

事件捕获/存储,当然是所有HA。 发布/订阅体系结构 能够重放事件日志,允许新的订阅者在事件发生后向系统注册。

不可否认,我不是100%精通CQRS /事件来源,但这似乎非常接近事件撕裂应该是什么。有趣的是:我真的找不到那么多关于Kafka被用作事件存储的信息,所以我可能遗漏了一些东西。





Kafka only guarantees at least once deliver and there are duplicates in the event store that cannot be removed. Update: Here you can read why it is so hard with Kafka and some latest news about how to finally achieve this behavior: https://www.confluent.io/blog/exactly-once-semantics-are-possible-heres-how-apache-kafka-does-it/ Due to immutability, there is no way to manipulate event store when application evolves and events need to be transformed (there are of course methods like upcasting, but...). Once might say you never need to transform events, but that is not correct assumption, there could be situation where you do backup of original, but you upgrade them to latest versions. That is valid requirement in event driven architectures. No place to persist snapshots of entities/aggregates and replay will become slower and slower. Creating snapshots is must feature for event store from long term perspective. Given Kafka partitions are distributed and they are hard to manage and backup compare with databases. Databases are simply simpler :-)







不要使用Spring——它很棒(我自己也经常使用),但同时又笨重又慢。它根本不是微服务平台。它“只是”一个帮助你实现的框架(这背后有很多工作..)。其他框架“只是”轻量级REST或JPA或不同重点的框架。我推荐可能是同类中最好的开源完整微服务平台,它回归到纯Java的根源: https://github.com/networknt

如果您想了解性能,可以将自己与现有的基准测试套件进行比较。 https://github.com/networknt/microservices-framework-benchmark

Don't use Kafka at all :-)) It is half joke. I mean while Kafka is great, it is another broker centric system. I think future is in broker-less messaging systems. You might be surprised but there are faster then Kafka systems :-), of course you must get down to lower level. Look at Chronicle. For Event store I recommend superior Postgresql extension called TimescaleDB, which focuses on high performance timeseries data processing (events are timeseries) in large volume. Of course CQRS, Event sourcing (replay, etc. features) are built in light4j framework out of the box which uses Postgres as low storage. For messaging try to look at Chronicle Queue, Map, Engine, Network. I mean get rid of this old-fashioned broker centric solutions and go with micro messaging system (embedded one). Chronicle Queue is actually even faster than Kafka. But I agree it is not all in one solution and you need to do some development otherwise you go and buy Enterprise version(paid one). In the end the effort to build from Chronicle your own messaging layer will be paid by removing the burden of maintaining the Kafka cluster.




Kafka集群保留所有已发布的消息——不管它们是否 在可配置的时间段内被消耗。例如,如果 保留期设定为两天,然后是之后的两天 消息发布后,就可以使用了 将被丢弃以释放空间。卡夫卡的表演是有效的 常数的数据大小,所以保留大量的数据不是一个 问题。








在LinkedIn上,我们将它用于该表单的几个用例。例如,我们的开源流处理系统Apache Samza内置了对事件源的支持。




Kafka only guarantees at least once deliver and there are duplicates in the event store that cannot be removed. Update: Here you can read why it is so hard with Kafka and some latest news about how to finally achieve this behavior: https://www.confluent.io/blog/exactly-once-semantics-are-possible-heres-how-apache-kafka-does-it/ Due to immutability, there is no way to manipulate event store when application evolves and events need to be transformed (there are of course methods like upcasting, but...). Once might say you never need to transform events, but that is not correct assumption, there could be situation where you do backup of original, but you upgrade them to latest versions. That is valid requirement in event driven architectures. No place to persist snapshots of entities/aggregates and replay will become slower and slower. Creating snapshots is must feature for event store from long term perspective. Given Kafka partitions are distributed and they are hard to manage and backup compare with databases. Databases are simply simpler :-)







不要使用Spring——它很棒(我自己也经常使用),但同时又笨重又慢。它根本不是微服务平台。它“只是”一个帮助你实现的框架(这背后有很多工作..)。其他框架“只是”轻量级REST或JPA或不同重点的框架。我推荐可能是同类中最好的开源完整微服务平台,它回归到纯Java的根源: https://github.com/networknt

如果您想了解性能,可以将自己与现有的基准测试套件进行比较。 https://github.com/networknt/microservices-framework-benchmark

Don't use Kafka at all :-)) It is half joke. I mean while Kafka is great, it is another broker centric system. I think future is in broker-less messaging systems. You might be surprised but there are faster then Kafka systems :-), of course you must get down to lower level. Look at Chronicle. For Event store I recommend superior Postgresql extension called TimescaleDB, which focuses on high performance timeseries data processing (events are timeseries) in large volume. Of course CQRS, Event sourcing (replay, etc. features) are built in light4j framework out of the box which uses Postgres as low storage. For messaging try to look at Chronicle Queue, Map, Engine, Network. I mean get rid of this old-fashioned broker centric solutions and go with micro messaging system (embedded one). Chronicle Queue is actually even faster than Kafka. But I agree it is not all in one solution and you need to do some development otherwise you go and buy Enterprise version(paid one). In the end the effort to build from Chronicle your own messaging layer will be paid by removing the burden of maintaining the Kafka cluster.
