我如何在MongoDB中执行SQL Join等效?
{ uid:12345, pid:444, comment="blah" }
{ uid:12345, pid:888, comment="asdf" }
{ uid:99999, pid:444, comment="qwer" }
{ uid:12345, name:"john" }
{ uid:99999, name:"mia" }
是否有一种方法可以一次性提取具有特定字段的所有评论(例如. ...find({pid:444}))和与每个评论相关的用户信息?
MongoDB不允许连接,但是你可以使用插件来处理。检查mongo-join插件。这是最好的,我已经用过了。你可以直接使用npm安装它,就像这个npm install mongo-join。您可以通过示例查看完整的文档。
var Join = require('mongo-join').Join, mongodb = require('mongodb'), Db = mongodb.Db, Server = mongodb.Server;
db.open(function (err, Database) {
Database.collection('Appoint', function (err, Appoints) {
/* we can put conditions just on the top level */
Appoints.find({_id_Doctor: id_doctor ,full_date :{ $gte: start_date },
full_date :{ $lte: end_date }}, function (err, cursor) {
var join = new Join(Database).on({
field: '_id_Doctor', // <- field in Appoints document
to: '_id', // <- field in User doc. treated as ObjectID automatically.
from: 'User' // <- collection name for User doc
field: '_id_Patient', // <- field in Appoints doc
to: '_id', // <- field in User doc. treated as ObjectID automatically.
from: 'User' // <- collection name for User doc
join.toArray(cursor, function (err, joinedDocs) {
/* do what ever you want here */
/* you can fetch the table and apply your own conditions */
"status": 200,
"message": "success",
"Appoints_Range": joinedDocs,
return resp;
The thing with NoSQL is it's designed for flexible schemas and very fast reading and writing. In a typical Big Data farm the database is the biggest bottleneck, you have fewer database engines than you do application and front end servers...they're more expensive but more powerful, also hard drive space is very cheap comparatively. Normalization comes from the concept of trying to save space, but it comes with a cost at making your databases perform complicated Joins and verifying the integrity of relationships, performing cascading operations. All of which saves the developers some headaches if they designed the database properly.
With NoSQL, if you accept that redundancy and storage space aren't issues because of their cost (both in processor time required to do updates and hard drive costs to store extra data), denormalizing isn't an issue (for embedded arrays that become hundreds of thousands of items it can be a performance issue, but most of the time that's not a problem). Additionally you'll have several application and front end servers for every database cluster. Have them do the heavy lifting of the joins and let the database servers stick to reading and writing.