


//Foo Needs an IBar
public class Foo
  private IBar bar;

  public Foo(IBar bar)
    this.bar = bar;


Service Locator似乎使用了一个“容器”,它连接了它的依赖项并给了foo它的bar。

使用Service Locator的例子:

//Foo Needs an IBar
public class Foo
  private IBar bar;

  public Foo()
    this.bar = Container.Get<IBar>();


因为我们的依赖关系只是对象本身,这些依赖关系有依赖关系,依赖关系有更多依赖关系,等等。因此,控制反转容器(或DI容器)诞生了。例如:Castle Windsor, Ninject, Structure Map, Spring等)



In this oversimplified case there is no difference and they can be used interchangeably. However, real world problems are not as simple. Just assume that the Bar class itself had another dependency named D. In that case your service locator wouldn't be able to resolve that dependency and you would have to instantiate it within the D class; because it is the responsibility of your classes to instantiate their dependencies. It would even get worse if the D class itself had other dependencies and in real-world situations it usually gets even more complicated than that. In such scenarios DI is a better solution than ServiceLocator.




“Service Locator”通常既用作模式的名称,也用作该模式中使用的对象的名称(假设也是),以在不使用new操作符的情况下获取对象。现在,同样类型的对象也可以在组合根上用于执行依赖项注入,这就是产生混淆的地方。




以下简单的概念让我更清楚地理解了Service Locator和DI Container的区别:

服务定位器用于消费者,它根据直接消费者的请求按ID从一些存储中提取服务 DI容器位于外部的某个地方,它从某个存储中获取服务并将它们推给消费者(无论是通过构造函数还是通过方法)

然而,我们只能在具体的消费者使用的背景下讨论它们之间的区别。当在组合根目录中使用Service Locator和DI Container时,它们几乎是相似的。

The difference may seem slight, but even with the ServiceLocator, the class is still responsible for creating its dependencies. It just uses the service locator to do it. With DI, the class is given its dependencies. It neither knows, nor cares where they come from. One important result of this is that the DI example is much easier to unit test -- because you can pass it mock implementations of its dependent objects. You could combine the two -- and inject the service locator (or a factory), if you wanted.

依赖注入和服务定位器之间有什么区别(如果有的话)?这两种模式都擅长实现Dependency Inversion原则。Service Locator模式更容易在现有代码库中使用,因为它使整体设计更松散,而无需强制更改公共接口。出于同样的原因,基于Service Locator模式的代码比基于依赖注入的等效代码可读性更差。


在我的上一个项目中,我两者都用了。 我使用依赖注入进行单元测试。我使用服务定位器来隐藏实现并依赖于我的IoC容器。是的!一旦你使用了IoC容器(Unity, Ninject, Windsor Castle),你就依赖于它了。一旦它过时了,或者由于某种原因你想要交换它,你将/可能需要改变你的实现-至少是组合根。但是服务定位器抽象了这个阶段。

如何不依赖于IoC容器?您要么需要自己包装它(这是一个坏主意),要么使用Service Locator来配置IoC容器。因此,您将告诉Service Locator获取所需的接口,它将调用IoC容器,该容器被配置为检索该接口。


这里有一篇很棒的文章解释了这种情况; http://www.johandekoning.nl/index.php/2013/03/03/dont-wrap-your-ioc-container/