Create Question1View object as a UIView subclass, defining some IBOutlets.
Create (using Interface Builder) the Question1View.xib (HERE IS WHERE MY PROBLEM PROBABLY IS). I set both the UIViewController and the UIView to be of class Question1View.
I link the outlets with the view's component (using IB).
I override the initWithNib of my QuestionManagerViewController to look like this:
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
if (self = [super initWithNibName:@"Question1View" bundle:nibBundleOrNil]) {
// Custom initialization
return self;
2009-05-14 15:05:37.152 iMobiDines[17148:20b] ***由于未捕获异常'NSInternalInconsistencyException'而终止应用程序,原因:'-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "Question1View" nib but the view outlet was not set.'
下面的代码几乎100%直接来自Apress Beginning iPhone 3的书籍(第247页,“使用新的表视图单元格”):
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSArray *bundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"Blah"
owner:self options:nil];
Blah *blah;
for (id object in bundle) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[Blah class]]) {
blah = (Blah *)object;
assert(blah != nil && "blah can't be nil");
[self.view addSubview: blah];
类别:+ LoadFromNib NSObject
#import "NSObject+LoadFromNib.h"
@implementation NSObject (LoadFromNib)
+ (id)loadFromNib:(NSString *)name classToLoad:(Class)classToLoad {
NSArray *bundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:name owner:self options:nil];
for (id object in bundle) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:classToLoad]) {
return object;
return nil;
extension UIView {
class func loadFromNib<T>(withName nibName: String) -> T? {
let nib = UINib.init(nibName: nibName, bundle: nil)
let nibObjects = nib.instantiate(withOwner: nil, options: nil)
for object in nibObjects {
if let result = object as? T {
return result
return nil
class SomeView: UIView {
class func loadFromNib() -> SomeView? {
return self.loadFromNib(withName: "SomeView")
In MyVC.xib, create a view of type MySubView that is the right size & shape & positioned where you want it.
In MyVC.h, have
IBOutlet MySubview *mySubView
// ...
@property (nonatomic, retain) MySubview *mySubview;
In MyVC.m, @synthesize mySubView; and don't forget to release it in dealloc.
In MySubview.h, have an outlet/property for UIView *view (may be unnecessary, but worked for me.) Synthesize & release it in .m
In MySubview.xib
set file owner type to MySubview, and link the view property to your view.
Lay out all the bits & connect to the IBOutlet's as desired
Back in MyVC.m, have
NSArray *xibviews = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed: @"MySubview" owner: mySubview options: NULL];
MySubview *msView = [xibviews objectAtIndex: 0];
msView.frame = mySubview.frame;
UIView *oldView = mySubview;
// Too simple: [self.view insertSubview: msView aboveSubview: mySubview];
[[mySubview superview] insertSubview: msView aboveSubview: mySubview]; // allows nesting
self.mySubview = msView;
[oldCBView removeFromSuperview];
这是一件应该比较容易的事情。我最终扩展了UIViewController并添加了一个loadNib:inPlaceholder: selector。现在我可以说
self.mySubview = (MyView *)[self loadNib:@"MyView" inPlaceholder:mySubview];
@interface UIViewController (nibSubviews)
- (UIView *)viewFromNib:(NSString *)nibName;
- (UIView *)loadNib:(NSString *)nibName inPlaceholder:(UIView *)placeholder;
@implementation UIViewController (nibSubviews)
- (UIView *)viewFromNib:(NSString *)nibName
NSArray *xib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:nibName owner:self options:nil];
for (id view in xib) { // have to iterate; index varies
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]) return view;
return nil;
- (UIView *)loadNib:(NSString *)nibName inPlaceholder:(UIView *)placeholder
UIView *nibView = [self viewFromNib:nibName];
[nibView setFrame:placeholder.frame];
[self.view insertSubview:nibView aboveSubview:placeholder];
[placeholder removeFromSuperview];
return nibView;
下面是一种在Swift中实现的方法(目前正在XCode 7 beta 5中编写Swift 2.0)。
class func loadFromNib() -> RecordingFooterView? {
let nib = UINib(nibName: "RecordingFooterView", bundle: nil)
let nibObjects = nib.instantiateWithOwner(nil, options: nil)
if nibObjects.count > 0 {
let topObject = nibObjects[0]
return topObject as? RecordingFooterView
return nil
let recordingFooterView = recordingFooterView . loadfromnib ()
Create a custom UIView subclass and a xib files, that we will name after our own class name: in our case MemeView. Inside the Meme View class remember to define it as designable with the @IBDesignable attribute before the class declaration
Rember to set the File’s Owner in the xib with our custom UIView subclass in Indetity Inspector panel
In the xib file now we can build our interface, make constraints, create outlets, actions etc.
We need to implement few methods to our custom class to open the xib once initialized
class XibbedView: UIView {
weak var nibView: UIView!
override convenience init(frame: CGRect) {
let nibName = NSStringFromClass(self.dynamicType).componentsSeparatedByString(".").last!
self.init(nibName: nibName)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
let nibName = NSStringFromClass(self.dynamicType).componentsSeparatedByString(".").last!
let nib = loadNib(nibName)
nib.frame = bounds
nib.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
nibView = nib
init(nibName: String) {
super.init(frame: CGRectZero)
let nibName = NSStringFromClass(self.dynamicType).componentsSeparatedByString(".").last!
let nib = loadNib(nibName)
nib.frame = bounds
nib.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
nibView = nib
func setUpConstraints() {
["V","H"].forEach { (quote) -> () in
let format = String(format:"\(quote):|[nibView]|")
addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(format, options: [], metrics: nil, views: ["nibView" : nibView]))
func loadNib(name: String) -> UIView {
let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: self.dynamicType)
let nib = UINib(nibName: name, bundle: bundle)
let view = nib.instantiateWithOwner(self, options: nil)[0] as! UIView
return view
In our custom class we can also define some inspecatable properties to have full control over them from interface builder
class MemeView: XibbedView {
@IBInspectable var memeImage: UIImage = UIImage() {
didSet {
imageView.image = memeImage
@IBInspectable var textColor: UIColor = UIColor.whiteColor() {
didSet {
label.textColor = textColor
@IBInspectable var text: String = "" {
didSet {
label.text = text
@IBInspectable var roundedCorners: Bool = false {
didSet {
if roundedCorners {
layer.cornerRadius = 20.0
clipsToBounds = true
else {
layer.cornerRadius = 0.0
clipsToBounds = false
@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!