//Foo Needs an IBar
public class Foo
private IBar bar;
public Foo(IBar bar)
this.bar = bar;
Service Locator似乎使用了一个“容器”,它连接了它的依赖项并给了foo它的bar。
使用Service Locator的例子:
//Foo Needs an IBar
public class Foo
private IBar bar;
public Foo()
this.bar = Container.Get<IBar>();
因为我们的依赖关系只是对象本身,这些依赖关系有依赖关系,依赖关系有更多依赖关系,等等。因此,控制反转容器(或DI容器)诞生了。例如:Castle Windsor, Ninject, Structure Map, Spring等)
A class using constructor DI indicates to consuming code that there are dependencies to be satisfied. If the class uses the SL internally to retrieve such dependencies, the consuming code is not aware of the dependencies. This may on the surface seem better, but it is actually helpful to know of any explicit dependencies. It is better from an architectural view. And when doing testing, you have to know whether a class needs certain dependencies, and configure the SL to provide appropriate fake versions of those dependencies. With DI, just pass in the fakes. Not a huge difference, but it is there.
A class using constructor DI indicates to consuming code that there are dependencies to be satisfied. If the class uses the SL internally to retrieve such dependencies, the consuming code is not aware of the dependencies. This may on the surface seem better, but it is actually helpful to know of any explicit dependencies. It is better from an architectural view. And when doing testing, you have to know whether a class needs certain dependencies, and configure the SL to provide appropriate fake versions of those dependencies. With DI, just pass in the fakes. Not a huge difference, but it is there.