涉及无符号操作数的计算永远不会溢出, 因为不能由结果无符号整数类型表示的结果为 对比最大值大1的数取模 由结果类型表示。
涉及无符号操作数的计算永远不会溢出, 因为不能由结果无符号整数类型表示的结果为 对比最大值大1的数取模 由结果类型表示。
In addition to the other issues mentioned, having unsigned math wrap makes the unsigned integer types behave as abstract algebraic groups (meaning that, among other things, for any pair of values X and Y, there will exist some other value Z such that X+Z will, if properly cast, equal Y and Y-Z will, if properly cast, equal X). If unsigned values were merely storage-location types and not intermediate-expression types (e.g. if there were no unsigned equivalent of the largest integer type, and arithmetic operations on unsigned types behaved as though they were first converted them to larger signed types, then there wouldn't be as much need for defined wrapping behavior, but it's difficult to do calculations in a type which doesn't have e.g. an additive inverse.
首先,请注意,C11 3.4.3与所有示例和脚注一样,不是规范文本,因此与引用无关!
C11 6.5/5
如果在评估过程中出现异常情况 表达式(即,如果结果不是数学上定义的或 不在其类型的可表示值范围内),即行为 是未定义的。
C11 6.2.5/9
有符号整型的非负值的范围是子范围 对应的无符号整数类型的 每种类型中的相同值都是相同的。计算包括 无符号操作数永远不会溢出,因为结果不能溢出 由结果的无符号整数类型表示的是模数化简 比最大值大1的数 由结果类型表示。
C11 Signed and unsigned integers When a value with integer type is converted to another integer type other than _Bool, if the value can be represented by the new type, it is unchanged. Otherwise, if the new type is unsigned, the value is converted by repeatedly adding or subtracting one more than the maximum value that can be represented in the new type until the value is in the range of the new type. Otherwise, the new type is signed and the value cannot be represented in it; either the result is implementation-defined or an implementation-defined signal is raised.
It is also worth noting that "undefined behaviour" doesn't mean "doesn't work". It means that the implementation is allowed to do whatever it likes in that situation. This includes doing "the right thing" as well as "calling the police" or "crashing". Most compilers, when possible, will choose "do the right thing", assuming that is relatively easy to define (in this case, it is). However, if you are having overflows in the calculations, it is important to understand what that actually results in, and that the compiler MAY do something other than what you expect (and that this may very depending on compiler version, optimisation settings, etc).
In addition to the other issues mentioned, having unsigned math wrap makes the unsigned integer types behave as abstract algebraic groups (meaning that, among other things, for any pair of values X and Y, there will exist some other value Z such that X+Z will, if properly cast, equal Y and Y-Z will, if properly cast, equal X). If unsigned values were merely storage-location types and not intermediate-expression types (e.g. if there were no unsigned equivalent of the largest integer type, and arithmetic operations on unsigned types behaved as though they were first converted them to larger signed types, then there wouldn't be as much need for defined wrapping behavior, but it's difficult to do calculations in a type which doesn't have e.g. an additive inverse.
存储在unsigned位字段中的值和unsigned char类型的对象应使用纯二进制表示法表示。
如果符号位为1,则该值应以以下方式之一进行修改: -与符号位0对应的值被否定(符号和幅度); -符号位的值为−(2N)(2的补码); -符号位的值为−(2N−1)(补码)。
现在,所有处理器都使用2的补数表示,但有符号算术溢出仍然未定义,编译器制作者希望它保持未定义,因为他们使用这种不确定性来帮助优化。例如Ian Lance Taylor的博客文章或Agner Fog的投诉,以及他的错误报告的答案。
Two's complement representation allows certain operations to make more sense in binary format. E.g., incrementing negative numbers is the same that for positive numbers (expect under overflow conditions). Some operations at the machine level can be the same for signed and unsigned numbers. However, when interpreting the result of those operations, some cases don't make sense - positive and negative overflow. Furthermore, the overflow results differ depending on the underlying signed representation.