



最初的《吃豆人》并没有使用寻径或花哨的AI。它只是让玩家觉得游戏比实际更有深度,但实际上它是随机的。正如Ian Millington和John Funge在《ai Intelligence for Games》中所述。

Not sure if it's true or not, but it makes a lot of sense to me. Honestly, I don't see these behaviors that people are talking about. Red/Blinky for ex is not following the player at all times, as they say. Nobody seems to be consistently following the player, on purpose. The chance that they will follow you looks random to me. And it's just very tempting to see behavior in randomness, especially when the chances of getting chased are very high, with 4 enemies and very limited turning options, in a small space. At least in its initial implementation, the game was extremely simple. Check out the book, it's in one of the first chapters.




你应该看看寻径算法,比如Dijsktra算法或a *算法。这就是你的问题所在:图/路径问题。


http://gameai.com/wiki/index.php?title=Pac-Man#Respawn 当幽灵被杀死时,它们脱离实体的眼睛会回到最初的位置。这可以通过将幽灵的目标贴图设置到该位置来实现。导航使用相同的规则。




Determine the eyes location relative position to the gate. i.e. Is it left above? Right below? Then move the eyes opposite one of the two directions (such as make it move left if it is right of the gate, and below the gate) and check if there are and walls preventing you from doing so. If there are walls preventing you from doing so then make it move opposite the other direction (for example, if the coordinates of the eyes relative to the pin is right north and it was currently moving left but there is a wall in the way make it move south. Remember to keep checking each time to move to keep checking where the eyes are in relative to the gate and check to see when there is no latitudinal coordinate. i.e. it is only above the gate. In the case it is only above the gate move down if there is a wall, move either left or right and keep doing this number 1 - 4 until the eyes are in the den. I've never seen a dead end in Pacman this code will not account for dead ends. Also, I have included a solution to when the eyes would "wobble" between a wall that spans across the origin in my pseudocode.


   x = getRelativeOppositeLatitudinalCoord()
   origX = x
       x = getRelativeOppositeLatitudinalCoordofGate()
       y = getRelativeOppositeLongitudinalCoordofGate()
       if (getRelativeOppositeLatitudinalCoordofGate() == 0 && move(y) == false/*assume zero is neither left or right of the the gate and false means wall is in the way */)
            while (move(y) == false)
                 x = getRelativeOppositeLatitudinalCoordofGate()
        else if (move(x) == false) {