


strictfp is a modifier which restricts floating point calculations as per IEEE 754. This can be used on whole class like "public strictfp class StrictFpModifierExample{}" or on method "public strictfp void example()".If it is used on class than all methods will follow IEEE 754 and if used on method then particular method will follow IEEE 754. Why it is used??::: As different platforms have different floating point hardware which calculates with more precision and greater range of values than the java specification requires which may produce diffrent output on diffrent plateforms.so it confirms the same output irrespective of diffrent plateforms strictfp also ensures to take advantage of the speed and precision of the extended precision floating-point operations. There is no disadvantage with this keyword we can use when we are doing floating point calculations My last point is --What is IEEE754 in short IEEE 754 defines standard method for both floating point calculations and storage of floating point values in either single (32-bit, used in Java floats) or double (64-bit, used in Java doubles) precision.It also defines norms for intermediate calculations and for extended precision formats.



字里行间的意思是,如果您没有指定strictfp,那么JVM和JIT编译器就有权按它们想要的方式计算您的浮点计算。为了提高速度,它们很可能将计算委托给您的处理器。在使用strictfp时,计算必须符合IEEE 754算术标准,这在实践中可能意味着JVM将执行计算。


我需要它的一次(也是唯一一次)是与IBM ZSeries进行协调。在会计和大型机之外;不。有一段时间了,但我相当确定大型机没有改变。

从Java 17+开始,strictfp修饰符已经过时,没有任何作用。你不应该再使用这个修饰符。


由strictfp引起的开销可能非常依赖于处理器和JIT。 这篇关于SSE2的维基百科文章似乎对这个问题有一些见解。 因此,如果JIT可以生成SSE指令来执行计算,那么strictfp似乎不会有任何开销。


strictfp是一个关键字,可以用作类或方法的非非访问修饰符(但不能用作变量)。将类标记为strictfp意味着类中的任何方法代码都将符合IEEE 754浮点标准规则。



~ SCJP Sun®Java™6认证程序员- Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates ~