hi to you " + i * 2;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Concatenation = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = String.format("Hi %s; Hi to you %s", i, +i * 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Wrong use of the message format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
String s = String.format("Hi {0}; Hi to you {1}", i, +i * 2);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Good use of the message format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");
Concatenation = 88 millisecond
Wrong use of the message format = 1075 millisecond
Good use of the message format = 376 millisecond