在C中,我没有注意到在函数声明之前使用extern关键字的任何影响。 首先,我认为当定义extern int f();在单个文件中强制您在文件范围之外实现它。然而,我发现:

extern int f();
int f() {return 0;}


extern int f() {return 0;}

编译正常,没有来自gcc的警告。我使用gcc -Wall -ansi;它甚至不接受//注释。





它没有效果的原因是在链接时,链接器试图解析extern定义(在您的例子中是extern int f())。它是在同一个文件中找到它还是在不同的文件中找到它并不重要,只要找到了它。



IOW, extern是多余的,什么都不做。


像Coccinelle这样的代码转换工具倾向于在函数声明中标记extern以便删除; 像git/git这样的代码库遵循这个结论,并从其代码中删除extern(适用于git 2.22, 2019年第二季度)。

参见刘丹顿(Denton- l)的commit ad6dad0, commit b199d71, commit 5545442(2019年4月29日)。 (由Junio C Hamano - gitster -在commit 4aeeef3中合并,2019年5月13日)

*.[ch]: remove extern from function declarations using spatch There has been a push to remove extern from function declarations. Remove some instances of "extern" for function declarations which are caught by Coccinelle. Note that Coccinelle has some difficulty with processing functions with __attribute__ or varargs so some extern declarations are left behind to be dealt with in a future patch. This was the Coccinelle patch used: @@ type T; identifier f; @@ - extern T f(...); and it was run with: $ git ls-files \*.{c,h} | grep -v ^compat/ | xargs spatch --sp-file contrib/coccinelle/noextern.cocci --in-place


参见刘丹顿(Denton- l)提交的7027f50(2019年9月04日)。 (由Denton Liu—Denton- l—在2019年9月5日提交7027f50中合并)

compat/*.[ch]: remove extern from function declarations using spatch In 5545442 (*.[ch]: remove extern from function declarations using spatch, 2019-04-29, Git v2.22.0-rc0), we removed externs from function declarations using spatch but we intentionally excluded files under compat/ since some are directly copied from an upstream and we should avoid churning them so that manually merging future updates will be simpler. In the last commit, we determined the files which taken from an upstream so we can exclude them and run spatch on the remainder. This was the Coccinelle patch used: @@ type T; identifier f; @@ - extern T f(...); and it was run with: $ git ls-files compat/\*\*.{c,h} | xargs spatch --sp-file contrib/coccinelle/noextern.cocci --in-place $ git checkout -- \ compat/regex/ \ compat/inet_ntop.c \ compat/inet_pton.c \ compat/nedmalloc/ \ compat/obstack.{c,h} \ compat/poll/ Coccinelle has some trouble dealing with __attribute__ and varargs so we ran the following to ensure that no remaining changes were left behind: $ git ls-files compat/\*\*.{c,h} | xargs sed -i'' -e 's/^\(\s*\)extern \([^(]*([^*]\)/\1\2/' $ git checkout -- \ compat/regex/ \ compat/inet_ntop.c \ compat/inet_pton.c \ compat/nedmalloc/ \ compat/obstack.{c,h} \ compat/poll/

请注意,在Git 2.24(2019年Q4)中,任何虚假的extern都被删除了。

参见Emily Shaffer (nasamuffin)的commit 65904b8(2019年9月30日)。 帮助:Jeff King (peff)。 参见刘丹顿(Denton- l)提交的8464f94(2019年9月21日)。 帮助:Jeff King (peff)。 (由Junio C Hamano—gitster—在commit 59b19bc中合并,2019年10月7日)

从函数声明中删除extern 在这个文件的创建过程中,每次引入一个新的函数声明时,都会包含一个extern。 然而,从5545442(*。[ch]:使用spatch从函数声明中删除extern, 2019-04-29, Git v2.22.0-rc0),我们一直在积极尝试防止在函数声明中使用extern,因为它们是不必要的。 移除这些虚假的外部。



The extern keyword informs the compiler that the function or variable has external linkage - in other words, that it is visible from files other than the one in which it is defined. In this sense it has the opposite meaning to the static keyword. It is a bit weird to put extern at the time of the definition, since no other files would have visibility of the definition (or it would result in multiple definitions). Normally you put extern in a declaration at some point with external visibility (such as a header file) and put the definition elsewhere.





static int g();
extern int g(); /* g has internal linkage */

extern int j(); /* j has tentative external linkage */

extern int h();
static int h(); /* error */


6.2.2 Linkages of identifiers [...] 4 For an identifier declared with the storage-class specifier extern in a scope in which a prior declaration of that identifier is visible,23) if the prior declaration specifies internal or external linkage, the linkage of the identifier at the later declaration is the same as the linkage specified at the prior declaration. If no prior declaration is visible, or if the prior declaration specifies no linkage, then the identifier has external linkage. 5 If the declaration of an identifier for a function has no storage-class specifier, its linkage is determined exactly as if it were declared with the storage-class specifier extern. If the declaration of an identifier for an object has file scope and no storage-class specifier, its linkage is external.