为了快速提取特定键的值,我个人喜欢使用“grep -o”,它只返回正则表达式的匹配项。例如,要从tweets中获取“text”字段,如下所示:
grep -Po '"text":.*?[^\\]",' tweets.json
为了进一步清除(尽管保持字符串的原始转义),您可以使用如下代码:| perl -pe 's/"text"://;/ / s / ^”;s /, / /美元”。(我这样做是为了分析。)
To do a really quick analysis, like counting values to check on data cleaning bugs or get a general feel for the data, banging out something on the command line is faster. Opening an editor to write a script is distracting.
grep -o is orders of magnitude faster than the Python standard json library, at least when doing this for tweets (which are ~2 KB each). I'm not sure if this is just because json is slow (I should compare to yajl sometime); but in principle, a regex should be faster since it's finite state and much more optimizable, instead of a parser that has to support recursion, and in this case, spends lots of CPU building trees for structures you don't care about. (If someone wrote a finite state transducer that did proper (depth-limited) JSON parsing, that would be fantastic! In the meantime we have "grep -o".)
最后一个更古怪的解决方案:我写了一个脚本,使用Python json并将你想要的键提取到制表符分隔的列中;然后我通过awk的包装器,允许对列进行命名访问。这里:json2tsv和tsvawk脚本。对于这个例子,它将是:
json2tsv id text < tweets.json | tsvawk '{print "tweet " $id " is: " $text}'
这种方法没有解决第2点,比单一的Python脚本效率更低,而且有点脆弱:它强制将字符串值中的换行符和制表符规范化,以更好地处理awk的字段/记录分隔视图。但它确实让您停留在命令行上,比grep -o更正确。