


String with @Column(length=50)  ==> varchar(50)
changed to
String with @Column(length=100) ==> still varchar(50), not changed to varchar(100)

@Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP,TIME,DATE) will not update the DB columns if changed









Deploy in the wrong database. If you commit the mistake to run the application server with a old version of the application (EAR/WAR/etc) in the wrong database... You will have a lot of new columns, tables, foreign keys and errors. The same problem can occur with a simple mistake in the datasource file, (copy/paste file and forgot to change the database). In resume, the situation can be a disaster in your database. Application server takes too long to start. This occur because the Hibernate try to find all created tables/columns/etc every time you start the application. He needs to know what (table, column, etc) needs to be created. This problem will only gets worse as the database tables grows up. Database tools it's almost impossible to use. To create database DDL or DML scripts to run with a new version, you need to think about what will be created by the auto-update after you start the application server. Per example, If you need to fill a new column with some data, you need to start the application server, wait to Hibernate crete the new column and run the SQL script only after that. As can you see, database migration tools (like Flyway, Liquibase, etc) it's almost impossible to use with auto-update enabled. Database changes is not centralized. With the possibility of the Hibernate create tables and everything else, it's hard to watch the changes on database in each version of the application, because most of them are made automatically. Encourages garbage on database. Because of the "easy" use of auto-update, there is a chance your team neglecting to drop old columns and old tables, because the hibernate auto-update can't do that. Imminent disaster. The imminent risk of some disaster to occur in production (like some people mentioned in other answers). Even with an application running and being updated for years, I don't think it's a safe choice. I never felt safe with this option being used.



网络分开。您的测试环境无法访问同源环境。这有助于防止原本应该在测试环境中的部署更改同源数据库。 管理脚本顺序。您需要在部署之前(结构表更改、删除表/列)和部署之后(填充新列/表的信息)组织运行的脚本。




脚本将与你的代码库一起驻留在VCS中。签出分支时,从头重新创建整个模式。 增量脚本在应用到生产环境之前可以在QA服务器上进行测试 不需要手动干预,因为脚本可以通过Flyway运行,因此它减少了与手动运行脚本相关的人为错误的可能性。


我不会冒这个险,因为你可能会丢失本该保存的数据。hbm2ddl。Auto =update纯粹是一种保持开发数据库最新的简单方法。

查看LiquiBase XML以保持更新的更新日志。直到今年我才开始使用它,但我发现它非常容易学习,并且使DB修订控制/迁移/变更管理非常简单。我在一个Groovy/Grails项目中工作,Grails在其所有ORM(称为“GORM”)的底层使用Hibernate。我们使用Liquibase来管理所有SQL模式的更改,随着应用程序的新功能的发展,我们经常这样做。

Basically, you keep an XML file of changesets that you continue to add to as your application evolves. This file is kept in git (or whatever you are using) with the rest of your project. When your app is deployed, Liquibase checks it's changelog table in the DB you are connecting to so it will know what has already been applied, then it intelligently just applies whatever changesets have not been applied yet from the file. It works absolutely great in practice, and if you use it for all your schema changes, then you can be 100% confident that code you checkout and deploy will always be able to connect to a fully compatible database schema.






