int main(int argc, char **argv)
注意,指针表示法(char* c)和数组表示法(char c[])在函数参数中是可互换的。所以你也可以写char *argv[]。换句话说,char *argv[]和char **argv是可互换的。
在C语言中,数组总是在堆栈上分配内存,因此函数不能返回 一个(非静态)数组,因为内存分配在堆栈上 当执行到达当前块的末尾时自动释放。 当你想处理二维数组时,这真的很烦人 (即矩阵),并实现一些可以改变和返回矩阵的函数。 要实现这一点,可以使用指针对指针来实现矩阵 动态分配内存:
/* Initializes a matrix */
double** init_matrix(int num_rows, int num_cols){
// Allocate memory for num_rows float-pointers
double** A = calloc(num_rows, sizeof(double*));
// return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
if(A == NULL) return NULL;
// For each double-pointer (row) allocate memory for num_cols floats
for(int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++){
A[i] = calloc(num_cols, sizeof(double));
// return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
// and free the already allocated memory
if(A[i] == NULL){
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
return NULL;
return A;
double** double* double
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
A ------> | A[0] | ----> | A[0][0] | A[0][1] | A[0][2] | ........ | A[0][cols-1] |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
| A[1] | ----> | A[1][0] | A[1][1] | A[1][2] | ........ | A[1][cols-1] |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
| . | .
| . | .
| . | .
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
| A[i] | ----> | A[i][0] | A[i][1] | A[i][2] | ........ | A[i][cols-1] |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
| . | .
| . | .
| . | .
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
| A[rows-1] | ----> | A[rows-1][0] | A[rows-1][1] | ... | A[rows-1][cols-1] |
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
The double-pointer-to-double-pointer A points to the first element A[0] of a memory block whose elements are double-pointers itself. You can imagine these double-pointers as the rows of the matrix. That's the reason why every double-pointer allocates memory for num_cols elements of type double. Furthermore A[i] points to the i-th row, i.e. A[i] points to A[i][0] and that's just the first double-element of the memory block for the i-th row. Finally, you can access the element in the i-th row and j-th column easily with A[i][j].
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
/* Initializes a matrix */
double** init_matrix(int num_rows, int num_cols){
// Allocate memory for num_rows double-pointers
double** matrix = calloc(num_rows, sizeof(double*));
// return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
if(matrix == NULL) return NULL;
// For each double-pointer (row) allocate memory for num_cols
// doubles
for(int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++){
matrix[i] = calloc(num_cols, sizeof(double));
// return NULL if the memory couldn't allocated
// and free the already allocated memory
if(matrix[i] == NULL){
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
return NULL;
return matrix;
/* Fills the matrix with random double-numbers between -1 and 1 */
void randn_fill_matrix(double** matrix, int rows, int cols){
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i){
for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j){
matrix[i][j] = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX*2.0-1.0;
/* Frees the memory allocated by the matrix */
void free_matrix(double** matrix, int rows, int cols){
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
/* Outputs the matrix to the console */
void print_matrix(double** matrix, int rows, int cols){
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
printf(" %- f ", matrix[i][j]);
int main(){
int m = 3, n = 3;
double** A = init_matrix(m, n);
randn_fill_matrix(A, m, n);
print_matrix(A, m, n);
free_matrix(A, m, n);
return 0;
p -> [p0, p1, p2, ...]
p0 -> data1
p1 -> data2
T ** p = (T **) malloc(sizeof(T*) * n);
p[0] = (T*) malloc(sizeof(T));
p[1] = (T*) malloc(sizeof(T));
如果sizeof(T)很大,则可能无法分配sizeof(T) * n字节的连续块(即使用malloc)。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void allocate(int **p)
*p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
int main()
int *p = NULL;
*p = 42;
printf("%d\n", *p);
假设你有一个指针。取值为地址。 但现在你想更改地址。 你可以。通过执行pointer1 = pointer2,你给了pointer1一个pointer2的地址。 但是!如果在函数中执行此操作,并且希望结果在函数完成后仍然存在,则需要做一些额外的工作。你需要一个新的pointer3来指向pointer1。将指针3传递给函数。 这里有一个例子。先看看下面的输出,以便理解。
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int c = 1;
int d = 2;
int e = 3;
int * a = &c;
int * b = &d;
int * f = &e;
int ** pp = &a; // pointer to pointer 'a'
printf("\n a's value: %x \n", a);
printf("\n b's value: %x \n", b);
printf("\n f's value: %x \n", f);
printf("\n can we change a?, lets see \n");
printf("\n a = b \n");
a = b;
printf("\n a's value is now: %x, same as 'b'... it seems we can, but can we do it in a function? lets see... \n", a);
printf("\n cant_change(a, f); \n");
cant_change(a, f);
printf("\n a's value is now: %x, Doh! same as 'b'... that function tricked us. \n", a);
printf("\n NOW! lets see if a pointer to a pointer solution can help us... remember that 'pp' point to 'a' \n");
printf("\n change(pp, f); \n");
change(pp, f);
printf("\n a's value is now: %x, YEAH! same as 'f'... that function ROCKS!!!. \n", a);
return 0;
void cant_change(int * x, int * z){
x = z;
printf("\n ----> value of 'a' is: %x inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see\n", x);
void change(int ** x, int * z){
*x = z;
printf("\n ----> value of 'a' is: %x inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see\n", *x);
a's value: bf94c204
b's value: bf94c208
f's value: bf94c20c
can we change a?, lets see
a = b
a's value is now: bf94c208, same as 'b'... it seems we can, but can we do it in a function? lets see...
cant_change(a, f);
----> value of 'a' is: bf94c20c inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see
a's value is now: bf94c208, Doh! same as 'b'... that function tricked us.
NOW! lets see if a pointer to a pointer solution can help us... remember that 'pp' point to 'a'
change(pp, f);
----> value of 'a' is: bf94c20c inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see
a's value is now: bf94c20c, YEAH! same as 'f'... that function ROCKS!!!.
void safeFree(void** memory) {
if (*memory) {
*memory = NULL;
void* myMemory = someCrazyFunctionThatAllocatesMemory();