


Pointers to pointers also come in handy as "handles" to memory where you want to pass around a "handle" between functions to re-locatable memory. That basically means that the function can change the memory that is being pointed to by the pointer inside the handle variable, and every function or object that is using the handle will properly point to the newly relocated (or allocated) memory. Libraries like to-do this with "opaque" data-types, that is data-types were you don't have to worry about what they're doing with the memory being pointed do, you simply pass around the "handle" between the functions of the library to perform some operations on that memory ... the library functions can be allocating and de-allocating the memory under-the-hood without you having to explicitly worry about the process of memory management or where the handle is pointing.


#include <stdlib.h>

typedef unsigned char** handle_type;

//some data_structure that the library functions would work with
typedef struct 
    int data_a;
    int data_b;
    int data_c;

handle_type lib_create_handle()
    //initialize the handle with some memory that points to and array of 10 LIB_OBJECTs
    handle_type handle = malloc(sizeof(handle_type));
    *handle = malloc(sizeof(LIB_OBJECT) * 10);

    return handle;

void lib_func_a(handle_type handle) { /*does something with array of LIB_OBJECTs*/ }

void lib_func_b(handle_type handle)
    //does something that takes input LIB_OBJECTs and makes more of them, so has to
    //reallocate memory for the new objects that will be created

    //first re-allocate the memory somewhere else with more slots, but don't destroy the
    //currently allocated slots
    *handle = realloc(*handle, sizeof(LIB_OBJECT) * 20);

    //...do some operation on the new memory and return

void lib_func_c(handle_type handle) { /*does something else to array of LIB_OBJECTs*/ }

void lib_free_handle(handle_type handle) 

int main()
    //create a "handle" to some memory that the library functions can use
    handle_type my_handle = lib_create_handle();

    //do something with that memory

    //do something else with the handle that will make it point somewhere else
    //but that's invisible to us from the standpoint of the calling the function and
    //working with the handle

    //do something with new memory chunk, but you don't have to think about the fact
    //that the memory has moved under the hood ... it's still pointed to by the "handle"

    //deallocate the handle

    return 0;




Pointers to pointers also come in handy as "handles" to memory where you want to pass around a "handle" between functions to re-locatable memory. That basically means that the function can change the memory that is being pointed to by the pointer inside the handle variable, and every function or object that is using the handle will properly point to the newly relocated (or allocated) memory. Libraries like to-do this with "opaque" data-types, that is data-types were you don't have to worry about what they're doing with the memory being pointed do, you simply pass around the "handle" between the functions of the library to perform some operations on that memory ... the library functions can be allocating and de-allocating the memory under-the-hood without you having to explicitly worry about the process of memory management or where the handle is pointing.


#include <stdlib.h>

typedef unsigned char** handle_type;

//some data_structure that the library functions would work with
typedef struct 
    int data_a;
    int data_b;
    int data_c;

handle_type lib_create_handle()
    //initialize the handle with some memory that points to and array of 10 LIB_OBJECTs
    handle_type handle = malloc(sizeof(handle_type));
    *handle = malloc(sizeof(LIB_OBJECT) * 10);

    return handle;

void lib_func_a(handle_type handle) { /*does something with array of LIB_OBJECTs*/ }

void lib_func_b(handle_type handle)
    //does something that takes input LIB_OBJECTs and makes more of them, so has to
    //reallocate memory for the new objects that will be created

    //first re-allocate the memory somewhere else with more slots, but don't destroy the
    //currently allocated slots
    *handle = realloc(*handle, sizeof(LIB_OBJECT) * 20);

    //...do some operation on the new memory and return

void lib_func_c(handle_type handle) { /*does something else to array of LIB_OBJECTs*/ }

void lib_free_handle(handle_type handle) 

int main()
    //create a "handle" to some memory that the library functions can use
    handle_type my_handle = lib_create_handle();

    //do something with that memory

    //do something else with the handle that will make it point somewhere else
    //but that's invisible to us from the standpoint of the calling the function and
    //working with the handle

    //do something with new memory chunk, but you don't have to think about the fact
    //that the memory has moved under the hood ... it's still pointed to by the "handle"

    //deallocate the handle

    return 0;




在C语言中,数组总是在堆栈上分配内存,因此函数不能返回 一个(非静态)数组,因为内存分配在堆栈上 当执行到达当前块的末尾时自动释放。 当你想处理二维数组时,这真的很烦人 (即矩阵),并实现一些可以改变和返回矩阵的函数。 要实现这一点,可以使用指针对指针来实现矩阵 动态分配内存:

/* Initializes a matrix */
double** init_matrix(int num_rows, int num_cols){
    // Allocate memory for num_rows float-pointers
    double** A = calloc(num_rows, sizeof(double*));
    // return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
    if(A == NULL) return NULL;
    // For each double-pointer (row) allocate memory for num_cols floats
    for(int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++){
        A[i] = calloc(num_cols, sizeof(double));
        // return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
        // and free the already allocated memory
        if(A[i] == NULL){
            for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
            return NULL;
    return A;


double**       double*           double
             -------------       ---------------------------------------------------------
   A ------> |   A[0]    | ----> | A[0][0] | A[0][1] | A[0][2] | ........ | A[0][cols-1] |
             | --------- |       ---------------------------------------------------------
             |   A[1]    | ----> | A[1][0] | A[1][1] | A[1][2] | ........ | A[1][cols-1] |
             | --------- |       ---------------------------------------------------------
             |     .     |                                    .
             |     .     |                                    .
             |     .     |                                    .
             | --------- |       ---------------------------------------------------------
             |   A[i]    | ----> | A[i][0] | A[i][1] | A[i][2] | ........ | A[i][cols-1] |
             | --------- |       ---------------------------------------------------------
             |     .     |                                    .
             |     .     |                                    .
             |     .     |                                    .
             | --------- |       ---------------------------------------------------------
             | A[rows-1] | ----> | A[rows-1][0] | A[rows-1][1] | ... | A[rows-1][cols-1] |
             -------------       ---------------------------------------------------------

The double-pointer-to-double-pointer A points to the first element A[0] of a memory block whose elements are double-pointers itself. You can imagine these double-pointers as the rows of the matrix. That's the reason why every double-pointer allocates memory for num_cols elements of type double. Furthermore A[i] points to the i-th row, i.e. A[i] points to A[i][0] and that's just the first double-element of the memory block for the i-th row. Finally, you can access the element in the i-th row and j-th column easily with A[i][j].


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* Initializes a matrix */
double** init_matrix(int num_rows, int num_cols){
    // Allocate memory for num_rows double-pointers
    double** matrix = calloc(num_rows, sizeof(double*));
    // return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
    if(matrix == NULL) return NULL;
    // For each double-pointer (row) allocate memory for num_cols
    // doubles
    for(int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++){
        matrix[i] = calloc(num_cols, sizeof(double));
        // return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
        // and free the already allocated memory
        if(matrix[i] == NULL){
            for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
            return NULL;
    return matrix;

/* Fills the matrix with random double-numbers between -1 and 1 */
void randn_fill_matrix(double** matrix, int rows, int cols){
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i){
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j){
            matrix[i][j] = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX*2.0-1.0;

/* Frees the memory allocated by the matrix */
void free_matrix(double** matrix, int rows, int cols){
    for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){

/* Outputs the matrix to the console */
void print_matrix(double** matrix, int rows, int cols){
    for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
            printf(" %- f ", matrix[i][j]);

int main(){
    int m = 3, n = 3;
    double** A = init_matrix(m, n);
    randn_fill_matrix(A, m, n);
    print_matrix(A, m, n);
    free_matrix(A, m, n);
    return 0;

如果你想要一个字符列表(一个单词),你可以使用char *word

如果你想要一个单词列表(一个句子),你可以使用char **句子

如果你想要一个句子列表(独白),你可以使用char ***monologue

如果你想要一个独白列表(传记),你可以使用char ****传记

如果你想要一个传记列表(一个生物图书馆),你可以使用char *****biolibrary

如果你想要一个生物库列表(a ??lol),你可以使用char ******lol




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int wordsinsentence(char **x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += 1;
    return w;

int wordsinmono(char ***x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinsentence(*x);
    return w;

int wordsinbio(char ****x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinmono(*x);
    return w;

int wordsinlib(char *****x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinbio(*x);
    return w;

int wordsinlol(char ******x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinlib(*x);
    return w;

int main(void) {
    char *word;
    char **sentence;
    char ***monologue;
    char ****biography;
    char *****biolibrary;
    char ******lol;

    //fill data structure
    word = malloc(4 * sizeof *word); // assume it worked
    strcpy(word, "foo");

    sentence = malloc(4 * sizeof *sentence); // assume it worked
    sentence[0] = word;
    sentence[1] = word;
    sentence[2] = word;
    sentence[3] = NULL;

    monologue = malloc(4 * sizeof *monologue); // assume it worked
    monologue[0] = sentence;
    monologue[1] = sentence;
    monologue[2] = sentence;
    monologue[3] = NULL;

    biography = malloc(4 * sizeof *biography); // assume it worked
    biography[0] = monologue;
    biography[1] = monologue;
    biography[2] = monologue;
    biography[3] = NULL;

    biolibrary = malloc(4 * sizeof *biolibrary); // assume it worked
    biolibrary[0] = biography;
    biolibrary[1] = biography;
    biolibrary[2] = biography;
    biolibrary[3] = NULL;

    lol = malloc(4 * sizeof *lol); // assume it worked
    lol[0] = biolibrary;
    lol[1] = biolibrary;
    lol[2] = biolibrary;
    lol[3] = NULL;

    printf("total words in my lol: %d\n", wordsinlol(lol));



total words in my lol: 243



(同样,供参考:谷歌("pass by value c++") = "默认情况下,c++中的参数是按值传递的。当实参按值传递时,实参的值被复制到函数的形参中。”)


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void Function_1(std::string* a, std::string* b) {
  b = a;
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // False

void Function_2(std::string* a, std::string** b) {
  *b = a;
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // False

int main() {
  std::string a("Hello!");
  std::string* b(nullptr);
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // True

  Function_1(&a, b);
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // True

  Function_2(&a, &b);
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // False

// Output: 10100

在Function_1(&a, b);这条线上会发生什么?

The "value" of &main::a (an address) is copied into the parameter std::string* Function_1::a. Therefore Function_1::a is a pointer to (i.e. the memory address of) the string main::a. The "value" of main::b (an address in memory) is copied into the parameter std::string* Function_1::b. Therefore there are now 2 of these addresses in memory, both null pointers. At the line b = a;, the local variable Function_1::b is then changed to equal Function_1::a (= &main::a), but the variable main::b is unchanged. After the call to Function_1, main::b is still a null pointer.

在函数_2(&a, &b);这一行发生了什么?

The treatment of the a variable is the same: within the function, Function_2::a is the address of the string main::a. But the variable b is now being passed as a pointer to a pointer. The "value" of &main::b (the address of the pointer main::b) is copied into std::string** Function_2::b. Therefore within Function_2, dereferencing this as *Function_2::b will access and modify main::b . So the line *b = a; is actually setting main::b (an address) equal to Function_2::a (= address of main::a) which is what we want.


(一个例外是如果形参是一个引用,例如std::string& a.但通常这些是const。一般来说,如果你调用f(x),如果x是一个对象,你应该能够假设f不会修改x。但如果x是一个指针,那么你应该假设f可能修改x指向的对象。)

假设你有一个指针。取值为地址。 但现在你想更改地址。 你可以。通过执行pointer1 = pointer2,你给了pointer1一个pointer2的地址。 但是!如果在函数中执行此操作,并且希望结果在函数完成后仍然存在,则需要做一些额外的工作。你需要一个新的pointer3来指向pointer1。将指针3传递给函数。 这里有一个例子。先看看下面的输出,以便理解。

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

    int c = 1;
    int d = 2;
    int e = 3;
    int * a = &c;
    int * b = &d;
    int * f = &e;
    int ** pp = &a;  // pointer to pointer 'a'

    printf("\n a's value: %x \n", a);
    printf("\n b's value: %x \n", b);
    printf("\n f's value: %x \n", f);
    printf("\n can we change a?, lets see \n");
    printf("\n a = b \n");
    a = b;
    printf("\n a's value is now: %x, same as 'b'... it seems we can, but can we do it in a function? lets see... \n", a);
    printf("\n cant_change(a, f); \n");
    cant_change(a, f);
    printf("\n a's value is now: %x, Doh! same as 'b'...  that function tricked us. \n", a);

    printf("\n NOW! lets see if a pointer to a pointer solution can help us... remember that 'pp' point to 'a' \n");
     printf("\n change(pp, f); \n");
    change(pp, f);
    printf("\n a's value is now: %x, YEAH! same as 'f'...  that function ROCKS!!!. \n", a);
    return 0;

void cant_change(int * x, int * z){
    x = z;
    printf("\n ----> value of 'a' is: %x inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see\n", x);

void change(int ** x, int * z){
    *x = z;
    printf("\n ----> value of 'a' is: %x inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see\n", *x);


 a's value: bf94c204

 b's value: bf94c208 

 f's value: bf94c20c 

 can we change a?, lets see 

 a = b 

 a's value is now: bf94c208, same as 'b'... it seems we can, but can we do it in a function? lets see... 

 cant_change(a, f); 

 ----> value of 'a' is: bf94c20c inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see

 a's value is now: bf94c208, Doh! same as 'b'...  that function tricked us. 

 NOW! lets see if a pointer to a pointer solution can help us... remember that 'pp' point to 'a' 

 change(pp, f); 

 ----> value of 'a' is: bf94c20c inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see

 a's value is now: bf94c20c, YEAH! same as 'f'...  that function ROCKS!!!.