


A1:嗯,1 + 2 + 3 +…+ N的和是(N+1)(N/2)(参见维基百科:等差级数的和)。当N = 100时,和是5050。 因此,如果所有的数字都在袋子里,总和将恰好是5050。因为少了一个数,总和就会小于这个数,差的就是这个数。所以我们可以在O(N)时间和O(1)空间中找到这个缺失的数。









如何解决Q2? 你会如何解决Q3? 如何求解Qk?


Generally there are N numbers from 1..N, not just 1..100. I'm not looking for the obvious set-based solution, e.g. using a bit set, encoding the presence/absence each number by the value of a designated bit, therefore using O(N) bits in additional space. We can't afford any additional space proportional to N. I'm also not looking for the obvious sort-first approach. This and the set-based approach are worth mentioning in an interview (they are easy to implement, and depending on N, can be very practical). I'm looking for the Holy Grail solution (which may or may not be practical to implement, but has the desired asymptotic characteristics nevertheless).







For example, it might be that the interviewer is going to dispatch n messages and needs to know the k that didn't result in a reply and needs to know it in as little wall clock time as possible after the n-kth reply arrives. Let's also say that the message channel's nature is such that even running at full bore, there's enough time to do some processing between messages without having any impact on how long it takes to produce the end result after the last reply arrives. That time can be put to use inserting some identifying facet of each sent message into a set and deleting it as each corresponding reply arrives. Once the last reply has arrived, the only thing to be done is to remove its identifier from the set, which in typical implementations takes O(log k+1). After that, the set contains the list of k missing elements and there's no additional processing to be done.

这当然不是批处理预先生成的数字袋的最快方法,因为整个过程运行O((log 1 + log 2 +…)+ log n) + (log n + log n-1 +…+ log k))。但它确实适用于任何k值(即使它事先不知道),在上面的例子中,它的应用方式使最关键的区间最小化。


如果我们将解推广到从1到N的数字,除了N不是常数外,没有什么变化,所以我们在O(N - k) = O(N)时间内。例如,如果我们使用位集,我们在O(N)时间内将位设置为1,遍历这些数字,将位设置为0 (O(N-k) = O(N)),然后我们就得到了答案。

It seems to me that the interviewer was asking you how to print out the contents of the final set in O(k) time rather than O(N) time. Clearly, with a bit set, you have to iterate through all N bits to determine whether you should print the number or not. However, if you change the way the set is implemented you can print out the numbers in k iterations. This is done by putting the numbers into an object to be stored in both a hash set and a doubly linked list. When you remove an object from the hash set, you also remove it from the list. The answers will be left in the list which is now of length k.

我们可以用O(log n)来做Q1和Q2。




等于预先计算的值(当没有数字缺失时计算),则缺失的数字大于n/2。 如果我们的输出更小,那么至少有一个小于n/2的数字缺失。我们也可以检查光度是否降低了1或2。如果它减少1,那么一个缺失数小于n/2,另一个大于n/2。如果它减2,那么两个数都小于n/2。



sorting by some parallel algorithm, for example, parallel merge can be done in O(log^3 n) time. And then the missing number can be found by binary search in O(log n) time. Theoretically, if we have n processors then each process can check one of the inputs and set some flag that identifies the number(conveniently in an array). And in the next step each process can check each flag and finally output the number that is not flagged. The whole process will take O(1) time. It has additional O(n) space/memory requirement.


// Size of numbers
def n=100;

// A list of numbers that is missing k numbers.
def list;

// A map
def map = [:];

// Populate the map so that it contains all numbers.
for(int index=0; index<n; index++)
  map[index+1] = index+1;  

// Get size of list that is missing k numbers.
def size = list.size();

// Remove all numbers, that exists in list, from the map.
for(int index=0; index<size; index++)

// Content of map is missing numbers
println("Missing numbers: " + map);


假设“袋子”由一个大小为N - k的基于1的数组a[]表示,我们可以在O(N)个时间和O(k)个额外空间内求解Qk。


for i := n - k + 1 to n
    A[i] := A[1]
end for

for i := 1 to n - k
    while A[A[i]] != A[i] 
        swap(A[i], A[A[i]])
    end while
end for

for i := 1 to n
    if A[i] != i then 
        print i
    end if
end for



注意,尽管它有一个嵌套循环,但它仍然在O(N)时间内运行——只有当有一个i使a [i] != i时才会发生交换,并且每次交换设置至少一个元素使a [i] == i,而以前不是这样的。这意味着交换的总数(因此while循环体的执行总数)最多为N-1。
