


从Java 17+开始,strictfp修饰符已经过时,没有任何作用。你不应该再使用这个修饰符。


也许下面的例子有助于更清楚地理解这一点: 在java中,当我们使用查找任何操作的精确信息时,例如。 如果我们做double num1 = 10e+102;Double num2 = 8e+10; 结果= num1+ num2;

        The output will be so long and not precise, becasue it is precissed by the hardware e.g JVM and JIT has the license 
        as long as we dont have specify it Strictfp

Marking it Strictfp will make the result Uniform on every hardware and platform, because its precised value will be same
One scenario I can see is in a distributed application (or multiplayer game) where all floating-point calculations need to 
be deterministic no matter what the underlying hardware or CPU is.


When java was being developed by James Gosling, Herbert and rest of his team. They had this crazy thing in mind called platform independency. They wanted to make oak(Java) so much better that it would run exactly same on any machine having different instruction set, even running different operating systems. But, there was a problem with decimal point numbers also known as floating point and double in programming languages. Some machines were built targeting efficiency while rest were targeting accuracy. So, the later(more accurate) machines had size of floating point as 80 bits while the former(more efficient/faster) machines had 64 bit doubles. But, this was against there core idea of building a platform independent language. Also, this might lead to loss of precision/data when a code is built on some machine(having double of 64 bit size) and run on another kind of machine(having double of 80 bit size).

扩大规模是可以容忍的,但缩小规模是不能容忍的。 因此,他们遇到了strictfp的概念,即严格浮点数。如果在类/函数中使用此关键字,则其浮点数和双精度浮点数在任何机器上都具有一致的大小。即分别为32位/64位。


字里行间的意思是,如果您没有指定strictfp,那么JVM和JIT编译器就有权按它们想要的方式计算您的浮点计算。为了提高速度,它们很可能将计算委托给您的处理器。在使用strictfp时,计算必须符合IEEE 754算术标准,这在实践中可能意味着JVM将执行计算。


Strictfp确保在每个平台上从浮点计算中得到完全相同的结果。如果不使用strictfp, JVM实现可以在可用的地方使用额外的精度。


Within an FP-strict expression, all intermediate values must be elements of the float value set or the double value set, implying that the results of all FP-strict expressions must be those predicted by IEEE 754 arithmetic on operands represented using single and double formats. Within an expression that is not FP-strict, some leeway is granted for an implementation to use an extended exponent range to represent intermediate results; the net effect, roughly speaking, is that a calculation might produce "the correct answer" in situations where exclusive use of the float value set or double value set might result in overflow or underflow.

换句话说,就是要确保Write-Once-Run-Anywhere实际上意味着write - once - get - equal - wrong - results - everywhere。


我需要它的一次(也是唯一一次)是与IBM ZSeries进行协调。在会计和大型机之外;不。有一段时间了,但我相当确定大型机没有改变。