





class Parent:

    def a():

    def b():

class Child(Overrides, Parent):

    def a()

    # raises an error, as b() is not overridden

class Overrides:

    def __init__(self):
        # collect all defined methods of all base-classes
        bases = [b for b in self.__class__.__bases__ if b != Overrides]
        required_methods = set()
        for base in bases:
            required_methods = required_methods.union(set([f for f in dir(base) if not f.startswith('_')]))
        # check for each method in each base class (in required_methods)
        # if the class, that inherits `Overrides` implements them all
        missing = []
        # me is the fully qualified name of the CLASS, which inherits 
        # `Overrides`
        me = self.__class__.__qualname__
        for required_method in required_methods:

            # The method can be either defined in the parent or the child 
            # class. To check it, we get a reference to the method via 
            # getattr
                found = getattr(self, required_method)
            except AttributeError:
                # this should not happen, as getattr returns the method in 
                # the parent class if it is not defined in the cild class.
                # It has to be in a parent class, as the required_methods 
                # is a union of all base-class methods.
            # here is, where the magic happens.
            # found is a reference to a method, and found.__qualname__ is
            # the full-name of the METHOD. Remember, that me is the full
            # name of the class. 
            # We want to check, where the method is defined. If it is 
            # defined in an parent class, we did no override it, thus it 
            # is missing. 
            # If we did not override, the __qualname__ is Parent.method
            # If we did override it, the __qualname__ is Child.method
            # With this fact, we can determine if the class, which uses
            # `Override` did implement it.
            if not found.__qualname__.startswith(me + '.'):

        # Maybe a warning would be enough here
        if missing != []:
            raise AssertionError(f'{me} did not override these methods: {missing}')



def override(f):
    return f

class MyClass (BaseClass):

    def method(self):



基于@mkorpela的精彩回答,我写了一个类似的包(ipromise pypi github),它做了更多的检查:

假设A继承了B和C, B继承了C。


If A.f overrides B.f, B.f must exist, and A must inherit from B. (This is the check from the overrides package). You don't have the pattern A.f declares that it overrides B.f, which then declares that it overrides C.f. A should say that it overrides from C.f since B might decide to stop overriding this method, and that should not result in downstream updates. You don't have the pattern A.f declares that it overrides C.f, but B.f does not declare its override. You don't have the pattern A.f declares that it overrides C.f, but B.f declares that it overrides from some D.f.


您可以使用来自PEP 544的协议。使用这种方法,接口实现关系只在使用站点声明。


Then, at the use site, you declare the implementation instance binding to have the interface type e.g. myFoobar: IFoobar = MyFoobar(). Now, if you use a field/method that is missing in the interface, Mypy will complain at the use site (even if it would work at runtime!). If you failed to implement a method from the interface in the implementation, Mypy will also complain. Mypy won't complain if you implement something that doesn't exist in the interface. But that case is rare, since the interface definition is compact and easy to review. You wouldn't be able to actually use that code, since Mypy would complain.


from typing import Protocol

class A(Protocol):
    def b(self):
    def d(self):  # we forgot to implement this in C

class C:
    def b(self):
        return 0

bob: A = C()


test.py:13: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "C", variable has type "A")
test.py:13: note: 'C' is missing following 'A' protocol member:
test.py:13: note:     d
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)



你也可以用类Foo(interface)显式地扩展一个接口,这将允许用户输入help(interface .method)来了解你的方法想要提供的功能。


import inspect
import re

def overrides(method):
    # actually can't do this because a method is really just a function while inside a class def'n  

    stack = inspect.stack()
    base_classes = re.search(r'class.+\((.+)\)\s*\:', stack[2][4][0]).group(1)

    # handle multiple inheritance
    base_classes = [s.strip() for s in base_classes.split(',')]
    if not base_classes:
        raise ValueError('overrides decorator: unable to determine base class') 

    # stack[0]=overrides, stack[1]=inside class def'n, stack[2]=outside class def'n
    derived_class_locals = stack[2][0].f_locals

    # replace each class name in base_classes with the actual class type
    for i, base_class in enumerate(base_classes):

        if '.' not in base_class:
            base_classes[i] = derived_class_locals[base_class]

            components = base_class.split('.')

            # obj is either a module or a class
            obj = derived_class_locals[components[0]]

            for c in components[1:]:
                assert(inspect.ismodule(obj) or inspect.isclass(obj))
                obj = getattr(obj, c)

            base_classes[i] = obj

    assert( any( hasattr(cls, method.__name__) for cls in base_classes ) )
    return method