下游事件处理器= Yes
Secondly, users can create race conditions due to concurrent requests against the same entity. It may be quite undesirable to save conflicting events and resolve them after the fact. So it is important to be able to prevent conflicting events. To scale request load, it is common to use stateless services while preventing write conflicts using conditional writes (only write if the last entity event was #x). A.k.a. Optimistic Concurrency. Kafka does not support optimistic concurrency. Even if it supported it at the topic level, it would need to be all the way down to the entity level to be effective. To use Kafka and prevent conflicting events, you would need to use a stateful, serialized writer (per "shard" or whatever is Kafka's equivalent) at the application level. This is a significant architectural requirement/restriction.
Kafka is designed to solve giant-scale data problems. An app-controlled source of truth is a smaller scale, in-depth solution. Using event sourcing to good effect requires crafting events and streams to match the business processes. This usually has a much higher level of detail than would be generally useful to at-scale consumers. Consider if your bank statement contained an entry for every step of a bank's internal transaction processes. A single deposit or withdrawal could have many entries before it is confirmed to your account. The bank needs that level of detail to process transactions. But it's mostly inscrutable bank jargon (domain-specific language) to you, unusable for reconciling your account. Instead, the bank publishes separate events for consumers. These are course-grained summaries of each completed transaction. These summary events are what consumers know as "transactions" on their bank statement.
When I asked myself the same question as the OP, I wanted to know if Kafka was a scaling option for event sourcing. But perhaps a better question is whether it makes sense for my event sourced solution to operate at a giant scale. I can't speak to every case, but I think often it does not. When this scale enters the picture, like with the bank statement example, the granularity of events tends to be different. My event sourced system should probably publish course-grained events to the Kafka cluster to feed at-scale consumers rather than use Kafka as internal storage.
Scale can still be needed for event sourcing. Strategies differ depending on why. Often event streams have a "done" or "no-longer-useful" state. Archiving those streams is a good answer if event size/volume is a problem. Sharding is another option -- a perfect fit for regional- or tenant-isolated scenarios. In less siloed scenarios, when streams are arbitrarily related in a way that can cross shard boundaries, sharding is still the move (partition by stream ID). But there are no order guarantees across streams, which can make the event consumer's job harder. For example, the consumer may receive transaction events before it receives events describing the accounts involved. The first instinct is to "just use timestamps" to order received events. But it is still not possible to guarantee perfect occurrence order. Too many uncontrollable factors. Network hiccups, clock drift, cosmic rays, etc. Ideally you design the consumer to not require cross-stream dependencies. Have a strategy for temporarily missing data. Like progressive enhancement for data. If you really need the data to be unavailable instead of incomplete, use the same tactic. But keep the incomplete data in a separate area or marked unavailable until it's all filled in. You can also just attempt to process each event, knowing it may fail due to missing prerequisites. Put failed events in a retry queue, processing next events, and retry failed events later. But watch out for poison messages (events).
In distributed scenarios, I've seen a couple of different implementations. Jet's Panther project uses Azure CosmosDB, with the Change Feed feature to notify listeners. Another similar implementation I've heard about on AWS is using DynamoDB with its Streams feature to notify listeners. The partition key probably should be the stream id for best data distribution (to lessen the amount of over-provisioning). However, a full replay across streams in Dynamo is expensive (read and cost-wise). So this impl was also setup for Dynamo Streams to dump events to S3. When a new listener comes online, or an existing listener wants a full replay, it would read S3 to catch up first.